Jonathan Hart

Explicitly disallow null values in the map

Change-Id: I3b8d287a534e85d9454ca261a8eb666c477c43c1
......@@ -21,19 +21,22 @@ import java.util.Set;
* A distributed, eventually consistent map.
* <p>
* This map does not offer read after writes consistency. Operations are
* serialized via the timestamps issued by the clock service. If two updates
* are in conflict, the update with the more recent timestamp will endure.
* </p><p>
* The interface is mostly similar to {@link java.util.Map} with some minor
* semantic changes and the addition of a listener framework (because the map
* can be mutated by clients on other instances, not only through the local Java
* API).
* </p><p>
* Clients are expected to register an
* {@link} if they
* are interested in receiving notifications of update to the map.
* </p><p>
* Null values are not allowed in this map.
* </p>
public interface EventuallyConsistentMap<K, V> {
......@@ -84,6 +87,8 @@ public interface EventuallyConsistentMap<K, V> {
* Clients are expected to register an
* {@link} if
* they are interested in receiving notification of updates to the map.
* </p><p>
* Null values are not allowed in the map.
* </p>
* @param key the key to add a mapping for in this map
......@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
private volatile boolean destroyed = false;
private static final String ERROR_DESTROYED = " map is already destroyed";
private static final String ERROR_NULL_KEY = "Key cannot be null";
private static final String ERROR_NULL_VALUE = "Null values are not allowed";
// TODO: Make these anti-entropy params configurable
private long initialDelaySec = 5;
private long periodSec = 5;
......@@ -193,12 +196,14 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
public boolean containsKey(K key) {
checkState(!destroyed, mapName + ERROR_DESTROYED);
checkNotNull(key, ERROR_NULL_KEY);
return items.containsKey(key);
public boolean containsValue(V value) {
checkState(!destroyed, mapName + ERROR_DESTROYED);
checkNotNull(value, ERROR_NULL_VALUE);
return items.values().stream()
.anyMatch(timestamped -> timestamped.value().equals(value));
......@@ -207,6 +212,7 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
public V get(K key) {
checkState(!destroyed, mapName + ERROR_DESTROYED);
checkNotNull(key, ERROR_NULL_KEY);
Timestamped<V> value = items.get(key);
if (value != null) {
......@@ -218,6 +224,8 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
public void put(K key, V value) {
checkState(!destroyed, mapName + ERROR_DESTROYED);
checkNotNull(key, ERROR_NULL_KEY);
checkNotNull(value, ERROR_NULL_VALUE);
Timestamp timestamp = clockService.getTimestamp(key);
if (putInternal(key, value, timestamp)) {
......@@ -250,6 +258,7 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
public void remove(K key) {
checkState(!destroyed, mapName + ERROR_DESTROYED);
checkNotNull(key, ERROR_NULL_KEY);
Timestamp timestamp = clockService.getTimestamp(key);
if (removeInternal(key, timestamp)) {
......@@ -282,6 +291,10 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : m.entrySet()) {
K key = entry.getKey();
V value = entry.getValue();
checkNotNull(key, ERROR_NULL_KEY);
checkNotNull(value, ERROR_NULL_VALUE);
Timestamp timestamp = clockService.getTimestamp(entry.getKey());
if (putInternal(key, value, timestamp)) {