modified SimpleFlowRuleStore not to use MultiMap

Change-Id: Ie9adb127f1acb4d919951c75513e689fbd80596d
......@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ import static org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowRuleEvent.Type.RULE_UPDATED;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
......@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import org.onlab.onos.store.trivial.impl.SimpleFlowRuleStore;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
......@@ -166,16 +169,17 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
// TODO: If preserving iteration order is a requirement, redo FlowRuleStore.
//backing store is sensitive to the order of additions/removals
private boolean validateState(FlowEntryState... state) {
private boolean validateState(Map<FlowRule, FlowEntryState> expected) {
Map<FlowRule, FlowEntryState> expectedToCheck = new HashMap<>(expected);
Iterable<FlowEntry> rules = service.getFlowEntries(DID);
int i = 0;
for (FlowEntry f : rules) {
if (f.state() != state[i]) {
return false;
assertTrue("Unexpected FlowRule " + f, expectedToCheck.containsKey(f));
assertEquals("FlowEntry" + f, expectedToCheck.get(f), f.state());
assertEquals(Collections.emptySet(), expectedToCheck.entrySet());
return true;
......@@ -191,8 +195,10 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
mgr.applyFlowRules(r1, r2, r3);
assertEquals("3 rules should exist", 3, flowCount());
assertTrue("Entries should be pending add.",
validateState(FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD,
r1, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD,
r2, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD,
r3, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD)));
......@@ -213,8 +219,10 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
assertEquals("3 rule should exist", 3, flowCount());
assertTrue("Entries should be pending remove.",
validateState(FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE,
f1, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE,
f2, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE,
f3, FlowEntryState.ADDED)));
assertEquals("3 rule should still exist", 3, flowCount());
......@@ -263,8 +271,10 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
providerService.pushFlowMetrics(DID, Lists.newArrayList(fe1, fe2));
assertTrue("Entries should be added.",
validateState(FlowEntryState.ADDED, FlowEntryState.ADDED,
f1, FlowEntryState.ADDED,
f2, FlowEntryState.ADDED,
f3, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD)));
validateEvents(RULE_ADDED, RULE_ADDED);
......@@ -336,7 +346,9 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
//only check that we are in pending remove. Events and actual remove state will
// be set by flowRemoved call.
validateState(FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE);
f1, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE,
f2, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE));
......@@ -360,7 +372,9 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
Lists.newArrayList(fbe1, fbe2));
Future<CompletedBatchOperation> future = mgr.applyBatch(fbo);
assertTrue("Entries in wrong state",
validateState(FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD));
f1, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE,
f2, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD)));
CompletedBatchOperation completed = null;
try {
completed = future.get();
......@@ -381,9 +395,18 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
assertTrue("Entries in wrong state",
f1, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD)));
FlowEntry fe1 = new DefaultFlowEntry(f1);
providerService.pushFlowMetrics(DID, Collections.<FlowEntry>singletonList(fe1));
assertTrue("Entries in wrong state",
f1, FlowEntryState.ADDED)));
FlowRuleBatchEntry fbe1 = new FlowRuleBatchEntry(
FlowRuleBatchEntry.FlowRuleOperation.REMOVE, f1);
......@@ -403,8 +426,9 @@ public class FlowRuleManagerTest {
* state.
assertTrue("Entries in wrong state",
f2, FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE,
f1, FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD)));
......@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@ package org.onlab.onos.store.trivial.impl;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowRuleEvent.Type.RULE_REMOVED;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentUtils.createIfAbsentUnchecked;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableCollection;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
......@@ -15,18 +19,16 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.DefaultFlowEntry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowEntry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowEntry.FlowEntryState;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowRule;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowRuleEvent;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowRuleEvent.Type;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowRuleStore;
import org.onlab.onos.net.flow.FlowRuleStoreDelegate;
import org.onlab.onos.store.AbstractStore;
import org.onlab.util.NewConcurrentHashMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
* Manages inventory of flow rules using trivial in-memory implementation.
......@@ -38,12 +40,11 @@ public class SimpleFlowRuleStore
private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
// store entries as a pile of rules, no info about device tables
private final Multimap<DeviceId, FlowEntry> flowEntries =
ArrayListMultimap.<DeviceId, FlowEntry>create();
private final Multimap<Short, FlowRule> flowEntriesById =
ArrayListMultimap.<Short, FlowRule>create();
// inner Map is Device flow table
// Assumption: FlowId cannot have synonyms
private final ConcurrentMap<DeviceId, ConcurrentMap<FlowId, FlowEntry>>
flowEntries = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void activate() {
......@@ -52,88 +53,130 @@ public class SimpleFlowRuleStore
public void deactivate() {
public int getFlowRuleCount() {
return flowEntries.size();
int sum = 0;
for (ConcurrentMap<FlowId, FlowEntry> ft : flowEntries.values()) {
sum += ft.size();
return sum;
private static NewConcurrentHashMap<FlowId, FlowEntry> lazyEmptyFlowTable() {
return NewConcurrentHashMap.<FlowId, FlowEntry>ifNeeded();
* Returns the flow table for specified device.
* @param deviceId identifier of the device
* @return Map representing Flow Table of given device.
private ConcurrentMap<FlowId, FlowEntry> getFlowTable(DeviceId deviceId) {
return createIfAbsentUnchecked(flowEntries,
deviceId, lazyEmptyFlowTable());
private FlowEntry getFlowEntry(DeviceId deviceId, FlowId flowId) {
return getFlowTable(deviceId).get(flowId);
public synchronized FlowEntry getFlowEntry(FlowRule rule) {
for (FlowEntry f : flowEntries.get(rule.deviceId())) {
if (f.equals(rule)) {
return f;
return null;
public FlowEntry getFlowEntry(FlowRule rule) {
return getFlowEntry(rule.deviceId(), rule.id());
public synchronized Iterable<FlowEntry> getFlowEntries(DeviceId deviceId) {
Collection<FlowEntry> rules = flowEntries.get(deviceId);
if (rules == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(rules);
public Iterable<FlowEntry> getFlowEntries(DeviceId deviceId) {
return unmodifiableCollection(getFlowTable(deviceId).values());
public synchronized Iterable<FlowRule> getFlowRulesByAppId(ApplicationId appId) {
Collection<FlowRule> rules = flowEntriesById.get(appId.id());
if (rules == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public Iterable<FlowRule> getFlowRulesByAppId(ApplicationId appId) {
Set<FlowRule> rules = new HashSet<>();
for (DeviceId did : flowEntries.keySet()) {
ConcurrentMap<FlowId, FlowEntry> ft = getFlowTable(did);
for (FlowEntry fe : ft.values()) {
if (fe.appId() == appId.id()) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(rules);
return rules;
public synchronized void storeFlowRule(FlowRule rule) {
public void storeFlowRule(FlowRule rule) {
final boolean added = storeFlowRuleInternal(rule);
private boolean storeFlowRuleInternal(FlowRule rule) {
FlowEntry f = new DefaultFlowEntry(rule);
DeviceId did = f.deviceId();
if (!flowEntries.containsEntry(did, f)) {
flowEntries.put(did, f);
flowEntriesById.put(rule.appId(), f);
final DeviceId did = f.deviceId();
final FlowId fid = f.id();
FlowEntry existing = getFlowTable(did).putIfAbsent(fid, f);
if (existing != null) {
// was already there? ignore
return false;
// new flow rule added
// TODO: notify through delegate about remote event?
return true;
public synchronized void deleteFlowRule(FlowRule rule) {
FlowEntry entry = getFlowEntry(rule);
public void deleteFlowRule(FlowRule rule) {
FlowEntry entry = getFlowEntry(rule.deviceId(), rule.id());
if (entry == null) {
//log.warn("Cannot find rule {}", rule);
log.warn("Cannot find rule {}", rule);
System.err.println("Cannot find rule " + rule);
synchronized (entry) {
public synchronized FlowRuleEvent addOrUpdateFlowRule(FlowEntry rule) {
DeviceId did = rule.deviceId();
public FlowRuleEvent addOrUpdateFlowRule(FlowEntry rule) {
// check if this new rule is an update to an existing entry
FlowEntry stored = getFlowEntry(rule);
FlowEntry stored = getFlowEntry(rule.deviceId(), rule.id());
if (stored != null) {
if (stored.state() == FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD) {
return new FlowRuleEvent(Type.RULE_ADDED, rule);
synchronized (stored) {
if (stored.state() == FlowEntryState.PENDING_ADD) {
// TODO: Do we need to change `rule` state?
return new FlowRuleEvent(Type.RULE_ADDED, rule);
return new FlowRuleEvent(Type.RULE_UPDATED, rule);
return new FlowRuleEvent(Type.RULE_UPDATED, rule);
// should not reach here
// storeFlowRule was expected to be called
log.error("FlowRule was not found in store {} to update", rule);
//flowEntries.put(did, rule);
return null;
public synchronized FlowRuleEvent removeFlowRule(FlowEntry rule) {
public FlowRuleEvent removeFlowRule(FlowEntry rule) {
// This is where one could mark a rule as removed and still keep it in the store.
if (flowEntries.remove(rule.deviceId(), rule)) {
final DeviceId did = rule.deviceId();
ConcurrentMap<FlowId, FlowEntry> ft = getFlowTable(did);
if (ft.remove(rule.id(), rule)) {
return new FlowRuleEvent(RULE_REMOVED, rule);
} else {
return null;