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package org.onlab.graph;

 * Abstraction of a mutable path that allows gradual construction.
public interface MutablePath<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>> extends Path<V, E> {

     * Inserts a new edge at the beginning of this path. The edge must be
     * adjacent to the prior start of the path.
     * @param edge edge to be inserted
    void insertEdge(E edge);

     * Appends a new edge at the end of the this path. The edge must be
     * adjacent to the prior end of the path.
     * @param edge edge to be inserted
    void appendEdge(E edge);

     * Removes the specified edge. This edge must be either at the start or
     * at the end of the path, or it must be a cyclic edge in order not to
     * violate the contiguous path property.
     * @param edge edge to be removed
    void removeEdge(E edge);

     * Sets the total path cost as a unit-less double.
     * @param cost new path cost
    void setCost(double cost);

     * Returns an immutable copy of this path.
     * @return immutable copy
    Path<V, E> toImmutable();
