Madan Jampani

ONOS-4396: Fix for EC Map synchronization failing silently due to serialization failures.

With this change we proactively fail map updates when serialization failures can occur and immediately notify the caller

Change-Id: I62a8a84731b9c2a6eeff7fa6f8336dc74234bf30
......@@ -339,8 +339,11 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
checkNotNull(value, ERROR_NULL_VALUE);
MapValue<V> newValue = new MapValue<>(value, timestampProvider.apply(key, value));
// Before mutating local map, ensure the update can be serialized without errors.
// This prevents replica divergence due to serialization failures.
UpdateEntry<K, V> update = serializer.copy(new UpdateEntry<K, V>(key, newValue));
if (putInternal(key, newValue)) {
notifyPeers(new UpdateEntry<>(key, newValue), peerUpdateFunction.apply(key, value));
notifyPeers(update, peerUpdateFunction.apply(key, value));
notifyListeners(new EventuallyConsistentMapEvent<>(mapName, PUT, key, value));
......@@ -417,13 +420,15 @@ public class EventuallyConsistentMapImpl<K, V>
AtomicBoolean updated = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicReference<MapValue<V>> previousValue = new AtomicReference<>();
MapValue<V> computedValue = items.compute(key, (k, mv) -> {
MapValue<V> computedValue = items.compute(serializer.copy(key), (k, mv) -> {
V newRawValue = recomputeFunction.apply(key, mv == null ? null : mv.get());
MapValue<V> newValue = new MapValue<>(newRawValue, timestampProvider.apply(key, newRawValue));
if (mv == null || newValue.isNewerThan(mv)) {
return newValue;
// We return a copy to ensure updates to peers can be serialized.
// This prevents replica divergence due to serialization failures.
return serializer.copy(newValue);
} else {
return mv;
......@@ -78,6 +78,11 @@ public class KryoSerializer implements StoreSerializer {
public <T> T copy(T object) {
return decode(encode(object));
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("serializerPool", serializerPool)
......@@ -75,4 +75,13 @@ public interface StoreSerializer {
* @param <T> decoded type
<T> T decode(final InputStream stream);
* Returns a copy of the specfied object.
* @param object object to copy
* @return a copy of the object
* @param <T> object type
<T> T copy(final T object);