Simon Hunt

GUI -- Topology - PortStats traffic: enhanced to change link style based on valu…

…es (KBps, MBps, GBps).

Change-Id: I67a62ef85a292db431f3d32eefefd81d4e564794
......@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ public abstract class TopologyViewMessageHandlerBase extends UiMessageHandler {
private static final double MB = 1024 * KB;
private static final double GB = 1024 * MB;
// TODO: change GB to Gb (when we compute bits/second)
private static final String GB_UNIT = "GB";
private static final String MB_UNIT = "MB";
private static final String KB_UNIT = "KB";
......@@ -763,6 +764,7 @@ public abstract class TopologyViewMessageHandlerBase extends UiMessageHandler {
// Poor-mans formatting to get the labels with byte counts looking nice.
private String formatBytes(long bytes) {
// TODO: multiply everything by 8 to compute bits/second
String unit;
double value;
if (bytes > GB) {
......@@ -176,6 +176,17 @@
return Number($/, ''));
function endsWith(str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
function parseBitRate(str) {
return Number(str.replace(/,/, '')
.replace(/\s+.bps/i, '')
.replace(/\.\d*/, ''));
.factory('FnService', ['$window', function (_$window_) {
$window = _$window_;
......@@ -196,7 +207,9 @@
isEmptyObject: isEmptyObject,
cap: cap,
noPx: noPx,
noPxStyle: noPxStyle
noPxStyle: noPxStyle,
endsWith: endsWith,
parseBitRate: parseBitRate
......@@ -458,6 +458,45 @@ html[data-platform='iPad'] #topo-p-detail {
stroke: rgba(121,231,158,0.5);
/* Port traffic color visualization for KBps, MBps, and GBps */
.light #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-KBps {
stroke: rgb(0,153,51);
stroke-width: 5.0;
.dark #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-KBps {
stroke: rgb(98, 153, 118);
stroke-width: 5.0;
.light #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-MBps {
stroke: rgb(128,145,27);
stroke-width: 6.5;
.dark #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-MBps {
stroke: rgb(91, 109, 54);
stroke-width: 6.5;
.light #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-GBps {
stroke: rgb(255, 137, 3);
stroke-width: 8.0;
.dark #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-GBps {
stroke: rgb(174, 119, 55);
stroke-width: 8.0;
.light #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-GBps-choked {
stroke: rgb(183, 30, 21);
stroke-width: 8.0;
.dark #ov-topo svg .link.secondary.port-traffic-GBps-choked {
stroke: rgb(127, 40, 39);
stroke-width: 8.0;
#ov-topo svg .link.primary {
stroke-width: 4px;
......@@ -59,13 +59,31 @@
// labels to them, if they are defined.
paths.forEach(function (p) {
var n = p.links.length,
i, ldata;
i, ldata, lab, units, magnitude, portcls;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
ldata = api.findLinkById(p.links[i]);
if (ldata && ldata.el) {
lab = p.labels[i];
if (ldata && !ldata.el.empty()) {
ldata.el.classed(p.class, true);
ldata.label = p.labels[i];
ldata.label = lab;
// TODO: change this to 'bps' when we measure bits/sec
if (fs.endsWith(lab, 'Bps')) {
// inject additional styling for port-based traffic
units = lab.substring(lab.length-4);
portcls = 'port-traffic-' + units;
// for GBps
if (units.substring(0,1) === 'G') {
magnitude = fs.parseBitRate(lab);
if (magnitude >= 9) {
portcls += '-choked'
ldata.el.classed(portcls, true);
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ describe('factory: fw/util/fn.js', function() {
'isF', 'isA', 'isS', 'isO', 'contains',
'areFunctions', 'areFunctionsNonStrict', 'windowSize', 'isMobile',
'find', 'inArray', 'removeFromArray', 'isEmptyObject', 'cap',
'noPx', 'noPxStyle'
'noPx', 'noPxStyle', 'endsWith', 'parseBitRate'
......@@ -413,4 +413,34 @@ describe('factory: fw/util/fn.js', function() {'#fooElem').remove();
// === Tests for endsWith()
it('should return true if string ends with foo', function () {
expect(fs.endsWith("barfoo", "foo")).toBe(true);
it('should return false if string doesnt end with foo', function () {
expect(fs.endsWith("barfood", "foo")).toBe(false);
// === Tests for parseBitRate()
it('should return 5 - a', function () {
expect(fs.parseBitRate('5.47 KBps')).toBe(5);
it('should return 5 - b', function () {
expect(fs.parseBitRate('5. KBps')).toBe(5);
it('should return 5 - c', function () {
expect(fs.parseBitRate('5 KBps')).toBe(5);
it('should return 5 - d', function () {
expect(fs.parseBitRate('5 Kbps')).toBe(5);
it('should return 2001', function () {
expect(fs.parseBitRate('2,001.59 Gbps')).toBe(2001);