Madan Jampani

AtomicValue updates

    - events now have old and new values
    - simplify implementation by using map.replace for compareAndSet
    - Removed option for disabling it from builder. Will make it a system wide option in a subsequent update

Change-Id: I7c1424f8671c0e54688172c273b9262f305b0920
......@@ -60,14 +60,6 @@ public interface AtomicValueBuilder<V> {
AtomicValueBuilder<V> withPartitionsDisabled();
* Instantiates Metering service to gather usage and performance metrics.
* By default, usage data will be stored.
* @return this AtomicValueBuilder for method chaining
AtomicValueBuilder<V> withMeteringDisabled();
* Builds a AsyncAtomicValue based on the configuration options
* supplied to this builder.
......@@ -38,20 +38,20 @@ public final class AtomicValueEvent<V> {
private final String name;
private final Type type;
private final V value;
private final V newValue;
private final V oldValue;
* Creates a new event object.
* @param name AtomicValue name
* @param type the type of the event
* @param value the new value
* @param newValue the new value
* @param oldValue the old value
public AtomicValueEvent(String name, Type type, V value) {
public AtomicValueEvent(String name, V newValue, V oldValue) { = name;
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
this.newValue = newValue;
this.oldValue = oldValue;
......@@ -69,16 +69,25 @@ public final class AtomicValueEvent<V> {
* @return the type of the event
public Type type() {
return type;
return AtomicValueEvent.Type.UPDATE;
* Returns the new updated value.
* Returns the newly set value.
* @return the value
* @return the new value
public V value() {
return value;
public V newValue() {
return newValue;
* Returns the old replaced value.
* @return the old value
public V oldValue() {
return oldValue;
......@@ -89,21 +98,21 @@ public final class AtomicValueEvent<V> {
AtomicValueEvent that = (AtomicValueEvent) o;
return Objects.equals(, &&
Objects.equals(this.type, that.type) &&
Objects.equals(this.value, that.value);
Objects.equals(this.newValue, that.newValue) &&
Objects.equals(this.oldValue, that.oldValue);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(name, type, value);
return Objects.hash(name, newValue, oldValue);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("name", name)
.add("type", type)
.add("value", value)
.add("newValue", newValue)
.add("oldValue", oldValue)
......@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ import static;
public class AtomicValueEventTest {
AtomicValueEvent<String> event1 =
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map1", UPDATE, "e1");
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map1", "e1", "e0");
AtomicValueEvent<String> event2 =
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map1", UPDATE, "e2");
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map1", "e2", "e1");
AtomicValueEvent<String> sameAsEvent2 =
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map1", UPDATE, "e2");
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map1", "e2", "e1");
AtomicValueEvent<String> event3 =
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map2", UPDATE, "e2");
new AtomicValueEvent<>("map2", "e2", "e1");
* Checks that the SetEvent class is immutable.
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ public class AtomicValueEventTest {
public void testConstruction() {
assertThat(event1.type(), is(UPDATE));
assertThat(event1.value(), is("e1"));
assertThat(event1.newValue(), is("e1"));
assertThat(event1.oldValue(), is("e0"));
assertThat(, is("map1"));
......@@ -13,31 +13,34 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
* Default implementation of {@link AsyncAtomicValue}.
* @param <V> value type
public class DefaultAsyncAtomicValue<V> implements AsyncAtomicValue<V> {
private final Set<AtomicValueEventListener<V>> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
private final AsyncConsistentMap<String, V> valueMap;
private final String name;
private final MapEventListener<String, V> mapEventListener = new InternalMapEventListener();
private final Serializer serializer;
private final AsyncConsistentMap<String, byte[]> backingMap;
private final Map<AtomicValueEventListener<V>, MapEventListener<String, byte[]>> listeners =
private final MeteringAgent monitor;
private static final String COMPONENT_NAME = "atomicValue";
......@@ -45,13 +48,15 @@ public class DefaultAsyncAtomicValue<V> implements AsyncAtomicValue<V> {
private static final String GET_AND_SET = "getAndSet";
private static final String SET = "set";
private static final String COMPARE_AND_SET = "compareAndSet";
private static final String ADD_LISTENER = "addListener";
private static final String REMOVE_LISTENER = "removeListener";
private static final String NOTIFY_LISTENER = "notifyListener";
public DefaultAsyncAtomicValue(AsyncConsistentMap<String, V> valueMap,
String name,
boolean meteringEnabled) {
this.valueMap = valueMap; = name;
this.monitor = new MeteringAgent(COMPONENT_NAME, name, meteringEnabled);
public DefaultAsyncAtomicValue(String name, Serializer serializer, AsyncConsistentMap<String, byte[]> backingMap) { = checkNotNull(name, "name must not be null");
this.serializer = checkNotNull(serializer, "serializer must not be null");
this.backingMap = checkNotNull(backingMap, "backingMap must not be null");
this.monitor = new MeteringAgent(COMPONENT_NAME, name, true);
......@@ -62,76 +67,95 @@ public class DefaultAsyncAtomicValue<V> implements AsyncAtomicValue<V> {
public CompletableFuture<Boolean> compareAndSet(V expect, V update) {
final MeteringAgent.Context newTimer = monitor.startTimer(COMPARE_AND_SET);
CompletableFuture<Boolean> response;
if (expect == null) {
if (update == null) {
response = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true);
response = valueMap.putIfAbsent(name, update).thenApply(v -> v == null);
} else {
response = update == null
? valueMap.remove(name, expect)
: valueMap.replace(name, expect, update);
return response.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(null));
return backingMap.replace(name, serializer.encode(expect), serializer.encode(update))
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e));
public CompletableFuture<V> get() {
final MeteringAgent.Context newTimer = monitor.startTimer(GET);
return valueMap.get(name)
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(null));
return backingMap.get(name)
.thenApply(v -> v == null ? null : serializer.<V>decode(v))
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e));
public CompletableFuture<V> getAndSet(V value) {
final MeteringAgent.Context newTimer = monitor.startTimer(GET_AND_SET);
CompletableFuture<Versioned<V>> previousValue = value == null ?
valueMap.remove(name) : valueMap.put(name, value);
return previousValue.thenApply(Versioned::valueOrNull)
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(null));
if (value == null) {
return backingMap.remove(name)
.thenApply(v -> v == null ? null : serializer.<V>decode(v))
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e));
return backingMap.put(name, serializer.encode(value))
.thenApply(v -> v == null ? null : serializer.<V>decode(v))
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e));
public CompletableFuture<Void> set(V value) {
final MeteringAgent.Context newTimer = monitor.startTimer(SET);
CompletableFuture<Void> previousValue = value == null ?
valueMap.remove(name).thenApply(v -> null) : valueMap.put(name, value).thenApply(v -> null);
return previousValue.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(null));
if (value == null) {
return backingMap.remove(name)
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e))
.thenApply(v -> null);
return backingMap.put(name, serializer.encode(value))
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e))
.thenApply(v -> null);
public CompletableFuture<Void> addListener(AtomicValueEventListener<V> listener) {
synchronized (listeners) {
if (listeners.add(listener)) {
if (listeners.size() == 1) {
return valueMap.addListener(mapEventListener);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
checkNotNull(listener, "listener must not be null");
final MeteringAgent.Context newTimer = monitor.startTimer(ADD_LISTENER);
MapEventListener<String, byte[]> mapListener =
listeners.computeIfAbsent(listener, key -> new InternalMapValueEventListener(listener));
return backingMap.addListener(mapListener).whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e));
public CompletableFuture<Void> removeListener(AtomicValueEventListener<V> listener) {
synchronized (listeners) {
if (listeners.remove(listener)) {
if (listeners.size() == 0) {
return valueMap.removeListener(mapEventListener);
checkNotNull(listener, "listener must not be null");
final MeteringAgent.Context newTimer = monitor.startTimer(REMOVE_LISTENER);
MapEventListener<String, byte[]> mapListener = listeners.remove(listener);
if (mapListener != null) {
return backingMap.removeListener(mapListener)
.whenComplete((r, e) -> newTimer.stop(e));
} else {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
private class InternalMapEventListener implements MapEventListener<String, V> {
private class InternalMapValueEventListener implements MapEventListener<String, byte[]> {
private final AtomicValueEventListener<V> listener;
InternalMapValueEventListener(AtomicValueEventListener<V> listener) {
this.listener = listener;
public void event(MapEvent<String, V> mapEvent) {
V newValue = mapEvent.type() == MapEvent.Type.REMOVE ? null : mapEvent.value().value();
AtomicValueEvent<V> atomicValueEvent = new AtomicValueEvent<>(name, AtomicValueEvent.Type.UPDATE, newValue);
listeners.forEach(l -> l.event(atomicValueEvent));
public void event(MapEvent<String, byte[]> event) {
if (event.key().equals(name)) {
final MeteringAgent.Context newTimer = monitor.startTimer(NOTIFY_LISTENER);
byte[] rawNewValue = Versioned.valueOrNull(event.newValue());
byte[] rawOldValue = Versioned.valueOrNull(event.oldValue());
try {
listener.event(new AtomicValueEvent<>(name,
rawNewValue == null ? null : serializer.decode(rawNewValue),
rawOldValue == null ? null : serializer.decode(rawOldValue)));
} catch (Exception e) {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ import;
public class DefaultAtomicValueBuilder<V> implements AtomicValueBuilder<V> {
private String name;
private ConsistentMapBuilder<String, V> mapBuilder;
private boolean metering = true;
private Serializer serializer;
private ConsistentMapBuilder<String, byte[]> mapBuilder;
public DefaultAtomicValueBuilder(DatabaseManager manager) {
mapBuilder = manager.<String, V>consistentMapBuilder()
mapBuilder = manager.<String, byte[]>consistentMapBuilder()
......@@ -59,14 +59,8 @@ public class DefaultAtomicValueBuilder<V> implements AtomicValueBuilder<V> {
public AtomicValueBuilder<V> withMeteringDisabled() {
metering = false;
return this;
public AsyncAtomicValue<V> buildAsyncValue() {
return new DefaultAsyncAtomicValue<>(mapBuilder.buildAsyncMap(), name, metering);
return new DefaultAsyncAtomicValue<>(name, serializer, mapBuilder.buildAsyncMap());