Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Refactor: Remove try-catch by using CompletableFuture#exceptionally()

Change-Id: I728fbcfe8fc4a81da2b08e6dddc1fa63add694a3
......@@ -317,40 +317,35 @@ public class IntentManager
// batchExecutor is single-threaded, so only one batch is in flight at a time
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
try {
1. wrap each intentdata in a runnable and submit
2. wait for completion of all the work
3. accumulate results and submit batch write of IntentData to store
(we can also try to update these individually)
List<CompletableFuture<IntentData>> futures =
.map(x -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x)
.thenApplyAsync(IntentManager.this::process, workerExecutor)
.exceptionally(e -> {
log.warn("Future failed: {}", e);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error submitting batches:", e);
// FIXME incomplete Intents should be cleaned up
// (transition to FAILED, etc.)
// the batch has failed
// TODO: maybe we should do more?
log.error("Walk the plank, matey...");
// process intent until the phase reaches one of the final phases
List<CompletableFuture<IntentData>> futures =
.map(x -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x)
.thenApplyAsync(IntentManager.this::process, workerExecutor)
.exceptionally(e -> {
log.warn("Future failed: {}", e);
return null;
// write multiple data to store in order
}, batchExecutor).exceptionally(e -> {
log.error("Error submitting batches:", e);
// FIXME incomplete Intents should be cleaned up
// (transition to FAILED, etc.)
// the batch has failed
// TODO: maybe we should do more?
log.error("Walk the plank, matey...");
// batchService.removeIntentOperations(data);
}, batchExecutor);
return null;