Simon Hunt

Changed hosts to small circles (rather than labeled rectangles), and updated col…

…lision prevention code appropriately.
Removed hover-selection mode (will replace with tooltips later).
Added flyout div (hidden for now).
......@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@
<span id="showOpt" class="radio">Optical Only</span>
<div id="view"></div>
<div id="view">
<!-- NOTE: svg layer injected here -->
<div id="flyout"></div>
<!-- Initialize the UI...-->
......@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
force: {
note: 'node.class or link.class is used to differentiate',
linkDistance: {
infra: 240,
host: 100
infra: 200,
host: 20
linkStrength: {
infra: 1.0,
host: 0.4
host: 1.0
charge: {
device: -800,
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
hostLinkWidth: 1.0,
hostRadius: 7,
mouseOutTimerDelayMs: 120
......@@ -279,16 +280,16 @@
// now, process the explicit links... {
var src = network.lookup[n.src],
dst = network.lookup[n.dst], {
var src = network.lookup[lnk.src],
dst = network.lookup[lnk.dst],
id = + "~" +;
var link = {
class: 'infra',
id: id,
type: n.type,
width: n.linkWidth,
type: lnk.type,
width: lnk.linkWidth,
source: src,
target: dst,
strength: config.force.linkStrength.infra
......@@ -379,6 +380,7 @@
.attr('class', function(d) {return 'link ' + d.class});
// TODO: move drag behavior into separate method.
// == define node drag behavior...
network.draggedThreshold = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 0.1])
......@@ -442,6 +444,8 @@
.on('mouseover', function(d) {
// TODO: show tooltip
if (!selected.obj) {
if (network.mouseoutTimeout) {
......@@ -449,8 +453,11 @@
.on('mouseout', function(d) {
// TODO: hide tooltip
if (!selected.obj) {
if (network.mouseoutTimeout) {
......@@ -460,9 +467,13 @@
}, config.mouseOutTimerDelayMs);
network.nodeRect = network.node.append('rect')
// deal with device nodes first
network.nodeRect = network.node.filter('.device')
rx: 5,
ry: 5,
......@@ -470,8 +481,9 @@
height: 12
// note that width/height are adjusted to fit the label text
// then padded, and space made for the icon.
network.node.each(function(d) {
network.node.filter('.device').each(function(d) {
var node =,
icon = iconUrl(d);
......@@ -505,47 +517,35 @@
// now process host nodes
network.nodeCircle = network.node.filter('.host')
r: config.hostRadius
// returns the newly computed bounding box
function adjustRectToFitText(n) {
var text ='text'),
box = text.node().getBBox(),
lab = config.labels;
text.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('y', '-0.8em')
.attr('x', lab.imgPad/2)
// TODO: figure out how to access the data on selection
console.log("\nadjust rect for " +;
// translate the bbox so that it is centered on [x,y]
box.x = -box.width / 2;
box.y = -box.height / 2;
// add padding
box.x -= (lab.padLR + lab.imgPad/2);
box.width += lab.padLR * 2 + lab.imgPad;
box.y -= lab.padTB;
box.height += lab.padTB * 2;
return box;
network.node.filter('.host').each(function(d) {
var node =,
icon = iconUrl(d);
function boundsFromBox(box) {
return {
x1: box.x,
y1: box.y,
x2: box.x + box.width,
y2: box.y + box.height
// debug function to show the modelled x,y coordinates of nodes...
if (debug('showNodeXY')) {'circle').attr('fill-opacity', 0.5);
class: 'debug',
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
r: '3px'
// this function is scheduled to happen soon after the given thread ends
setTimeout(function() {
network.node.each(function(d) {
// post process the device nodes, to pad their size to fit the
// label text and attach the icon to the right location.
network.node.filter('.device').each(function(d) {
// for every node, recompute size, padding, etc. so text fits
var node =,
text ='text'),
......@@ -589,6 +589,44 @@
$('#view').css('visibility', 'visible');
// returns the newly computed bounding box of the rectangle
function adjustRectToFitText(n) {
var text ='text'),
box = text.node().getBBox(),
lab = config.labels;
text.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('y', '-0.8em')
.attr('x', lab.imgPad/2)
// TODO: figure out how to access the data on selection
console.log("\nadjust rect for " +;
// translate the bbox so that it is centered on [x,y]
box.x = -box.width / 2;
box.y = -box.height / 2;
// add padding
box.x -= (lab.padLR + lab.imgPad/2);
box.width += lab.padLR * 2 + lab.imgPad;
box.y -= lab.padTB;
box.height += lab.padTB * 2;
return box;
function boundsFromBox(box) {
return {
x1: box.x,
y1: box.y,
x2: box.x + box.width,
y2: box.y + box.height
function iconUrl(d) {
......@@ -599,24 +637,48 @@
return 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')';
// prevents collisions amongst device nodes
function preventCollisions() {
var quadtree = d3.geom.quadtree(network.nodes);
var quadtree = d3.geom.quadtree(network.nodes),
hrad = config.hostRadius;
network.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
var nx1 = n.x + n.extent.left,
nx2 = n.x + n.extent.right,
ny1 = n.y +,
var nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2;
if (n.class === 'device') {
nx1 = n.x + n.extent.left;
nx2 = n.x + n.extent.right;
ny1 = n.y +;
ny2 = n.y + n.extent.bottom;
} else {
nx1 = n.x - hrad;
nx2 = n.x + hrad;
ny1 = n.y - hrad;
ny2 = n.y + hrad;
quadtree.visit(function(quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (quad.point && quad.point !== n) {
// check if the rectangles intersect
// check if the rectangles/circles intersect
var p = quad.point,
px1 = p.x + p.extent.left,
px2 = p.x + p.extent.right,
py1 = p.y +,
py2 = p.y + p.extent.bottom,
ix = (px1 <= nx2 && nx1 <= px2 && py1 <= ny2 && ny1 <= py2);
px1, px2, py1, py2, ix;
if (p.class === 'device') {
px1 = p.x + p.extent.left;
px2 = p.x + p.extent.right;
py1 = p.y +;
py2 = p.y + p.extent.bottom;
} else {
px1 = p.x - hrad;
px2 = p.x + hrad;
py1 = p.y - hrad;
py2 = p.y + hrad;
ix = (px1 <= nx2 && nx1 <= px2 && py1 <= ny2 && ny1 <= py2);
if (ix) {
var xa1 = nx2 - px1, // shift n left , p right
xa2 = px2 - nx1, // shift n right, p left
......@@ -717,6 +779,16 @@
// return false;
// });
function findNodeFromData(d) {
var el = null;
network.node.filter('.' + d.class).each(function(n) {
if ( === {
el =;
return el;
function selectObject(obj, el) {
var node;
if (el) {
......@@ -88,7 +88,12 @@ svg .link {
-moz-transition: opacity 250ms;
svg .node rect {
svg {
stroke: #6a6;
stroke-dasharray: 3,3;
svg .node.device rect {
stroke-width: 1.5px;
transition: opacity 250ms;
......@@ -104,8 +109,9 @@ svg .node.device.switch rect {
fill: #55f;
svg rect {
fill: #787;
svg circle {
fill: #898;
stroke: #000;
svg .node text {
......@@ -132,6 +138,7 @@ svg .node.selected rect {
svg .link.inactive,
svg .node.inactive rect,
svg .node.inactive circle,
svg .node.inactive text,
svg .node.inactive image {
opacity: .2;
......@@ -175,16 +182,28 @@ svg .legend .category text {
* Specific structural elements
#mast {
height: 36px;
padding: 4px;
background-color: #ccc;
vertical-align: baseline;
#frame {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
#mast {
height: 36px;
padding: 4px;
background-color: #ccc;
vertical-align: baseline;
#flyout {
width: 300px;
height: 80%;
top: 10%;
right: 2%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
position: absolute;
z-index: 100;
display: none;