Thomas Vachuska
Committed by Gerrit Code Review

Fixed an infinite loop bug in Suurballe graph path search.

Triggered by three edges between two vertices.
More work needed to address the remaining issues in the class implementation.

Change-Id: Ice1fa85f1b9213680e063e362db4d734d212f6f0
......@@ -279,9 +279,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractGraphPathSearch<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V
while (edges.hasNext()) {
E edge =;
boolean isLast = !edges.hasNext();
DefaultMutablePath<V, E> pendingPath = isLast ? path : new DefaultMutablePath<>(path);
// Exclude any looping paths
if (!isInPath(edge, path)) {
DefaultMutablePath<V, E> pendingPath = isLast ? path : new DefaultMutablePath<>(path);
......@@ -291,6 +294,18 @@ public abstract class AbstractGraphPathSearch<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V
* Indicates whether or not the specified edge source is already visited
* in the specified path.
* @param edge edge to test
* @param path path to test
* @return true if the edge.src() is a vertex in the path already
private boolean isInPath(E edge, DefaultMutablePath<V, E> path) {
return path.edges().stream().anyMatch(e -> edge.src().equals(e.dst()));
// Returns the first vertex of the specified path. This is either the source
// of the first edge or, if there are no edges yet, the given destination.
private V firstVertex(Path<V, E> path, V dst) {
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
package org.onlab.graph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -34,13 +36,20 @@ public class SuurballeGraphSearch<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>> extends D
public Result<V, E> search(Graph<V, E> graph, V src, V dst,
EdgeWeight<V, E> weight, int maxPaths) {
// FIXME: This method needs to be refactored as it is difficult to follow and debug.
// FIXME: There is a defect here triggered by 3+ edges between the same vertices,
// which makes an attempt to produce looping paths. Protection against
// this was added to AbstractGraphPathSearch, but the root issue remains here.
// FIXME: There is a defect here where not all paths are truly disjoint.
// This class needs to filter its own results to make sure that the
// paths are indeed disjoint. Temporary fix for this is provided, but
// the issue needs to be addressed through refactoring.
if (weight == null) {
weight = edge -> 1;
List<DisjointPathPair<V, E>> dpps = new ArrayList<>();
final EdgeWeight weightf = weight;
DefaultResult firstDijkstraS = (DefaultResult), src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS);
DefaultResult firstDijkstra = (DefaultResult), src, null, weight, ALL_PATHS);
......@@ -50,49 +59,37 @@ public class SuurballeGraphSearch<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>> extends D
if (firstDijkstraS.paths().size() == 0) {
return firstDijkstraS;
DisjointPathResult result = new DisjointPathResult(firstDijkstra, src, dst, maxPaths);
for (Path p: firstDijkstraS.paths()) {
shortPath = p;
//transforms the graph so tree edges have 0 weight
EdgeWeight<V, Edge<V>> modified = edge -> {
if (classE().isInstance(edge)) {
return weightf.weight((E) (edge)) + firstDijkstra.cost(edge.src())
- firstDijkstra.cost(edge.dst());
return 0;
EdgeWeight<V, E> modified = edge ->
edge instanceof ReverseEdge ? 0 :
weightf.weight(edge) + firstDijkstra.cost(edge.src()) - firstDijkstra.cost(edge.dst());
EdgeWeight<V, E> modified2 = edge ->
weightf.weight(edge) + firstDijkstra.cost(edge.src()) - firstDijkstra.cost(edge.dst());
//create a residual graph g' by removing all src vertices and reversing 0 length path edges
MutableGraph<V, Edge<V>> gt = mutableCopy(graph);
MutableGraph<V, E> gt = mutableCopy(graph);
Map<Edge<V>, E> revToEdge = new HashMap<>();
Map<E, E> revToEdge = new HashMap<>();
for (E edge: shortPath.edges()) {
Edge<V> reverse = new Edge<V>() {
final Edge<V> orig = edge;
public V src() {
return orig.dst();
public V dst() {
return orig.src();
public String toString() {
return "ReversedEdge " + "src=" + src() + " dst=" + dst();
revToEdge.put(reverse, edge);
Edge<V> reverse = new ReverseEdge<V>(edge);
revToEdge.put((E) reverse, edge);
gt.addEdge((E) reverse);
//rerun dijkstra on the temporary graph to get a second path
Result<V, Edge<V>> secondDijkstra;
secondDijkstra = new DijkstraGraphSearch<V, Edge<V>>().search(gt, src, dst, modified, ALL_PATHS);
Result<V, E> secondDijkstra = new DijkstraGraphSearch<V, E>()
.search(gt, src, dst, modified, ALL_PATHS);
Path<V, Edge<V>> residualShortPath = null;
Path<V, E> residualShortPath = null;
if (secondDijkstra.paths().size() == 0) {
dpps.add(new DisjointPathPair<V, E>(shortPath, null));
result.dpps.add(new DisjointPathPair<>(shortPath, null));
......@@ -109,85 +106,123 @@ public class SuurballeGraphSearch<V extends Vertex, E extends Edge<V>> extends D
if (residualShortPath != null) {
for (Edge<V> edge: residualShortPath.edges()) {
if (classE().isInstance(edge)) {
roundTrip.addEdge((E) edge);
} else {
if (edge instanceof ReverseEdge) {
} else {
roundTrip.addEdge((E) edge);
//Actually build the final result
DefaultResult lastSearch = (DefaultResult), src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS);
Path<V, E> path1 = lastSearch.paths().iterator().next();
Path<V, E> primary = lastSearch.paths().iterator().next();
Set<Path<V, E>> bckpaths =, src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS).paths();
Path<V, E> backup = null;
if (bckpaths.size() != 0) {
backup = bckpaths.iterator().next();
Set<Path<V, E>> backups =, src, dst, weight, ALL_PATHS).paths();
dpps.add(new DisjointPathPair<>(path1, backup));
// Find first backup path that does not share any nodes with the primary
for (Path<V, E> backup : backups) {
if (isDisjoint(primary, backup)) {
result.dpps.add(new DisjointPathPair<>(primary, backup));
for (int i = dpps.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (dpps.get(i).size() <= 1) {
for (int i = result.dpps.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (result.dpps.get(i).size() <= 1) {
return new Result<V, E>() {
final DefaultResult search = firstDijkstra;
public V src() {
return src;
public V dst() {
return dst;
public Set<Path<V, E>> paths() {
Set<Path<V, E>> pathsD = new HashSet<>();
int paths = 0;
for (DisjointPathPair<V, E> path: dpps) {
pathsD.add((Path<V, E>) path);
if (paths == maxPaths) {
return pathsD;
public Map<V, Double> costs() {
return search.costs();
public Map<V, Set<E>> parents() {
return search.parents();
return result;
private Class<?> clazzV;
public Class<?> classV() {
return clazzV;
private boolean isDisjoint(Path<V, E> a, Path<V, E> b) {
return Sets.intersection(vertices(a), vertices(b)).isEmpty();
private Class<?> clazzE;
public Class<?> classE() {
return clazzE;
private Set<V> vertices(Path<V, E> p) {
Set<V> set = new HashSet<>();
p.edges().forEach(e -> set.add(e.src()));
return set;
* Creates a mutable copy of an immutable graph.
* @param graph immutable graph
* @return mutable copy
public MutableGraph mutableCopy(Graph<V, E> graph) {
clazzV = graph.getVertexes().iterator().next().getClass();
clazzE = graph.getEdges().iterator().next().getClass();
return new MutableAdjacencyListsGraph<V, E>(graph.getVertexes(), graph.getEdges());
private MutableGraph<V, E> mutableCopy(Graph<V, E> graph) {
return new MutableAdjacencyListsGraph<>(graph.getVertexes(), graph.getEdges());
private static final class ReverseEdge<V extends Vertex> extends AbstractEdge<V> {
private ReverseEdge(Edge<V> edge) {
super(edge.dst(), edge.src());
public String toString() {
return "ReversedEdge " + "src=" + src() + " dst=" + dst();
// Auxiliary result for disjoint path search
private final class DisjointPathResult implements AbstractGraphPathSearch.Result<V, E> {
private final Result<V, E> searchResult;
private final V src, dst;
private final int maxPaths;
private final List<DisjointPathPair<V, E>> dpps = new ArrayList<>();
private final Set<Path<V, E>> disjointPaths = new HashSet<>();
private DisjointPathResult(Result<V, E> searchResult, V src, V dst, int maxPaths) {
this.searchResult = searchResult;
this.src = src;
this.dst = dst;
this.maxPaths = maxPaths;
public V src() {
return src;
public V dst() {
return dst;
public Set<Path<V, E>> paths() {
return disjointPaths;
private void buildPaths() {
int paths = 0;
for (DisjointPathPair<V, E> path: dpps) {
if (paths == maxPaths) {
public Map<V, Set<E>> parents() {
return searchResult.parents();
public Map<V, Double> costs() {
return searchResult.costs();