Jian Li
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Bump up Chart.js to 1.1.1 and angular-chart to 0.10.2

This will be the last update on Chart.js 1.x and angular-chart 0.10.x
This commit resolves legend overlapping issue.

Change-Id: I3709f86ec397688b25947e4b30bec926ac9c9dd1
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......@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
font-size: smaller;
cursor: default;
.chart-legend li span,
.bar-legend li span,
.line-legend li span,
.pie-legend li span,
.radar-legend li span,
.polararea-legend li span,
.doughnut-legend li span {
.doughnut-legend-icon {
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
* angular-chart.js
* http://jtblin.github.io/angular-chart.js/
* Version: 0.8.8
* Copyright 2015 Jerome Touffe-Blin
* Released under the BSD license
* https://github.com/jtblin/angular-chart.js/blob/master/LICENSE
(function (factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
......@@ -147,14 +137,15 @@
// Order of setting "watch" matter
scope.$watch('data', function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (! newVal || ! newVal.length || (Array.isArray(newVal[0]) && ! newVal[0].length)) return;
if (! newVal || ! newVal.length || (Array.isArray(newVal[0]) && ! newVal[0].length)) {
destroyChart(chart, scope);
var chartType = type || scope.chartType;
if (! chartType) return;
if (chart) {
if (canUpdateChart(newVal, oldVal)) return updateChart(chart, newVal, scope, elem);
if (chart && canUpdateChart(newVal, oldVal))
return updateChart(chart, newVal, scope, elem);
}, true);
......@@ -167,12 +158,11 @@
scope.$watch('chartType', function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (isEmpty(newVal)) return;
if (angular.equals(newVal, oldVal)) return;
if (chart) chart.destroy();
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
if (chart) chart.destroy();
destroyChart(chart, scope);
function resetChart (newVal, oldVal) {
......@@ -183,8 +173,6 @@
// chart.update() doesn't work for series and labels
// so we have to re-create the chart entirely
if (chart) chart.destroy();
......@@ -196,12 +184,16 @@
if (! scope.data || ! scope.data.length) return;
scope.getColour = typeof scope.getColour === 'function' ? scope.getColour : getRandomColour;
scope.colours = getColours(type, scope);
var colours = getColours(type, scope);
var cvs = elem[0], ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
var data = Array.isArray(scope.data[0]) ?
getDataSets(scope.labels, scope.data, scope.series || [], scope.colours) :
getData(scope.labels, scope.data, scope.colours);
getDataSets(scope.labels, scope.data, scope.series || [], colours) :
getData(scope.labels, scope.data, colours);
var options = angular.extend({}, ChartJs.getOptions(type), scope.options);
// Destroy old chart if it exists to avoid ghost charts issue
// https://github.com/jtblin/angular-chart.js/issues/187
destroyChart(chart, scope);
chart = new ChartJs.Chart(ctx)[type](data, options);
scope.$emit('create', chart);
......@@ -255,13 +247,18 @@
function getColours (type, scope) {
var notEnoughColours = false;
var colours = angular.copy(scope.colours ||
ChartJs.getOptions(type).colours ||
while (colours.length < scope.data.length) {
notEnoughColours = true;
// mutate colours in this case as we don't want
// the colours to change on each refresh
if (notEnoughColours) scope.colours = colours;
return colours.map(convertColour);
......@@ -368,5 +365,11 @@
var options = angular.extend({}, Chart.defaults.global, ChartJs.getOptions(type), scope.options);
return options.responsive;
function destroyChart(chart, scope) {
if(! chart) return;
scope.$emit('destroy', chart);
.chart-legend,.bar-legend,.line-legend,.pie-legend,.radar-legend,.polararea-legend,.doughnut-legend{list-style-type:none;margin-top:5px;text-align:center;-webkit-padding-start:0;-moz-padding-start:0;padding-left:0}.chart-legend li,.bar-legend li,.line-legend li,.pie-legend li,.radar-legend li,.polararea-legend li,.doughnut-legend li{display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;position:relative;margin-bottom:4px;border-radius:5px;padding:2px 8px 2px 28px;font-size:smaller;cursor:default}.chart-legend li span,.bar-legend li span,.line-legend li span,.pie-legend li span,.radar-legend li span,.polararea-legend li span,.doughnut-legend li span{display:block;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:20px;height:20px;border-radius:5px}
.bar-legend,.chart-legend,.doughnut-legend,.line-legend,.pie-legend,.polararea-legend,.radar-legend{list-style-type:none;margin-top:5px;text-align:center;-webkit-padding-start:0;-moz-padding-start:0;padding-left:0}.bar-legend li,.chart-legend li,.doughnut-legend li,.line-legend li,.pie-legend li,.polararea-legend li,.radar-legend li{display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;position:relative;margin-bottom:4px;border-radius:5px;padding:2px 8px 2px 28px;font-size:smaller;cursor:default}.bar-legend-icon,.chart-legend-icon,.doughnut-legend-icon,.line-legend-icon,.pie-legend-icon,.polararea-legend-icon,.radar-legend-icon{display:block;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:20px;height:20px;border-radius:5px}
/*# sourceMappingURL=angular-chart.min.css.map */
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.