Claudine Chiu
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

- bidrectional vnet link creation

- optionally specify expected number of intents in "onos-check-intent"

Change-Id: I523a7fd9e1aaa72b441d2428fb9ebb692b07bdd0

-  bidrectional vnet link creation (when using ssh)
- optionally specify expected number of intents in "onos-check-intent"

Change-Id: I5c6fe1f269eddeaa70dfec819853d42af59fbd8e
......@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
function _usage () {
cat << _EOF_
$(basename $0) [-w] [node]
$(basename $0) [-w] [-f] [node]
- -w : Waits for ONOS instance to reach run-level 100, i.e. to be fully started.
- -f : (Affects non-secure client only) - use bash's IFS expansion of positional parameters
- [node] : the node to attach to
......@@ -29,13 +30,18 @@ _EOF_
. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/bin/
[ "$1" = "-w" ] && shift && onos-wait-for-start $1
[ "$1" = "-f" ] && shift && flat=1
[ -n "$1" ] && OCI=$(find_node $1) && shift
if which client 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -z "$ONOS_USE_SSH" ]; then
# Use Karaf client only if we can and are allowed to
client -h $OCI -u karaf "$@" 2>/dev/null
if [ -z "$flat" ]; then
client -h $OCI -u karaf "$@" 2>/dev/null
client -h $OCI -u karaf "$*" 2>/dev/null
# Otherwise use raw ssh; strict checking is off for dev environments only
ssh -p 8101 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $OCI "$@"
......@@ -13,9 +13,29 @@ target=${1:-$OCI}
echo onos-check-intent: $*
set -x
# $1: target host
# $2: intent key
# $3: intent state
# $4: number of expected intents
[[ $4 =~ $re ]] && numIntentsExpected=$4 # silently ignore if not positive
for i in {1..15}; do
echo "Attempt #$i"
onos $target "onos:intents" | tee $aux
( cat $aux | grep "key=$2" | grep "state=$3" ) && cat $aux && exit 0
if [ -z "$numIntentsExpected" ]; then
( cat $aux | grep "key=$2" | grep "state=$3" ) && cat $aux && exit 0
# exit 0 only if expected number of intents (with required key)
# are present and all intents match state (if expected no. of intents > 0)
numIntents=`grep "key=$2" $aux | wc -l`
[ $numIntentsExpected -gt 0 ] && numIntentsOfState=`grep "key=$2" $aux | grep "state=$3" | wc -l`
[ $numIntents -eq $numIntentsOfState ] \
&& [ $numIntents -eq $numIntentsExpected ] \
&& cat $aux && exit 0
sleep 1
......@@ -46,19 +46,14 @@
<step name="Create-Port-2" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} vnet-create-port ${networkId} device2 2 of:0000000000000009 1"/>
<step name="Create-Link-1" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} vnet-create-link ${networkId} device1 1 device2 2"/>
<step name="Create-Bidirectional-Link" requires="^"
exec="onos -f ${OCI} vnet-create-link --bidirectional ${networkId} device2 2 device1 1"/>
<step name="Create-Link-2" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} vnet-create-link ${networkId} device2 2 device1 1"/>
<step name="Check-intents-installed" requires="^"
exec="onos-check-intent ${OCI} networkId=${networkId} INSTALLED 2"/>
<step name="Check-intents-installed" requires="^" env="~"
exec="onos-check-intent ${OCI} networkId=${networkId} INSTALLED"/>
<!-- TODO: ignore return code once intent is working -->
<step name="Ping-hosts-1" requires="^" env="~"
<step name="Ping-hosts-1" requires="^"
exec="onos-mininet sendAndExpect h4 ping -c1 h9 --expect \ 0% packet loss"/>
<!-- TODO: ignore return code once intent is working -->
......@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
<step name="Check-Vnet-Link" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} vnet-links ${networkId}"/>
<step name="Remove-Link-1" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} vnet-remove-link ${networkId} device1 1 device2 2"/>
<step name="Remove-Bidirectional-Link" requires="^"
exec="onos -f ${OCI} vnet-remove-link --bidirectional ${networkId} device2 2 device1 1"/>
<step name="Remove-Link-2" requires="^"
exec="onos ${OCI} vnet-remove-link ${networkId} device2 2 device1 1"/>
<step name="Check-intents-removed" requires="^"
exec="onos-check-intent ${OCI} networkId=${networkId} IGNORE_STATE 0"/>
<step name="Ping-hosts-2" requires="^"
exec="onos-mininet sendAndExpect h4 ping -c1 h9 --expect \ 100% packet loss"/>