Saurav Das
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Added a TrafficTreatment to the filtering objective to cover those

pipelines where the filtering action is accompanied by a corresponding
change to the permitted packet. Fixed Filtering Objective javadocs.

Change-Id: I7f3c1a1a3553c0fdbfe5e7e48c6426cde1602efd
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package;
import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
......@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ public final class DefaultFilteringObjective implements FilteringObjective {
private final int id;
private final Operation op;
private final Optional<ObjectiveContext> context;
private final TrafficTreatment meta;
private DefaultFilteringObjective(Builder builder) {
this.key = builder.key;
......@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ public final class DefaultFilteringObjective implements FilteringObjective {
this.conditions = builder.conditions;
this.op = builder.op;
this.context = Optional.ofNullable(builder.context);
this.meta = builder.meta; = Objects.hash(type, key, conditions, permanent,
timeout, appId, priority);
......@@ -83,6 +86,12 @@ public final class DefaultFilteringObjective implements FilteringObjective {
public TrafficTreatment meta() {
return meta;
public int priority() {
return priority;
......@@ -135,6 +144,7 @@ public final class DefaultFilteringObjective implements FilteringObjective {
private List<Criterion> conditions;
private Operation op;
private ObjectiveContext context;
private TrafficTreatment meta;
public Builder withKey(Criterion key) {
......@@ -186,6 +196,12 @@ public final class DefaultFilteringObjective implements FilteringObjective {
public Builder setMeta(TrafficTreatment treatment) {
this.meta = treatment;
return this;
public FilteringObjective add() {
conditions =;
op = Operation.ADD;
......@@ -17,49 +17,54 @@ package;
import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
import java.util.Collection;
* Represents a filtering flow objective. Each filtering flow objective
* is made up of a key (criterion) to a set of criteria. Using this information
* a pipeline aware driver will decide how this objective should be mapped
* to the specific device pipeline. For example, consider the following
* filtering objective:
* portX -&gt; {MAC1, IP1, MAC2}
* The driver could decide to pass L3 packet to the L3 table and L2 packets to
* the L2 table for packets arriving on portX.
* Filtering objectives do not only represent what should be permitted into the
* pipeline but can also be used to deny or drop unwanted packets by specifying
* the appropriate type of filtering objective. It is also important to note
* that submitting a filtering objective does not necessarily result in rules
* programmed at the switch, the driver is free to decide when these rules are
* programmed. For example, a filtering rule may only be programmed once a
* corresponding forwarding objective has been received.
* is made up of a key (typically a PortCriterion) mapped to a set of criteria.
* Using this information, a pipeline aware driver will decide how this objective
* should be mapped to the device specific pipeline-tables in order to satisfy the
* filtering condition. For example, consider the following PERMIT filtering
* objective:
* <p>
* portX -&gt; {MAC1, VLAN1}
* <p>
* The driver could decide to pass packets to the MAC table or VLAN or PORT
* tables to ensure that only those packets arriving with the correct dst MAC
* and VLAN ids from Port X are allowed into the pipeline.
* <p>
* Filtering objectives of type PERMIT allow packets that match the key:criteria
* to enter the pipeline. As a result, the implication is that packets that don't
* match are automatically denied (dropped).
* <p>
* Filtering objectives of type DENY, are used to deny packets that would
* otherwise be permitted and forwarded through the pipeline (ie. those packets
* that make it through the PERMIT filters).
public interface FilteringObjective extends Objective {
enum Type {
* Enables the filtering condition.
* Permits packets that match the filtering condition to be processed
* by the rest of the pipeline. Automatically denies packets that don't
* match the criteria.
* Disables the filtering condition.
* Denies packets that make it through the permit filters.
* Obtain the key for this filter.
* Obtain the key for this filter. The filter may or may not require a key.
* @return a criterion
* @return a criterion, which could be null if no key was provided.
Criterion key();
......@@ -78,6 +83,16 @@ public interface FilteringObjective extends Objective {
Collection<Criterion> conditions();
* Auxiliary optional information provided to the device-driver.Typically
* conveys information about changes (treatments) to packets that are
* permitted into the pipeline by the PERMIT filtering condition.
* @return a treatment on the packets that make it through the PERMIT filters.
* Value may be null if no meta information is provided.
TrafficTreatment meta();
* Builder of Filtering objective entities.
interface Builder extends Objective.Builder {
......@@ -113,11 +128,19 @@ public interface FilteringObjective extends Objective {
Builder deny();
* Set meta information about this filtering condition set.
* @return a filtering builder
Builder setMeta(TrafficTreatment treatment);
* Assigns an application id.
* @param appId an application id
* @return a filtering builder
Builder fromApp(ApplicationId appId);