Bob Lantz
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Use ip route to determine default intf for port forwarding

We were using eth0 by default before, but this doesn't work if
your default interface isn't eth0.

Fixes port forwarding on Ubuntu 16.04.

Change-Id: I55baed7fd8952a9f6cab364e20e31a0632ddda6d
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ from sys import argv
from glob import glob
import time
from functools import partial
from re import search
### ONOS Environment
......@@ -418,9 +420,22 @@ class ONOSCluster( Controller ):
"Return list of ONOS nodes"
return [ h for h in if isinstance( h, ONOSNode ) ]
def configPortForwarding( self, ports=[], intf='eth0', action='A' ):
"""Start or stop ports on intf to all nodes
def defaultIntf( self ):
"Call ip route to determine default interface"
result = quietRun( 'ip route | grep default', shell=True ).strip()
match = search( r'dev\s+([^\s]+)', result )
if match:
intf = 1 )
warn( "Can't find default network interface - using eth0\n" )
intf = 'eth0'
return intf
def configPortForwarding( self, ports=[], intf='', action='A' ):
"""Start or stop forwarding on intf to all nodes
action: A=add/start, D=delete/stop (default: A)"""
if not intf:
intf = self.defaultIntf()
for port in ports:
for index, node in enumerate( self.nodes() ):
ip, inport = node.IP(), port + index