Simon Hunt
Committed by Brian O'Connor

GUI -- countries topojson data and sample code extracting South America.

Change-Id: I61dbaf5a28b9a74d6700bc611019886c5b60a880
1 +<!--
2 + -- Sample code to show extracting country data from a countries TopoJSON
3 + -- file and projecting it into an SVG layer.
4 + --
5 + -- See:
6 + -->
7 +<html>
8 +<head>
9 + <title>S America</title>
10 +
11 + <script charset="utf-8" src="../../tp/d3.min.js"></script>
12 + <script charset="utf-8" src="../../tp/topojson.v1.min.js"></script>
13 +
14 + <style>
15 + svg {
16 + border: 1px solid #888;
17 + }
18 + .country {
19 + fill: #bcd1ff;
20 + stroke: #7c79e6;
21 + stroke-width: 1;
22 + }
23 + </style>
24 +</head>
25 +
26 +<body>
27 + <div id="map"></div>
28 +
29 + <script>
30 + var datapath = '../../data/map/countries.topojson',
31 + height = 500,
32 + width = 500;
33 +
34 + // create geographic projection
35 + var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
36 + .translate([width/2, height/2]);
37 +
38 + // configure path generator
39 + var pathGenerator = d3.geo.path()
40 + .projection(projection);
41 +
42 + var div ='#map'),
43 + svg = div.append('svg'),
44 + grp = svg.append('g');
45 +
46 + svg.attr('width', width).attr('height', height);
47 +
48 + d3.json(datapath, function (error, data) {
49 + if (error) {
50 + console.error(error);
51 + throw error;
52 + }
53 +
54 + var features = topojson.feature(data, data.objects.countries).features;
55 +
56 + // S.America
57 + var southAmerica = features.filter(function (country) {
58 + return === 'South America';
59 + });
60 +
61 + var southAmericaFeature = {
62 + type: 'FeatureCollection',
63 + features: southAmerica
64 + };
65 +
66 + // compute bounds and centroid
67 + var bounds = d3.geo.bounds(southAmericaFeature),
68 + center = d3.geo.centroid(southAmericaFeature);
69 +
70 + // compute angular distance between bound corners
71 + var distance = d3.geo.distance(bounds[0], bounds[1]),
72 + scale = height / distance / Math.sqrt(2);
73 +
74 + // update projection
75 + projection.scale(scale).center(center);
76 +
77 + // draw
78 + var countries = grp.selectAll('')
79 + .data([southAmericaFeature]);
80 + countries.enter().append('path').classed('country', true);
81 + countries.attr('d', pathGenerator);
82 + countries.exit().remove();
83 + });
84 + </script>
85 +</body>
86 +
87 +</html>
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