Pavlin Radoslavov
Committed by Yuta Higuchi

Changed the generation of MAC addresses when

using the "push-test-intents" CLI command, so each MAC address is unique.

Previously, generating intents for multiple apps would create axactly
same set of intents for each app; this is less common, and probably
not the expected default behavior for this CLI command.

Change-Id: I7813512528954da33e458307fc6a0226a7c478ea
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public class IntentPushTestCommand extends AbstractShellCommand
for (int app = 0; app < apps; app++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= intentsPerApp; i++) {
TrafficSelector s = selector
.matchEthSrc(MacAddress.valueOf(i + app * intentsPerApp))
intents.put(app, new PointToPointIntent(appId(app), s, treatment,
ingress, egress));