Toshio Koide

Starting point for designing a resource manager API.

import java.util.Objects;
* Representation of bandwidth resource.
public final class Bandwidth extends LinkResource {
private final double bandwidth;
* Creates a new instance with given bandwidth.
* @param bandwidth bandwidth value to be assigned
private Bandwidth(double bandwidth) {
this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
* Creates a new instance with given bandwidth.
* @param bandwidth bandwidth value to be assigned
* @return {@link Bandwidth} instance with given bandwidth
public static Bandwidth valueOf(double bandwidth) {
return new Bandwidth(bandwidth);
* Returns bandwidth as a double value.
* @return bandwidth as a double value
public double toDouble() {
return bandwidth;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Bandwidth) {
Bandwidth that = (Bandwidth) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.bandwidth, that.bandwidth);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(this.bandwidth);
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(this.bandwidth);
import java.util.Objects;
* Representation of lambda resource.
public final class Lambda extends LinkResource {
private final int lambda;
* Creates a new instance with given lambda.
* @param lambda lambda value to be assigned
private Lambda(int lambda) {
this.lambda = lambda;
* Creates a new instance with given lambda.
* @param lambda lambda value to be assigned
* @return {@link Lambda} instance with given lambda
public static Lambda valueOf(int lambda) {
return new Lambda(lambda);
* Returns lambda as an int value.
* @return lambda as an int value
public int toInt() {
return lambda;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Lambda) {
Lambda that = (Lambda) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.lambda, that.lambda);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(this.lambda);
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(this.lambda);
* Abstraction of link resource.
public abstract class LinkResource {
import java.util.Map;
* Service for providing link resource allocation.
public interface LinkResourceService {
* Allocates resources along the path.
* <p>
* Tries to allocate given resources on the links along the path specified
* by the given intent.
* @param res resources to be allocated
* @param intent an intent to be used for specifying the path
void allocateResource(LinkResources res, PathIntent intent);
* Releases resources along the path.
* @param intentId an ID for the intent for specifying the path
void releaseResource(IntentId intentId);
* Returns all allocated resources to each link.
* @return allocated resources to each link with {@link IntentId}
Map<Link, Map<IntentId, LinkResources>> allocatedResources();
* Returns all allocated resources to given link.
* @param link a target link
* @return allocated resources to the target link with {@link IntentId}
Map<IntentId, LinkResources> allocatedResources(Link link);
* Returns available resources for each link.
* @return available resources for each link
Map<Link, LinkResources> availableResources();
* Returns available resources for given link.
* @param link a target link
* @return available resources for the target link
LinkResource availableResources(Link link);
import java.util.Set;
* Abstraction of a resources of a link.
public interface LinkResources {
* Returns resources as a set of {@link LinkResource}s.
* @return a set of {@link LinkResource}s
Set<LinkResource> resources();
* Builder of {@link LinkResources}.
public interface Builder {
* Adds bandwidth resource.
* <p>
* This operation adds given bandwidth to previous bandwidth and
* generates single bandwidth resource.
* @param bandwidth bandwidth value to be added
* @return self
public Builder addBandwidth(double bandwidth);
* Adds lambda resource.
* @param lambda lambda value to be added
* @return self
public Builder addLambda(int lambda);
* Builds an immutable link resources.
* @return link resources
public LinkResources build();