Ayaka Koshibe

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://gerrit.onlab.us:29418/onos-next

Showing 31 changed files with 830 additions and 420 deletions
package org.onlab.onos.net.device;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Device;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.MastershipRole;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Port;
import org.onlab.onos.net.PortNumber;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import java.util.List;
* Manages inventory of infrastructure devices. It may do so using whatever
* means are appropriate.
public interface DeviceStore {
* Returns the number of devices known to the system.
* @return number of devices
int getDeviceCount();
* Returns an iterable collection of all devices known to the system.
* @return device collection
Iterable<Device> getDevices();
* Returns the device with the specified identifier.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return device
Device getDevice(DeviceId deviceId);
* Creates a new infrastructure device, or updates an existing one using
* the supplied device description.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param deviceDescription device description
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent createOrUpdateDevice(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId,
DeviceDescription deviceDescription);
* Removes the specified infrastructure device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent markOffline(DeviceId deviceId);
* Updates the ports of the specified infrastructure device using the given
* list of port descriptions. The list is assumed to be comprehensive.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portDescriptions list of port descriptions
* @return ready to send events describing what occurred; empty list if no change
List<DeviceEvent> updatePorts(DeviceId deviceId,
List<PortDescription> portDescriptions);
* Updates the port status of the specified infrastructure device using the
* given port description.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portDescription port description
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent updatePortStatus(DeviceId deviceId,
PortDescription portDescription);
* Returns the list of ports that belong to the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return list of device ports
List<Port> getPorts(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns the specified device port.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port number
* @return device port
Port getPort(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber);
* Indicates whether the specified device is available/online.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return true if device is available
boolean isAvailable(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns the mastership role determined for this device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return mastership role
MastershipRole getRole(DeviceId deviceId);
* Administratively sets the role of the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param role mastership role to apply
* @return mastership role change event or null if no change
DeviceEvent setRole(DeviceId deviceId, MastershipRole role);
* Administratively removes the specified device from the store.
* @param deviceId device to be removed
DeviceEvent removeDevice(DeviceId deviceId);
......@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ public interface FlowRuleProviderService extends ProviderService<FlowRuleProvide
* Pushes the collection of flow entries currently applied on the given
* device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return collection of flow entries
* @param flowRules collection of flow rules
void pushFlowMetrics(Iterable<FlowRule> flowEntries);
void pushFlowMetrics(Iterable<FlowRule> flowRules);
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public final class Criteria {
* Creates a match on ETH_SRC field using the specified value. This value
* may be a wildcard mask.
* @param macValue MAC address value or wildcard mask
* @param mac MAC address value or wildcard mask
* @return match criterion
public static Criterion matchEthSrc(MacAddress mac) {
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public final class Criteria {
* Creates a match on ETH_DST field using the specified value. This value
* may be a wildcard mask.
* @param macValue MAC address value or wildcard mask
* @param mac MAC address value or wildcard mask
* @return match criterion
public static Criterion matchEthDst(MacAddress mac) {
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
* Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
* @param <T> the type parameter for the instruction
public abstract class L2ModificationInstruction implements Instruction {
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
* Abstraction of a single traffic treatment step.
* @param <T> the type parameter for the instruction
public abstract class L3ModificationInstruction implements Instruction {
package org.onlab.onos.net.host;
import org.onlab.onos.net.ConnectPoint;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Host;
import org.onlab.onos.net.HostId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
import java.util.Set;
* Manages inventory of end-station hosts. It may do so using whatever
* means are appropriate.
public interface HostStore {
* Creates a new host or updates the existing one based on the specified
* description.
* @param providerId provider identification
* @param hostId host identification
* @param hostDescription host description data
* @return appropriate event or null if no change resulted
HostEvent createOrUpdateHost(ProviderId providerId, HostId hostId,
HostDescription hostDescription);
* Removes the specified host from the inventory.
* @param hostId host identification
* @return remove event or null if host was not found
HostEvent removeHost(HostId hostId);
* Returns the number of hosts in the store.
* @return host count
int getHostCount();
* Returns a collection of all hosts in the store.
* @return iterable collection of all hosts
Iterable<Host> getHosts();
* Returns the host with the specified identifer.
* @param hostId host identification
* @return host or null if not found
Host getHost(HostId hostId);
* Returns the set of all hosts within the specified VLAN.
* @param vlanId vlan id
* @return set of hosts in the vlan
Set<Host> getHosts(VlanId vlanId);
* Returns the set of hosts with the specified MAC address.
* @param mac mac address
* @return set of hosts with the given mac
Set<Host> getHosts(MacAddress mac);
* Returns the set of hosts with the specified IP address.
* @param ip ip address
* @return set of hosts with the given IP
Set<Host> getHosts(IpAddress ip);
* Returns the set of hosts whose location falls on the given connection point.
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return set of hosts
Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(ConnectPoint connectPoint);
* Returns the set of hosts whose location falls on the given device.
* @param deviceId infrastructure device identifier
* @return set of hosts
Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(DeviceId deviceId);
package org.onlab.onos.net.link;
import org.onlab.onos.net.ConnectPoint;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Link;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import java.util.Set;
* Manages inventory of infrastructure links. It may do so using whatever
* means are appropriate.
public interface LinkStore {
* Returns the number of links in the store.
* @return number of links
int getLinkCount();
* Returns an iterable collection of all links in the inventory.
* @return collection of all links
Iterable<Link> getLinks();
* Returns all links egressing from the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of device links
Set<Link> getDeviceEgressLinks(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns all links ingressing from the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of device links
Set<Link> getDeviceIngressLinks(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns the link between the two end-points.
* @param src source connection point
* @param dst destination connection point
* @return link or null if one not found between the end-points
Link getLink(ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst);
* Returns all links egressing from the specified connection point.
* @param src source connection point
* @return set of connection point links
Set<Link> getEgressLinks(ConnectPoint src);
* Returns all links ingressing to the specified connection point.
* @param dst destination connection point
* @return set of connection point links
Set<Link> getIngressLinks(ConnectPoint dst);
* Creates a new link, or updates an existing one, based on the given
* information.
* @param providerId provider identity
* @param linkDescription link description
* @return create or update link event, or null if no change resulted
public LinkEvent createOrUpdateLink(ProviderId providerId,
LinkDescription linkDescription);
* Removes the link based on the specified information.
* @param src link source
* @param dst link destination
* @return remove link event, or null if no change resulted
LinkEvent removeLink(ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst);
package org.onlab.onos.net.topology;
import org.onlab.onos.event.Event;
import org.onlab.onos.net.ConnectPoint;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Link;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Path;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Manages inventory of topology snapshots. It may do so using whatever
* means appropriate.
public interface TopologyStore {
* Returns the current topology snapshot.
* @return current topology descriptor
Topology currentTopology();
* Indicates whether the topology is the latest.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @return true if topology is the most recent one
boolean isLatest(Topology topology);
* Returns the immutable graph view of the current topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @return graph view
TopologyGraph getGraph(Topology topology);
* Returns the set of topology SCC clusters.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @return set of clusters
Set<TopologyCluster> getClusters(Topology topology);
* Returns the cluster of the specified topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param clusterId cluster identity
* @return topology cluster
TopologyCluster getCluster(Topology topology, ClusterId clusterId);
* Returns the cluster of the specified topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param cluster topology cluster
* @return set of cluster links
Set<DeviceId> getClusterDevices(Topology topology, TopologyCluster cluster);
* Returns the cluster of the specified topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param cluster topology cluster
* @return set of cluster links
Set<Link> getClusterLinks(Topology topology, TopologyCluster cluster);
* Returns the set of pre-computed shortest paths between src and dest.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param src source device
* @param dst destination device
* @return set of shortest paths
Set<Path> getPaths(Topology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst);
* Computes and returns the set of shortest paths between src and dest.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param src source device
* @param dst destination device
* @param weight link weight function
* @return set of shortest paths
Set<Path> getPaths(Topology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst,
LinkWeight weight);
* Indicates whether the given connect point is part of the network fabric.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return true if infrastructure; false otherwise
boolean isInfrastructure(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint);
* Indicates whether broadcast is allowed for traffic received on the
* given connection point.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return true if broadcast allowed; false otherwise
boolean isBroadcastPoint(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint);
* Generates a new topology snapshot from the specified description.
* @param providerId provider identification
* @param graphDescription topology graph description
* @param reasons list of events that triggered the update
* @return topology update event or null if the description is old
TopologyEvent updateTopology(ProviderId providerId,
GraphDescription graphDescription,
List<Event> reasons);
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceProvider;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceProviderService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceStore;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.PortDescription;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.AbstractProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.AbstractProviderService;
......@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimpleDeviceManager
public class DeviceManager
extends AbstractProviderRegistry<DeviceProvider, DeviceProviderService>
implements DeviceService, DeviceAdminService, DeviceProviderRegistry {
......@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ public class SimpleDeviceManager
protected final AbstractListenerRegistry<DeviceEvent, DeviceListener>
listenerRegistry = new AbstractListenerRegistry<>();
private final SimpleDeviceStore store = new SimpleDeviceStore();
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected DeviceStore store;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected EventDeliveryService eventDispatcher;
package org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DefaultDevice;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DefaultPort;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Device;
......@@ -10,8 +14,10 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.Port;
import org.onlab.onos.net.PortNumber;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceDescription;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceEvent;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceStore;
import org.onlab.onos.net.device.PortDescription;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
......@@ -26,12 +32,17 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceEvent.Type.*;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
* Manages inventory of infrastructure DEVICES using trivial in-memory
* structures implementation.
class SimpleDeviceStore {
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimpleDeviceStore implements DeviceStore {
private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
public static final String DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = "Device with ID %s not found";
......@@ -40,44 +51,33 @@ class SimpleDeviceStore {
private final Set<DeviceId> availableDevices = new HashSet<>();
private final Map<DeviceId, Map<PortNumber, Port>> devicePorts = new HashMap<>();
* Returns the number of devices known to the system.
* @return number of devices
int getDeviceCount() {
public void activate() {
public void deactivate() {
public int getDeviceCount() {
return devices.size();
* Returns an iterable collection of all devices known to the system.
* @return device collection
Iterable<Device> getDevices() {
public Iterable<Device> getDevices() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<Device>(devices.values()));
* Returns the device with the specified identifier.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return device
Device getDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
public Device getDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
return devices.get(deviceId);
* Creates a new infrastructure device, or updates an existing one using
* the supplied device description.
* @param providerId provider identifier
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param deviceDescription device description
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent createOrUpdateDevice(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId,
public DeviceEvent createOrUpdateDevice(ProviderId providerId, DeviceId deviceId,
DeviceDescription deviceDescription) {
DefaultDevice device = devices.get(deviceId);
if (device == null) {
......@@ -130,13 +130,8 @@ class SimpleDeviceStore {
* Removes the specified infrastructure device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent markOffline(DeviceId deviceId) {
public DeviceEvent markOffline(DeviceId deviceId) {
synchronized (this) {
Device device = devices.get(deviceId);
boolean removed = device != null && availableDevices.remove(deviceId);
......@@ -145,15 +140,8 @@ class SimpleDeviceStore {
* Updates the ports of the specified infrastructure device using the given
* list of port descriptions. The list is assumed to be comprehensive.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portDescriptions list of port descriptions
* @return ready to send events describing what occurred; empty list if no change
List<DeviceEvent> updatePorts(DeviceId deviceId,
public List<DeviceEvent> updatePorts(DeviceId deviceId,
List<PortDescription> portDescriptions) {
List<DeviceEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (this) {
......@@ -230,15 +218,8 @@ class SimpleDeviceStore {
return ports;
* Updates the port status of the specified infrastructure device using the
* given port description.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portDescription port description
* @return ready to send event describing what occurred; null if no change
DeviceEvent updatePortStatus(DeviceId deviceId,
public DeviceEvent updatePortStatus(DeviceId deviceId,
PortDescription portDescription) {
synchronized (this) {
Device device = devices.get(deviceId);
......@@ -249,58 +230,31 @@ class SimpleDeviceStore {
* Returns the list of ports that belong to the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return list of device ports
List<Port> getPorts(DeviceId deviceId) {
public List<Port> getPorts(DeviceId deviceId) {
Map<PortNumber, Port> ports = devicePorts.get(deviceId);
return ports == null ? new ArrayList<Port>() : ImmutableList.copyOf(ports.values());
* Returns the specified device port.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param portNumber port number
* @return device port
Port getPort(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber) {
public Port getPort(DeviceId deviceId, PortNumber portNumber) {
Map<PortNumber, Port> ports = devicePorts.get(deviceId);
return ports == null ? null : ports.get(portNumber);
* Indicates whether the specified device is available/online.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return true if device is available
boolean isAvailable(DeviceId deviceId) {
public boolean isAvailable(DeviceId deviceId) {
return availableDevices.contains(deviceId);
* Returns the mastership role determined for this device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return mastership role
MastershipRole getRole(DeviceId deviceId) {
public MastershipRole getRole(DeviceId deviceId) {
MastershipRole role = roles.get(deviceId);
return role != null ? role : MastershipRole.NONE;
* Administratively sets the role of the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param role mastership role to apply
* @return mastership role change event or null if no change
DeviceEvent setRole(DeviceId deviceId, MastershipRole role) {
public DeviceEvent setRole(DeviceId deviceId, MastershipRole role) {
synchronized (this) {
Device device = getDevice(deviceId);
checkArgument(device != null, DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, deviceId);
......@@ -310,12 +264,8 @@ class SimpleDeviceStore {
* Administratively removes the specified device from the store.
* @param deviceId device to be removed
DeviceEvent removeDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
public DeviceEvent removeDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
synchronized (this) {
Device device = devices.remove(deviceId);
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostProvider;
import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostProviderService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostStore;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.AbstractProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.AbstractProviderService;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
......@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ public class SimpleHostManager
private final AbstractListenerRegistry<HostEvent, HostListener>
listenerRegistry = new AbstractListenerRegistry<>();
private final SimpleHostStore store = new SimpleHostStore();
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected HostStore store;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected EventDeliveryService eventDispatcher;
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import static org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostEvent.Type.HOST_ADDED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostEvent.Type.HOST_MOVED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostEvent.Type.HOST_REMOVED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostEvent.Type.HOST_UPDATED;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
......@@ -11,6 +12,10 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onlab.onos.net.ConnectPoint;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DefaultHost;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
......@@ -18,6 +23,7 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.Host;
import org.onlab.onos.net.HostId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostDescription;
import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostEvent;
import org.onlab.onos.net.host.HostStore;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
......@@ -26,29 +32,37 @@ import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* Manages inventory of end-station hosts using trivial in-memory
* implementation.
public class SimpleHostStore {
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimpleHostStore implements HostStore {
private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
// Host inventory
private final Map<HostId, Host> hosts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// hosts sorted based on their location
// Hosts tracked by their location
private final Multimap<ConnectPoint, Host> locations = HashMultimap.create();
* Creates a new host or updates the existing one based on the specified
* description.
* @param providerId provider identification
* @param hostId host identification
* @param hostDescription host description data
* @return appropriate event or null if no change resulted
HostEvent createOrUpdateHost(ProviderId providerId, HostId hostId,
HostDescription hostDescription) {
public void activate() {
public void deactivate() {
public HostEvent createOrUpdateHost(ProviderId providerId, HostId hostId,
HostDescription hostDescription) {
Host host = hosts.get(hostId);
if (host == null) {
return createHost(providerId, hostId, hostDescription);
......@@ -102,13 +116,8 @@ public class SimpleHostStore {
return event;
* Removes the specified host from the inventory.
* @param hostId host identification
* @return remove event or null if host was not found
HostEvent removeHost(HostId hostId) {
public HostEvent removeHost(HostId hostId) {
synchronized (this) {
Host host = hosts.remove(hostId);
if (host != null) {
......@@ -119,41 +128,23 @@ public class SimpleHostStore {
* Returns the number of hosts in the store.
* @return host count
int getHostCount() {
public int getHostCount() {
return hosts.size();
* Returns a collection of all hosts in the store.
* @return iterable collection of all hosts
Iterable<Host> getHosts() {
public Iterable<Host> getHosts() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(hosts.values()));
* Returns the host with the specified identifer.
* @param hostId host identification
* @return host or null if not found
Host getHost(HostId hostId) {
public Host getHost(HostId hostId) {
return hosts.get(hostId);
* Returns the set of all hosts within the specified VLAN.
* @param vlanId vlan id
* @return set of hosts in the vlan
Set<Host> getHosts(VlanId vlanId) {
public Set<Host> getHosts(VlanId vlanId) {
Set<Host> vlanset = new HashSet<>();
for (Host h : hosts.values()) {
if (h.vlan().equals(vlanId)) {
......@@ -163,13 +154,8 @@ public class SimpleHostStore {
return vlanset;
* Returns the set of hosts with the specified MAC address.
* @param mac mac address
* @return set of hosts with the given mac
Set<Host> getHosts(MacAddress mac) {
public Set<Host> getHosts(MacAddress mac) {
Set<Host> macset = new HashSet<>();
for (Host h : hosts.values()) {
if (h.mac().equals(mac)) {
......@@ -179,13 +165,8 @@ public class SimpleHostStore {
return macset;
* Returns the set of hosts with the specified IP address.
* @param ip ip address
* @return set of hosts with the given IP
Set<Host> getHosts(IpAddress ip) {
public Set<Host> getHosts(IpAddress ip) {
Set<Host> ipset = new HashSet<>();
for (Host h : hosts.values()) {
if (h.ipAddresses().contains(ip)) {
......@@ -195,22 +176,12 @@ public class SimpleHostStore {
return ipset;
* Returns the set of hosts whose location falls on the given connection point.
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return set of hosts
Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
public Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(locations.get(connectPoint));
* Returns the set of hosts whose location falls on the given device.
* @param deviceId infrastructure device identifier
* @return set of hosts
public Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(DeviceId deviceId) {
Set<Host> hostset = new HashSet<>();
for (ConnectPoint p : locations.keySet()) {
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkProvider;
import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkProviderService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkStore;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.AbstractProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.AbstractProviderService;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
......@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimpleLinkManager
public class LinkManager
extends AbstractProviderRegistry<LinkProvider, LinkProviderService>
implements LinkService, LinkAdminService, LinkProviderRegistry {
......@@ -51,10 +52,12 @@ public class SimpleLinkManager
protected final AbstractListenerRegistry<LinkEvent, LinkListener>
listenerRegistry = new AbstractListenerRegistry<>();
private final SimpleLinkStore store = new SimpleLinkStore();
private final DeviceListener deviceListener = new InnerDeviceListener();
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected LinkStore store;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected DeviceService deviceService;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
......@@ -3,13 +3,19 @@ package org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.link.impl;
import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onlab.onos.net.ConnectPoint;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DefaultLink;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
import org.onlab.onos.net.Link;
import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkDescription;
import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkEvent;
import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkStore;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
......@@ -20,15 +26,18 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.Link.Type.DIRECT;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.Link.Type.INDIRECT;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkEvent.Type.LINK_ADDED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkEvent.Type.LINK_REMOVED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkEvent.Type.LINK_UPDATED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkEvent.Type.*;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
* Manages inventory of infrastructure links using trivial in-memory structures
* implementation.
class SimpleLinkStore {
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimpleLinkStore implements LinkStore {
private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
// Link inventory
private final Map<LinkKey, DefaultLink> links = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
......@@ -37,64 +46,45 @@ class SimpleLinkStore {
private final Multimap<DeviceId, Link> srcLinks = HashMultimap.create();
private final Multimap<DeviceId, Link> dstLinks = HashMultimap.create();
private static final Set<Link> EMPTY = ImmutableSet.copyOf(new Link[]{});
private static final Set<Link> EMPTY = ImmutableSet.of();
public void activate() {
public void deactivate() {
* Returns the number of links in the store.
* @return number of links
int getLinkCount() {
public int getLinkCount() {
return links.size();
* Returns an iterable collection of all links in the inventory.
* @return collection of all links
Iterable<Link> getLinks() {
public Iterable<Link> getLinks() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<Link>(links.values()));
* Returns all links egressing from the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of device links
Set<Link> getDeviceEgressLinks(DeviceId deviceId) {
public Set<Link> getDeviceEgressLinks(DeviceId deviceId) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(srcLinks.get(deviceId));
* Returns all links ingressing from the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of device links
Set<Link> getDeviceIngressLinks(DeviceId deviceId) {
public Set<Link> getDeviceIngressLinks(DeviceId deviceId) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(dstLinks.get(deviceId));
* Returns the link between the two end-points.
* @param src source connection point
* @param dst destination connection point
* @return link or null if one not found between the end-points
Link getLink(ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst) {
public Link getLink(ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst) {
return links.get(new LinkKey(src, dst));
* Returns all links egressing from the specified connection point.
* @param src source connection point
* @return set of connection point links
Set<Link> getEgressLinks(ConnectPoint src) {
public Set<Link> getEgressLinks(ConnectPoint src) {
Set<Link> egress = new HashSet<>();
for (Link link : srcLinks.get(src.deviceId())) {
if (link.src().equals(src)) {
......@@ -104,13 +94,8 @@ class SimpleLinkStore {
return egress;
* Returns all links ingressing to the specified connection point.
* @param dst destination connection point
* @return set of connection point links
Set<Link> getIngressLinks(ConnectPoint dst) {
public Set<Link> getIngressLinks(ConnectPoint dst) {
Set<Link> ingress = new HashSet<>();
for (Link link : dstLinks.get(dst.deviceId())) {
if (link.dst().equals(dst)) {
......@@ -120,14 +105,7 @@ class SimpleLinkStore {
return ingress;
* Creates a new link, or updates an existing one, based on the given
* information.
* @param providerId provider identity
* @param linkDescription link description
* @return create or update link event, or null if no change resulted
public LinkEvent createOrUpdateLink(ProviderId providerId,
LinkDescription linkDescription) {
LinkKey key = new LinkKey(linkDescription.src(), linkDescription.dst());
......@@ -171,14 +149,8 @@ class SimpleLinkStore {
return null;
* Removes the link based on the specified information.
* @param src link source
* @param dst link destination
* @return remove link event, or null if no change resulted
LinkEvent removeLink(ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst) {
public LinkEvent removeLink(ConnectPoint src, ConnectPoint dst) {
synchronized (this) {
Link link = links.remove(new LinkKey(src, dst));
if (link != null) {
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimplePathManager implements PathService {
public class PathManager implements PathService {
private static final String ELEMENT_ID_NULL = "Element ID cannot be null";
package org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onlab.onos.event.Event;
import org.onlab.onos.net.ConnectPoint;
import org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId;
......@@ -13,151 +17,96 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.Topology;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyCluster;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyEvent;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyGraph;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyStore;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
* Manages inventory of topology snapshots using trivial in-memory
* structures implementation.
class SimpleTopologyStore {
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimpleTopologyStore implements TopologyStore {
private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
private volatile DefaultTopology current;
* Returns the current topology snapshot.
* @return current topology descriptor
Topology currentTopology() {
public void activate() {
public void deactivate() {
public Topology currentTopology() {
return current;
* Indicates whether the topology is the latest.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @return true if topology is the most recent one
boolean isLatest(Topology topology) {
public boolean isLatest(Topology topology) {
// Topology is current only if it is the same as our current topology
return topology == current;
* Returns the immutable graph view of the current topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @return graph view
TopologyGraph getGraph(DefaultTopology topology) {
return topology.getGraph();
public TopologyGraph getGraph(Topology topology) {
return defaultTopology(topology).getGraph();
* Returns the set of topology SCC clusters.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @return set of clusters
Set<TopologyCluster> getClusters(DefaultTopology topology) {
return topology.getClusters();
public Set<TopologyCluster> getClusters(Topology topology) {
return defaultTopology(topology).getClusters();
* Returns the cluster of the specified topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param clusterId cluster identity
* @return topology cluster
TopologyCluster getCluster(DefaultTopology topology, ClusterId clusterId) {
return topology.getCluster(clusterId);
public TopologyCluster getCluster(Topology topology, ClusterId clusterId) {
return defaultTopology(topology).getCluster(clusterId);
* Returns the cluster of the specified topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param cluster topology cluster
* @return set of cluster links
Set<DeviceId> getClusterDevices(DefaultTopology topology, TopologyCluster cluster) {
return topology.getClusterDevices(cluster);
public Set<DeviceId> getClusterDevices(Topology topology, TopologyCluster cluster) {
return defaultTopology(topology).getClusterDevices(cluster);
* Returns the cluster of the specified topology.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param cluster topology cluster
* @return set of cluster links
Set<Link> getClusterLinks(DefaultTopology topology, TopologyCluster cluster) {
return topology.getClusterLinks(cluster);
public Set<Link> getClusterLinks(Topology topology, TopologyCluster cluster) {
return defaultTopology(topology).getClusterLinks(cluster);
* Returns the set of pre-computed shortest paths between src and dest.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param src source device
* @param dst destination device
* @return set of shortest paths
Set<Path> getPaths(DefaultTopology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst) {
return topology.getPaths(src, dst);
public Set<Path> getPaths(Topology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst) {
return defaultTopology(topology).getPaths(src, dst);
* Computes and returns the set of shortest paths between src and dest.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param src source device
* @param dst destination device
* @param weight link weight function
* @return set of shortest paths
Set<Path> getPaths(DefaultTopology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst,
LinkWeight weight) {
return topology.getPaths(src, dst, weight);
public Set<Path> getPaths(Topology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst,
LinkWeight weight) {
return defaultTopology(topology).getPaths(src, dst, weight);
* Indicates whether the given connect point is part of the network fabric.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return true if infrastructure; false otherwise
boolean isInfrastructure(DefaultTopology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
return topology.isInfrastructure(connectPoint);
public boolean isInfrastructure(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
return defaultTopology(topology).isInfrastructure(connectPoint);
* Indicates whether broadcast is allowed for traffic received on the
* given connection point.
* @param topology topology descriptor
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return true if broadcast allowed; false otherwise
boolean isBroadcastPoint(DefaultTopology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
return topology.isBroadcastPoint(connectPoint);
public boolean isBroadcastPoint(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
return defaultTopology(topology).isBroadcastPoint(connectPoint);
* Generates a new topology snapshot from the specified description.
* @param providerId provider identification
* @param graphDescription topology graph description
* @param reasons list of events that triggered the update
* @return topology update event or null if the description is old
TopologyEvent updateTopology(ProviderId providerId,
GraphDescription graphDescription,
List<Event> reasons) {
public TopologyEvent updateTopology(ProviderId providerId,
GraphDescription graphDescription,
List<Event> reasons) {
// First off, make sure that what we're given is indeed newer than
// what we already have.
if (current != null && graphDescription.timestamp() < current.time()) {
......@@ -175,4 +124,13 @@ class SimpleTopologyStore {
// Validates the specified topology and returns it as a default
private DefaultTopology defaultTopology(Topology topology) {
if (topology instanceof DefaultTopology) {
return (DefaultTopology) topology;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topology class " + topology.getClass() +
" not supported");
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyProvider;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyProviderService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyStore;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
@Component(immediate = true)
public class SimpleTopologyManager
public class TopologyManager
extends AbstractProviderRegistry<TopologyProvider, TopologyProviderService>
implements TopologyService, TopologyProviderRegistry {
......@@ -55,7 +56,8 @@ public class SimpleTopologyManager
private final AbstractListenerRegistry<TopologyEvent, TopologyListener>
listenerRegistry = new AbstractListenerRegistry<>();
private final SimpleTopologyStore store = new SimpleTopologyStore();
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected TopologyStore store;
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
protected EventDeliveryService eventDispatcher;
......@@ -81,49 +83,40 @@ public class SimpleTopologyManager
public boolean isLatest(Topology topology) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
return store.isLatest(defaultTopology(topology));
// Validates the specified topology and returns it as a default
private DefaultTopology defaultTopology(Topology topology) {
if (topology instanceof DefaultTopology) {
return (DefaultTopology) topology;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topology class " + topology.getClass() +
" not supported");
return store.isLatest(topology);
public Set<TopologyCluster> getClusters(Topology topology) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
return store.getClusters(defaultTopology(topology));
return store.getClusters(topology);
public TopologyCluster getCluster(Topology topology, ClusterId clusterId) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
checkNotNull(topology, CLUSTER_ID_NULL);
return store.getCluster(defaultTopology(topology), clusterId);
return store.getCluster(topology, clusterId);
public Set<DeviceId> getClusterDevices(Topology topology, TopologyCluster cluster) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
checkNotNull(topology, CLUSTER_NULL);
return store.getClusterDevices(defaultTopology(topology), cluster);
return store.getClusterDevices(topology, cluster);
public Set<Link> getClusterLinks(Topology topology, TopologyCluster cluster) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
checkNotNull(topology, CLUSTER_NULL);
return store.getClusterLinks(defaultTopology(topology), cluster);
return store.getClusterLinks(topology, cluster);
public TopologyGraph getGraph(Topology topology) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
return store.getGraph(defaultTopology(topology));
return store.getGraph(topology);
......@@ -131,7 +124,7 @@ public class SimpleTopologyManager
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
checkNotNull(src, DEVICE_ID_NULL);
checkNotNull(dst, DEVICE_ID_NULL);
return store.getPaths(defaultTopology(topology), src, dst);
return store.getPaths(topology, src, dst);
......@@ -140,21 +133,21 @@ public class SimpleTopologyManager
checkNotNull(src, DEVICE_ID_NULL);
checkNotNull(dst, DEVICE_ID_NULL);
checkNotNull(weight, "Link weight cannot be null");
return store.getPaths(defaultTopology(topology), src, dst, weight);
return store.getPaths(topology, src, dst, weight);
public boolean isInfrastructure(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
checkNotNull(connectPoint, CONNECTION_POINT_NULL);
return store.isInfrastructure(defaultTopology(topology), connectPoint);
return store.isInfrastructure(topology, connectPoint);
public boolean isBroadcastPoint(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint) {
checkNotNull(topology, TOPOLOGY_NULL);
checkNotNull(connectPoint, CONNECTION_POINT_NULL);
return store.isBroadcastPoint(defaultTopology(topology), connectPoint);
return store.isBroadcastPoint(topology, connectPoint);
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import static org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceEvent.Type.*;
* Test codifying the device service & device provider service contracts.
public class SimpleDeviceManagerTest {
public class DeviceManagerTest {
private static final ProviderId PID = new ProviderId("of", "foo");
private static final DeviceId DID1 = deviceId("of:foo");
......@@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ public class SimpleDeviceManagerTest {
private static final PortNumber P2 = PortNumber.portNumber(2);
private static final PortNumber P3 = PortNumber.portNumber(3);
private SimpleDeviceManager mgr;
private DeviceManager mgr;
protected DeviceService service;
protected DeviceAdminService admin;
......@@ -63,10 +62,11 @@ public class SimpleDeviceManagerTest {
public void setUp() {
mgr = new SimpleDeviceManager();
mgr = new DeviceManager();
service = mgr;
admin = mgr;
registry = mgr;
mgr.store = new SimpleDeviceStore();
mgr.eventDispatcher = new TestEventDispatcher();
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public class SimpleHostManagerTest {
public void setUp() {
mgr = new SimpleHostManager();
mgr.store = new SimpleHostStore();
mgr.eventDispatcher = new TestEventDispatcher();
registry = mgr;
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.AbstractProvider;
import org.onlab.onos.net.provider.ProviderId;
import org.onlab.onos.event.impl.TestEventDispatcher;
import org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.SimpleDeviceManager;
import org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.DeviceManager;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import static org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkEvent.Type.*;
* Test codifying the link service & link provider service contracts.
public class SimpleLinkManagerTest {
public class LinkManagerTest {
private static final ProviderId PID = new ProviderId("of", "foo");
private static final DeviceId DID1 = deviceId("of:foo");
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public class SimpleLinkManagerTest {
private static final PortNumber P3 = PortNumber.portNumber(3);
private SimpleLinkManager mgr;
private LinkManager mgr;
protected LinkService service;
protected LinkAdminService admin;
......@@ -61,12 +61,13 @@ public class SimpleLinkManagerTest {
public void setUp() {
mgr = new SimpleLinkManager();
mgr = new LinkManager();
service = mgr;
admin = mgr;
registry = mgr;
mgr.store = new SimpleLinkStore();
mgr.eventDispatcher = new TestEventDispatcher();
mgr.deviceService = new SimpleDeviceManager();
mgr.deviceService = new DeviceManager();
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.GraphDescription;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyProvider;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyProviderRegistry;
import org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyProviderService;
import org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.SimpleDeviceManager;
import org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.link.impl.SimpleLinkManager;
import org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.DeviceManager;
import org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.link.impl.LinkManager;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.onlab.junit.TestTools.assertAfter;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_ADDED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.link.LinkEvent.Type.LINK_ADDED;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.SimpleTopologyManagerTest.device;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.SimpleTopologyManagerTest.link;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.TopologyManagerTest.device;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.TopologyManagerTest.link;
* Test of the default topology provider implementation.
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class DefaultTopologyProviderTest {
private class TestDeviceService extends SimpleDeviceManager {
private class TestDeviceService extends DeviceManager {
TestDeviceService() {
eventDispatcher = new TestEventDispatcher();
eventDispatcher.addSink(DeviceEvent.class, listenerRegistry);
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public class DefaultTopologyProviderTest {
private class TestLinkService extends SimpleLinkManager {
private class TestLinkService extends LinkManager {
TestLinkService() {
eventDispatcher = new TestEventDispatcher();
eventDispatcher.addSink(LinkEvent.class, listenerRegistry);
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ import static com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet.of;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.DeviceId.deviceId;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.PortNumber.portNumber;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.SimpleTopologyManagerTest.device;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.SimpleTopologyManagerTest.link;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.TopologyManagerTest.device;
import static org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.topology.impl.TopologyManagerTest.link;
* Test of the default topology implementation.
......@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ import static org.onlab.onos.net.topology.TopologyEvent.Type.TOPOLOGY_CHANGED;
* Test of the topology subsystem.
public class SimpleTopologyManagerTest {
public class TopologyManagerTest {
private static final ProviderId PID = new ProviderId("of", "foo");
private SimpleTopologyManager mgr;
private TopologyManager mgr;
protected TopologyService service;
protected TopologyProviderRegistry registry;
......@@ -55,10 +55,11 @@ public class SimpleTopologyManagerTest {
public void setUp() {
mgr = new SimpleTopologyManager();
mgr = new TopologyManager();
service = mgr;
registry = mgr;
mgr.store = new SimpleTopologyStore();
mgr.eventDispatcher = new TestEventDispatcher();
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<img src="doc-files/onos-subsystem.png" alt="ONOS subsystem structure"><br>
For example, the device-subsystem comprises of a core
{@link org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.SimpleDeviceManager DeviceManager},
{@link org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.DeviceManager},
which exposes a north-bound
{@link org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceService} through which applications or other core components
can learn about the global infrastructure device inventory and through
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
On the south-bound side, the core {@link org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.SimpleDeviceManager DeviceManager}
On the south-bound side, the core {@link org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.DeviceManager}
exposes a {@link org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceProviderRegistry} through which any number of
{@link org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceProvider} entities can register and in turn obtain a
{@link org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceProviderService}. Device and port information can then be
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Within the core, the tasks of indexing, persisting and synchronizing the
global device and port state with the cluster peers falls on the
{@link org.onlab.onos.net.trivial.device.impl.SimpleDeviceStore DeviceStore}.
{@link org.onlab.onos.net.device.DeviceStore}.
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ perl -pi.old -e "s|^(featuresRepositories=.*)|\1,mvn:org.onlab.onos/onos-feature
# Patch the Apache Karaf distribution file to load ONOS features
perl -pi.old -e 's|^(featuresBoot=.*)|\1,onos-api,onos-core,onos-cli,onos-rest,onos-gui,onos-openflow,onos-app-tvue,onos-app-fwd|' \
#perl -pi.old -e 's|^(featuresBoot=.*)|\1,onos-api,onos-core,onos-cli,onos-rest,onos-gui,onos-openflow,onos-app-tvue,onos-app-fwd|' \
# $ONOS_STAGE/$KARAF_DIST/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg
# Patch the Apache Karaf distribution with ONOS branding bundle
cp $M2_REPO/org/onlab/onos/onos-branding/$ONOS_VERSION/onos-branding-*.jar \
......@@ -45,20 +45,35 @@ alias gui='open http://localhost:8181/onos/tvue'
# Test related conveniences
# Default virtual box ONOS instances 1,2 & 3
export OC1=""
export OC2=""
export OC3=""
# Default instance is #1
export OCI="$OC1"
# SSH to a specified ONOS instance
function sshctl {
[ -n "$1" ] && OCI=$1 && shift
ssh -Y sdn@$OCI "$@"
# Applies the settings in the specified cell file or lists current cell definition
# if no cell file is given.
function cell {
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
[ ! -f $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells/$1 ] && \
echo "No such cell: $1" >&2 && return 1
. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells/$1
export OCI=$OC1
export ONOS_CELL=$1
env | egrep "ONOS_CELL"
env | egrep "OCI"
env | egrep "OC[0-9]+" | sort
cell local >/dev/null # Default cell is the local VMs
# Lists available cells
function cells {
ls -1 $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells
# Miscellaneous
function spy {
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<interfaces enabled="true">
<ssl enabled="false"/>
<socket-interceptor enabled="false"/>
......@@ -7,22 +7,60 @@
. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/envDefaults
# If the first option is -f attempt uninstall first.
[ "$1" = "-f" ] && shift && onos-uninstall ${1:-$OCI}
[ "$1" = "-f" ] && shift && echo 'Uninstalling...' && onos-uninstall ${1:-$OCI}
scp -q $ONOS_TAR $remote:/tmp
ssh $remote "
[ -d $ONOS_INSTALL_DIR/bin ] && echo \"ONOS is already installed\" && exit 1
# Prepare a landing zone and unroll the bits
echo 'Unpacking...'
sudo mkdir -p $ONOS_INSTALL_DIR && sudo chown sdn:sdn $ONOS_INSTALL_DIR
tar zxmf /tmp/$ONOS_BITS.tar.gz -C $ONOS_INSTALL_DIR --strip-components=1
# Make a link to the log file directory.
ln -s /opt/onos/$KARAF_DIST/data/log /opt/onos/log
ln -s $ONOS_INSTALL_DIR/$KARAF_DIST/data/log /opt/onos/log
# TODO: Setup ONOS to run as a daemon; for now we at least startup
nohup /opt/onos/bin/onos-ctl server </dev/null 1>/opt/onos/svc.log 2>&1 &
echo 'Starting...'
nohup $ONOS_INSTALL_DIR/bin/onos-ctl server </dev/null | 1>/opt/onos/svc.log 2>&1 &
# Wait until we reach the run-level 100
echo 'Waiting for cluster bootstrap...'
while [ -z \$running ]; do
$onos bundle:list 2>>$LOG | grep -q 'START LEVEL 100' && running=1 || sleep 2
# Now create group onos and join it, while quitting the default one
if ! $onos cluster:group-list 2>>$LOG | cut -d \\ -f3 | grep -q onos; then
echo 'Creating ONOS group...'
$onos cluster:group-create onos 1>>$LOG 2>&1
echo 'Configuring group membership...'
node=\$($onos cluster:node-list 2>>$LOG | grep '^x' | cut -d \\ -f3)
$onos cluster:group-join onos \$node 1>>$LOG 2>&1
$onos cluster:group-quit default \$node 1>>$LOG 2>&1
if [ X\$installRole = Xprimary ]; then
echo 'Installing ONOS bundles...'
$onos cluster:feature-install onos onos-api 1>>$LOG 2>&1
$onos cluster:feature-install onos onos-core 1>>$LOG 2>&1
$onos cluster:feature-install onos onos-openflow 1>>$LOG 2>&1
$onos cluster:feature-install onoe onos-cli 1>>$LOG 2>&1
# $onos cluster:feature-install onos onos-gui 1>>$LOG 2>&1
# $onos cluster:feature-install onos onos-rest 1>>$LOG 2>&1
$onos cluster:feature-install onos onos-app-tvue 1>>$LOG 2>&1
$onos cluster:feature-install onos onos-app-fwd 1>>$LOG 2>&1
echo 'Started...'
# Default virtual box ONOS instances 1,2 & 3
export OC1=""
export OC2=""
export OC3=""
......@@ -234,6 +234,30 @@ public final class IpAddress {
return mask() != 0;
* Determines whether a given address is contained within this IpAddress'
* network.
* @param other another IP address that could be contained in this network
* @return true if the other IP address is contained in this address'
* network, otherwise false
public boolean contains(IpAddress other) {
if (this.netmask <= other.netmask) {
// Special case where they're both /32 addresses
if (this.netmask == MAX_INET_MASK) {
return Arrays.equals(octets, other.octets);
// Mask the other address with our network mask
IpAddress otherMasked =
IpAddress.valueOf(other.octets, netmask).network();
return network().equals(otherMasked);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
package org.onlab.packet;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Arrays;
......@@ -73,4 +74,26 @@ public class IPAddressTest {
assertTrue("incorrect netmask",
Arrays.equals(IpAddress.ANY, ip2.netmask().toOctets()));
public void testContains() {
IpAddress slash31 = IpAddress.valueOf(BYTES1, 31);
IpAddress slash32 = IpAddress.valueOf(BYTES1, 32);
IpAddress differentSlash32 = IpAddress.valueOf(BYTES2, 32);
IpAddress zero = IpAddress.valueOf("");
IpAddress slash8 = IpAddress.valueOf("");