Simon Hunt
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

GUI -- Migrating the add/update device functionality to the Topology View. (WIP)

- still a lot of work to do.

Change-Id: I0453b7e2ec20a8a8149fd9d6440a13a3d43fbfd6
......@@ -70,3 +70,7 @@ svg.embeddedIcon .icon rect {
.dark svg.embeddedIcon .icon rect {
stroke: #ccc;
svg .svgIcon {
fill-rule: evenodd;
......@@ -26,15 +26,17 @@
cornerSize = vboxSize / 10,
viewBox = '0 0 ' + vboxSize + ' ' + vboxSize;
// maps icon id to the glyph id it uses.
// note: icon id maps to a CSS class for styling that icon
// Maps icon ID to the glyph ID it uses.
// NOTE: icon ID maps to a CSS class for styling that icon
var glyphMapping = {
deviceOnline: 'checkMark',
deviceOffline: 'xMark',
tableColSortAsc: 'triangleUp',
tableColSortDesc: 'triangleDown',
tableColSortNone: '-'
deviceOnline: 'checkMark',
deviceOffline: 'xMark',
tableColSortAsc: 'triangleUp',
tableColSortDesc: 'triangleDown',
tableColSortNone: '-'
function ensureIconLibDefs() {
var body ='body'),
......@@ -48,6 +50,108 @@
// div is a D3 selection of the <DIV> element into which icon should load
// iconCls is the CSS class used to identify the icon
// size is dimension of icon in pixels. Defaults to 20.
// installGlyph, if truthy, will cause the glyph to be added to
// well-known defs element. Defaults to false.
// svgClass is the CSS class used to identify the SVG layer.
// Defaults to 'embeddedIcon'.
function loadIcon(div, iconCls, size, installGlyph, svgClass) {
var dim = size || 20,
svgCls = svgClass || 'embeddedIcon',
gid = glyphMapping[iconCls] || 'unknown',
svg, g;
if (installGlyph) {
gs.loadDefs(ensureIconLibDefs(), [gid], true);
svg = div.append('svg').attr({
'class': svgCls,
width: dim,
height: dim,
viewBox: viewBox
g = svg.append('g').attr({
'class': 'icon ' + iconCls
width: vboxSize,
height: vboxSize,
rx: cornerSize
if (gid !== '-') {
width: vboxSize,
height: vboxSize,
'class': 'glyph',
'xlink:href': '#' + gid
function loadEmbeddedIcon(div, iconCls, size) {
loadIcon(div, iconCls, size, true);
// configuration for device and host icons in the topology view
var config = {
device: {
dim: 36,
rx: 4
host: {
radius: {
noGlyph: 9,
withGlyph: 14
glyphed: {
endstation: 1,
bgpSpeaker: 1,
router: 1
// Adds a device icon to the specified element, using the given glyph.
// Returns the D3 selection of the icon.
function addDeviceIcon(elem, glyphId) {
var cfg = config.device,
g = elem.append('g')
.attr('class', 'svgIcon deviceIcon');
x: 0,
y: 0,
rx: cfg.rx,
width: cfg.dim,
height: cfg.dim
'xlink:href': '#' + glyphId,
width: cfg.dim,
height: cfg.dim
g.dim = cfg.dim;
return g;
function addHostIcon(elem, glyphId) {
// TODO:
// =========================
.factory('IconService', ['$log', 'FnService', 'GlyphService',
function (_$log_, _fs_, _gs_) {
......@@ -55,57 +159,12 @@
fs = _fs_;
gs = _gs_;
// div is a D3 selection of the <DIV> element into which icon should load
// iconCls is the CSS class used to identify the icon
// size is dimension of icon in pixels. Defaults to 20.
// installGlyph, if truthy, will cause the glyph to be added to
// well-known defs element. Defaults to false.
// svgClass is the CSS class used to identify the SVG layer.
// Defaults to 'embeddedIcon'.
function loadIcon(div, iconCls, size, installGlyph, svgClass) {
var dim = size || 20,
svgCls = svgClass || 'embeddedIcon',
gid = glyphMapping[iconCls] || 'unknown',
svg, g;
if (installGlyph) {
gs.loadDefs(ensureIconLibDefs(), [gid], true);
svg = div.append('svg').attr({
'class': svgCls,
width: dim,
height: dim,
viewBox: viewBox
g = svg.append('g').attr({
'class': 'icon ' + iconCls
width: vboxSize,
height: vboxSize,
rx: cornerSize
if (gid !== '-') {
width: vboxSize,
height: vboxSize,
'class': 'glyph',
'xlink:href': '#' + gid
function loadEmbeddedIcon(div, iconCls, size) {
loadIcon(div, iconCls, size, true);
return {
loadIcon: loadIcon,
loadEmbeddedIcon: loadEmbeddedIcon
loadEmbeddedIcon: loadEmbeddedIcon,
addDeviceIcon: addDeviceIcon,
addHostIcon: addHostIcon,
iconConfig: function () { return config; }
......@@ -22,45 +22,53 @@
The Map Service provides a simple API for loading geographical maps into
an SVG layer. For example, as a background to the Topology View.
e.g. var ok = MapService.loadMapInto(svgLayer, '*continental-us');
e.g. var promise = MapService.loadMapInto(svgLayer, '*continental-us');
The Map Service makes use of the GeoDataService to load the required data
from the server and to create the appropriate geographical projection.
A promise is returned to the caller, which is resolved with the
map projection once created.
(function () {
'use strict';
// injected references
var $log, fs, gds;
var $log, $q, fs, gds;
function loadMapInto(mapLayer, id, opts) {
var promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id),
deferredProjection = $q.defer();
if (!promise) {
$log.warn('Failed to load map: ' + id);
return false;
promise.then(function () {
var gen = gds.createPathGenerator(promise.topodata, opts);
.attr('d', gen.pathgen);
return deferredProjection.promise;
.factory('MapService', ['$log', 'FnService', 'GeoDataService',
function (_$log_, _fs_, _gds_) {
.factory('MapService', ['$log', '$q', 'FnService', 'GeoDataService',
function (_$log_, _$q_, _fs_, _gds_) {
$log = _$log_;
$q = _$q_;
fs = _fs_;
gds = _gds_;
function loadMapInto(mapLayer, id, opts) {
var promise = gds.fetchTopoData(id);
if (!promise) {
$log.warn('Failed to load map: ' + id);
return false;
promise.then(function () {
var gen = gds.createPathGenerator(promise.topodata, opts);
.attr('d', gen.pathgen);
return true;
return {
loadMapInto: loadMapInto
......@@ -240,13 +240,18 @@'visibility', (b ? 'visible' : 'hidden'));
function safeId(s) {
return s.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '-');
return {
createDragBehavior: createDragBehavior,
loadGlow: loadGlow,
cat7: cat7,
translate: translate,
stripPx: stripPx,
makeVisible: makeVisible
makeVisible: makeVisible,
safeId: safeId
......@@ -245,3 +245,94 @@
/* TODO: add blue glow */
/*filter: url(#blue-glow);*/
/* --- Topo Nodes --- */
#ov-topo svg .node {
cursor: pointer;
#ov-topo svg .node.selected rect,
#ov-topo svg .node.selected circle {
fill: #f90;
/* TODO: add blue glow filter */
/*filter: url(#blue-glow);*/
#ov-topo svg .node text {
pointer-events: none;
/* Device Nodes */
#ov-topo svg .node.device {
#ov-topo svg .node.device rect {
stroke-width: 1.5;
#ov-topo svg .node.device.fixed rect {
stroke-width: 1.5;
stroke: #ccc;
/* note: device is offline without the 'online' class */
#ov-topo svg .node.device {
fill: #777;
#ov-topo svg {
fill: #6e7fa3;
/* note: device is offline without the 'online' class */
#ov-topo svg .node.device text {
fill: #bbb;
font: 10pt sans-serif;
#ov-topo svg text {
fill: white;
#ov-topo svg .node.device .svgIcon rect {
fill: #aaa;
#ov-topo svg .node.device .svgIcon use {
fill: #777;
#ov-topo svg .node.device.selected .svgIcon rect {
fill: #f90;
#ov-topo svg .svgIcon rect {
fill: #ccc;
#ov-topo svg .svgIcon use {
fill: #000;
#ov-topo svg .svgIcon rect {
fill: #f90;
/* Host Nodes */
#ov-topo svg {
stroke: #000;
#ov-topo svg text {
fill: #846;
stroke: none;
font: 9pt sans-serif;
svg circle {
stroke: #000;
fill: #edb;
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
// references to injected services etc.
var $log, fs, ks, zs, gs, ms, sus, tfs;
var $log, fs, ks, zs, gs, ms, sus, tfs, tis;
// DOM elements
var ovtopo, svg, defs, zoomLayer, mapG, forceG, noDevsLayer;
......@@ -41,20 +41,61 @@
// --- Short Cut Keys ------------------------------------------------
var keyBindings = {
W: [logWarning, '(temp) log a warning'],
E: [logError, '(temp) log an error'],
R: [resetZoom, 'Reset pan / zoom']
//O: [toggleSummary, 'Toggle ONOS summary pane'],
I: [toggleInstances, 'Toggle ONOS instances pane'],
//D: [toggleDetails, 'Disable / enable details pane'],
//H: [toggleHosts, 'Toggle host visibility'],
//M: [toggleOffline, 'Toggle offline visibility'],
//B: [toggleBg, 'Toggle background image'],
//P: togglePorts,
//X: [toggleNodeLock, 'Lock / unlock node positions'],
//Z: [toggleOblique, 'Toggle oblique view (Experimental)'],
L: [cycleLabels, 'Cycle device labels'],
//U: [unpin, 'Unpin node (hover mouse over)'],
R: [resetZoom, 'Reset pan / zoom'],
//V: [showRelatedIntentsAction, 'Show all related intents'],
//rightArrow: [showNextIntentAction, 'Show next related intent'],
//leftArrow: [showPrevIntentAction, 'Show previous related intent'],
//W: [showSelectedIntentTrafficAction, 'Monitor traffic of selected intent'],
//A: [showAllTrafficAction, 'Monitor all traffic'],
//F: [showDeviceLinkFlowsAction, 'Show device link flows'],
//E: [equalizeMasters, 'Equalize mastership roles'],
//esc: handleEscape,
_helpFormat: [
['O', 'I', 'D', '-', 'H', 'M', 'B', 'P' ],
['X', 'Z', 'L', 'U', 'R' ],
['V', 'rightArrow', 'leftArrow', 'W', 'A', 'F', '-', 'E' ]
// -----------------
// these functions are necessarily temporary examples....
function logWarning() {
$log.warn('You have been warned!');
// mouse gestures
var gestures = [
['click', 'Select the item and show details'],
['shift-click', 'Toggle selection state'],
['drag', 'Reposition (and pin) device / host'],
['cmd-scroll', 'Zoom in / out'],
['cmd-drag', 'Pan']
function toggleInstances() {
if (tis.isVisible()) {
} else {;
function logError() {
$log.error('You are erroneous!');
function cycleLabels() {
$log.debug('Cycle Labels.....');
// -----------------
function resetZoom() {
......@@ -83,7 +124,6 @@
function zoomCallback() {
var tr = zoomer.translate(),
sc = zoomer.scale();
$log.log('ZOOM: translate = ' + tr + ', scale = ' + sc);
// keep the map lines constant width while zooming'stroke-width', (2.0 / sc) + 'px');
......@@ -150,16 +190,19 @@
function setUpMap() {
mapG = zoomLayer.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-map');
//ms.loadMapInto(map, '*continental_us', {mapFillScale:0.5});
ms.loadMapInto(mapG, '*continental_us');
//return ms.loadMapInto(map, '*continental_us', {mapFillScale:0.5});
// returns a promise for the projection...
return ms.loadMapInto(mapG, '*continental_us');
// --- Force Layout --------------------------------------------------
function setUpForce() {
function setUpForce(xlink) {
forceG = zoomLayer.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-force');
tfs.initForce(forceG, svg.attr('width'), svg.attr('height'));
tfs.initForce(forceG, xlink, svg.attr('width'), svg.attr('height'));
// --- Controller Definition -----------------------------------------
......@@ -174,8 +217,12 @@
function ($scope, _$log_, $loc, $timeout, _fs_, mast,
_ks_, _zs_, _gs_, _ms_, _sus_, tes, _tfs_, tps, tis) {
var self = this;
_ks_, _zs_, _gs_, _ms_, _sus_, tes, _tfs_, tps, _tis_) {
var self = this,
xlink = {
showNoDevs: showNoDevs
$log = _$log_;
fs = _fs_;
ks = _ks_;
......@@ -184,6 +231,7 @@
ms = _ms_;
sus = _sus_;
tfs = _tfs_;
tis = _tis_;
self.notifyResize = function () {
......@@ -207,8 +255,8 @@
xlink.projectionPromise = setUpMap();
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
'use strict';
// injected refs
var $log, wss, wes, tps, tis;
var $log, wss, wes, tps, tis, tfs;
// internal state
var wsock;
......@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
showSummary: showSummary,
addInstance: addInstance,
updateInstance: updateInstance,
removeInstance: removeInstance
removeInstance: removeInstance,
addDevice: addDevice,
updateDevice: updateDevice
// TODO: implement remaining handlers..
......@@ -63,6 +65,16 @@
function addDevice(ev) {
$log.debug(' **** Add Device **** ', ev.payload);
function updateDevice(ev) {
$log.debug(' **** Update Device **** ', ev.payload);
// ==========================
var dispatcher = {
......@@ -100,14 +112,15 @@
['$log', '$location', 'WebSocketService', 'WsEventService',
'TopoPanelService', 'TopoInstService',
'TopoPanelService', 'TopoInstService', 'TopoForceService',
function (_$log_, $loc, _wss_, _wes_, _tps_, _tis_) {
function (_$log_, $loc, _wss_, _wes_, _tps_, _tis_, _tfs_) {
$log = _$log_;
wss = _wss_;
wes = _wes_;
tps = _tps_;
tis = _tis_;
tfs = _tfs_;
function bindDispatcher(TopoDomElementsPassedHere) {
// TODO: store refs to topo DOM elements...
......@@ -325,7 +325,10 @@
destroyInst: destroyInst,
addInstance: addInstance,
updateInstance: updateInstance,
removeInstance: removeInstance
removeInstance: removeInstance,
isVisible: function () { return oiBox.isVisible(); },
show: function () {; },
hide: function () { oiBox.hide(); }