Simon Hunt

Added 32x32 icons to nodes (place holder images for now).

Made 'layering' layout choice a config option.
Switched sample data to use full length dpids.
......@@ -10,11 +10,16 @@
var api = onos.api;
var config = {
layering: false,
jsonUrl: 'network.json',
iconUrl: {
pkt: 'pkt.png',
opt: 'opt.png'
mastHeight: 32,
force: {
linkDistance: 150,
linkStrength: 0.9,
linkDistance: 240,
linkStrength: 0.8,
charge: -400,
ticksWithoutCollisions: 50,
marginLR: 20,
......@@ -286,16 +291,24 @@
.attr('ry', 5)
// .attr('stroke', function(d) { return '#000'})
// .attr('fill', function(d) { return '#ddf'})
.attr('width', 60)
.attr('width', 126)
.attr('height', 24);
network.node.each(function(d) {
var node =,
rect ='rect');
var text = node.append('text')
.attr('dx', '1em')
.attr('dy', '2.1em');
rect ='rect'),
img = node.append('svg:image')
.attr('x', -9)
.attr('y', -12)
.attr('width', 32)
.attr('height', 32)
.attr('xlink:href', iconUrl(d)),
text = node.append('text')
.attr('dx', '1.0em')
.attr('dy', '1.8em'),
// this function is scheduled to happen soon after the given thread ends
......@@ -322,6 +335,10 @@
function iconUrl(d) {
return config.iconUrl[d.type];
function translate(x, y) {
return 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')';
......@@ -330,13 +347,15 @@
function tick(e) {
// adjust the y-coord of each node, based on y-pos constraints
// network.nodes.forEach(function (n) {
// var z = e.alpha * n.constraint.weight;
// if (!isNaN(n.constraint.y)) {
// n.y = (n.constraint.y * z + n.y * (1 - z));
// }
// });
if (config.layering) {
// adjust the y-coord of each node, based on y-pos constraints
network.nodes.forEach(function (n) {
var z = e.alpha * n.constraint.weight;
if (!isNaN(n.constraint.y)) {
n.y = (n.constraint.y * z + n.y * (1 - z));
.attr('x1', function(d) {