Dusan Pajin
Committed by Ray Milkey

Additional configuration parameters in onos-app-fwd

Additional configuration parameters that can be configured in the configuration file (org.onosproject.fwd.ReactiveForwarding.cfg),
that determine application behavior:
- packetOutOfppTable - application will use OFPP_TABLE port in PacketOut message, sending packet back to the OpenFlow pipeline, instead of using switch port
- flowTimeout - configuring reactively installed flow timeout
- flowPriority - configuring reactively installed flow priority
- matchDstMacOnly - reactively installed flows will match only destination MAC address - behavior as legacy L2 switches. This options overrides all other options below.
- matchVlanId - reactively installed flows will match default condition with additionally with VLAN ID field
- matchIpv4Address - reactively installed flows will match default conditions, plus IPv4 address and Protocol field
- matchIpv4Dscp - reactively installed flows will match default condition, IPv4 + with IPv4 DSCP and ECN fields (need matchIPv4Address enabled)
- matchIpv6Address - reactively installed flows will match default condition with IPv6 address and NextHeader field
- matchIpv6FlowLabel - reactively installed flows will match default condition with IPv6 address and IPv6 Flow Label (need matchIPv6Address enabled)
- matchTcpUdpPorts - reactively installed flows will match default condition with IPv4 or IPv6 address and TCP/UDP ports (need matchIPv4Address or matchIPv6Address enabled)
- matchIcmpFields - reactively installed flows will match default condition with IPv4 or IPv6 address and ICMP type and code fields (need matchIPv4Address or matchIPv6Address enabled)

Change-Id: Ieef67a1a12f6341d4de3b07e1226affec66d361a
# Sample configuration for onos-app-fwd.
# This configuration file would be placed at: $(KARAF_ROOT)/etc.
# Reactive flows default matching is InPort, Src MAC, Dst MAC and EtherType fields
......@@ -10,6 +13,67 @@
# packetOutOnly = true
# Enable forwarding of the first packet by using OFPP_TABLE port in the
# PacketOut message instead of sending it directly to the switch port
# packetOutOfppTable = true
# Timeout of reactively installed flows (in seconds).
# Default is 10 sec
# flowTimeout = 10
# Priority of reactively installed flows
# flowPriority = 10
# Enable IPv6 forwarding.
# ipv6Forwarding = true
# Flows matching destination MAC only - as legacy L2 switches
# - This option overrides all other options below
# matchDstMacOnly = true
# Matching of VLAN ID in Ethernet header
# matchVlanId = true
# Matching of IPv4 addresses and Protocol field
# - must be enabled to match IPv4 DSCP, TCP/UDP ports and ICMP type/code
# matchIpv4Address = true
# Matching of IPv4 DSCP and ECN fields
# matchIpv4Dscp = true
# Matching of IPv6 addresses and Next-Header field
# - must be enabled to match IPv6 Flow Label, TCP/UDP ports and ICMP type/code
# matchIpv6Address = true
# Matching of IPv6 Flow Label
# matchIpv6FlowLabel = true
# Matching of TCP/UDP ports for IPv4 and IPv6
# matchTcpUdpPorts = true
# Matching of ICMP Type and Code fields for IPv4 and IPv6
# matchIcmpFields = true