Thomas Vachuska

Adding support for link state to GUI.

Change-Id: I6476cf04810f7bc7e88af629a36ce671b42748d0
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ public class DevicesListCommand extends AbstractShellCommand {
if (device != null) {
.put("available", service.isAvailable(
.put("type", device.type().toString())
.put("role", service.getRole(
.put("mfr", device.manufacturer())
.put("hw", device.hwVersion())
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import static;
description = "Lists all infrastructure links")
public class LinksListCommand extends AbstractShellCommand {
private static final String FMT = "src=%s/%s, dst=%s/%s, type=%s%s";
private static final String FMT = "src=%s/%s, dst=%s/%s, type=%s, state=%s%s";
private static final String COMPACT = "%s/%s-%s/%s";
@Argument(index = 0, name = "uri", description = "Device ID",
......@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ public class LinksListCommand extends AbstractShellCommand {
ObjectNode result = mapper.createObjectNode();
result.set("src", json(mapper, link.src()));
result.set("dst", json(mapper, link.dst()));
result.put("type", link.type().toString());
result.put("state", link.state().toString());
result.set("annotations", annotations(mapper, link.annotations()));
return result;
......@@ -107,7 +109,8 @@ public class LinksListCommand extends AbstractShellCommand {
public static String linkString(Link link) {
return String.format(FMT, link.src().deviceId(), link.src().port(),
link.dst().deviceId(), link.dst().port(), link.type(),
link.dst().deviceId(), link.dst().port(),
link.type(), link.state(),
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
......@@ -106,7 +108,8 @@ public class SimpleHostStore
synchronized (this) {
hosts.put(hostId, newhost);
locations.put(descr.location(), newhost);
......@@ -123,15 +126,19 @@ public class SimpleHostStore
return new HostEvent(HOST_MOVED, host);
if (host.ipAddresses().containsAll(descr.ipAddress())) {
if (host.ipAddresses().containsAll(descr.ipAddress()) &&
descr.annotations().keys().isEmpty()) {
return null;
Set<IpAddress> addresses = new HashSet<>(host.ipAddresses());
Annotations annotations = merge((DefaultAnnotations) host.annotations(),
StoredHost updated = new StoredHost(providerId,,
host.mac(), host.vlan(),
descr.location(), addresses);
descr.location(), addresses,
event = new HostEvent(HOST_UPDATED, updated);
synchronized (this) {
hosts.put(, updated);
"devices": [
{ "name": "CMBR", "alias": "s1", "uri": "of:0000000000000001", "mac": "000000000001", "annotations": { "latitude": 42.373730, "longitude": -71.109734 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "CHCG", "alias": "s2", "uri": "of:0000000000000002", "mac": "000000000002", "annotations": { "latitude": 41.877461, "longitude": -87.642892 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "CLEV", "alias": "s3", "uri": "of:0000000000000003", "mac": "000000000003", "annotations": { "latitude": 41.498928, "longitude": -81.695217 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "RLGH", "alias": "s4", "uri": "of:0000000000000004", "mac": "000000000004", "annotations": { "latitude": 35.780150, "longitude": -78.644026 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "ATLN", "alias": "s5", "uri": "of:0000000000000005", "mac": "000000000005", "annotations": { "latitude": 33.749017, "longitude": -84.394168 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "PHLA", "alias": "s6", "uri": "of:0000000000000006", "mac": "000000000006", "annotations": { "latitude": 39.952906, "longitude": -75.172278 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "WASH", "alias": "s7", "uri": "of:0000000000000007", "mac": "000000000007", "annotations": { "latitude": 38.906696, "longitude": -77.035509 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "NSVL", "alias": "s8", "uri": "of:0000000000000008", "mac": "000000000008", "annotations": { "latitude": 36.166410, "longitude": -86.787305 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "STLS", "alias": "s9", "uri": "of:0000000000000009", "mac": "000000000009", "annotations": { "latitude": 38.626418, "longitude": -90.198143 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "NWOR", "alias": "s10", "uri": "of:000000000000000a", "mac": "00000000000a", "annotations": { "Xlatitude": 0.0, "Xlongitude": 0.00 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "HSTN", "alias": "s11", "uri": "of:000000000000000b", "mac": "00000000000b", "annotations": { "latitude": 29.763249, "longitude": -95.368332 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "SNAN", "alias": "s12", "uri": "of:000000000000000c", "mac": "00000000000c", "annotations": { "latitude": 29.424331, "longitude": -98.491745 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "DLLS", "alias": "s13", "uri": "of:000000000000000d", "mac": "00000000000d", "annotations": { "latitude": 32.777665, "longitude": -96.802064 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "ORLD", "alias": "s14", "uri": "of:000000000000000e", "mac": "00000000000e", "annotations": { "latitude": 28.538641, "longitude": -81.381110 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "DNVR", "alias": "s15", "uri": "of:000000000000000f", "mac": "00000000000f", "annotations": { "latitude": 39.736623, "longitude": -104.984887 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "KSCY", "alias": "s16", "uri": "of:0000000000000010", "mac": "000000000010", "annotations": { "latitude": 39.100725, "longitude": -94.581228 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "SNFN", "alias": "s17", "uri": "of:0000000000000011", "mac": "000000000011", "annotations": { "latitude": 37.779751, "longitude": -122.409791 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "SCRM", "alias": "s18", "uri": "of:0000000000000012", "mac": "000000000012", "annotations": { "latitude": 38.581001, "longitude": -121.497844 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "PTLD", "alias": "s19", "uri": "of:0000000000000013", "mac": "000000000013", "annotations": { "latitude": 45.523317, "longitude": -122.677768 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "STTL", "alias": "s20", "uri": "of:0000000000000014", "mac": "000000000014", "annotations": { "latitude": 47.607326, "longitude": -122.331786 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "SLKC", "alias": "s21", "uri": "of:0000000000000015", "mac": "000000000015", "annotations": { "latitude": 40.759577, "longitude": -111.895079 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "LA03", "alias": "s22", "uri": "of:0000000000000016", "mac": "000000000016", "annotations": { "latitude": 34.056346, "longitude": -118.235951 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "SNDG", "alias": "s23", "uri": "of:0000000000000017", "mac": "000000000017", "annotations": { "latitude": 32.714564, "longitude": -117.153528 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "PHNX", "alias": "s24", "uri": "of:0000000000000018", "mac": "000000000018", "annotations": { "latitude": 33.448289, "longitude": -112.076299 }, "type": "SWITCH" },
{ "name": "NY54", "alias": "s25", "uri": "of:0000000000000019", "mac": "000000000019", "annotations": { "latitude": 40.728270, "longitude": -73.994483 }, "type": "SWITCH" }
"hosts": [
{ "name": "CMBR", "alias": "h1", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:01", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000001/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 44.373730, "longitude": -71.109734 } },
{ "name": "CHCG", "alias": "h2", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:02", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000002/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 43.877461, "longitude": -87.642892 } },
{ "name": "CLEV", "alias": "h3", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:03", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000003/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 43.498928, "longitude": -81.695217 } },
{ "name": "RLGH", "alias": "h4", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:04", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000004/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 37.780150, "longitude": -78.644026 } },
{ "name": "ATLN", "alias": "h5", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:05", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000005/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 35.749017, "longitude": -84.394168 } },
{ "name": "PHLA", "alias": "h6", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:06", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000006/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 41.952906, "longitude": -75.172278 } },
{ "name": "WASH", "alias": "h7", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:07", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000007/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 40.906696, "longitude": -77.035509 } },
{ "name": "NSVL", "alias": "h8", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:08", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000008/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 38.166410, "longitude": -86.787305 } },
{ "name": "STLS", "alias": "h9", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:09", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000009/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 40.626418, "longitude": -90.198143 } },
{ "name": "NWOR", "alias": "h10", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:0a", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:000000000000000a/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "Xlatitude": 0.0, "Xlongitude": 0.00 } },
{ "name": "HSTN", "alias": "h11", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:0b", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:000000000000000b/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 31.763249, "longitude": -95.368332 } },
{ "name": "SNAN", "alias": "h12", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:0c", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:000000000000000c/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 31.424331, "longitude": -98.491745 } },
{ "name": "DLLS", "alias": "h13", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:0d", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:000000000000000d/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 34.777665, "longitude": -96.802064 } },
{ "name": "ORLD", "alias": "h14", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:0e", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:000000000000000e/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 31.538641, "longitude": -81.381110 } },
{ "name": "DNVR", "alias": "h15", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:0f", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:000000000000000f/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 41.736623, "longitude": -104.984887 } },
{ "name": "KSCY", "alias": "h16", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:10", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000010/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 41.100725, "longitude": -94.581228 } },
{ "name": "SNFN", "alias": "h17", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:11", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000011/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 39.779751, "longitude": -122.409791 } },
{ "name": "SCRM", "alias": "h18", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:12", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000012/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 40.581001, "longitude": -121.497844 } },
{ "name": "PTLD", "alias": "h19", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:13", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000013/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 47.523317, "longitude": -122.677768 } },
{ "name": "STTL", "alias": "h20", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:14", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000014/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 49.607326, "longitude": -122.331786 } },
{ "name": "SLKC", "alias": "h21", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:15", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000015/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 42.759577, "longitude": -111.895079 } },
{ "name": "LA03", "alias": "h22", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:16", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000016/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 36.056346, "longitude": -118.235951 } },
{ "name": "SNDG", "alias": "h23", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:17", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000017/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 34.714564, "longitude": -117.153528 } },
{ "name": "PHNX", "alias": "h24", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:18", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000018/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 35.448289, "longitude": -112.076299 } },
{ "name": "NY54", "alias": "h25", "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:19", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000000000000019/1", "ip": "", "annotations": { "latitude": 42.728270, "longitude": -73.994483 } }
#!/usr/bin/env python
from mininet.topo import Topo
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import RemoteController
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
from import TCLink
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
class AttMplsTopo( Topo ):
"Internet Topology Zoo Specimen."
def __init__( self ):
"Create a topology."
# Initialize Topology
Topo.__init__( self )
# add nodes, switches first...
NY54 = self.addSwitch( 's25' ) // 40.728270, -73.994483
CMBR = self.addSwitch( 's1' ) // 42.373730, -71.109734
CHCG = self.addSwitch( 's2' ) // 41.877461, -87.642892
CLEV = self.addSwitch( 's3' ) // 41.498928, -81.695217
RLGH = self.addSwitch( 's4' ) // 35.780150, -78.644026
ATLN = self.addSwitch( 's5' ) // 33.749017, -84.394168
PHLA = self.addSwitch( 's6' ) // 39.952906, -75.172278
WASH = self.addSwitch( 's7' ) // 38.906696, -77.035509
NSVL = self.addSwitch( 's8' ) // 36.166410, -86.787305
STLS = self.addSwitch( 's9' ) // 38.626418, -90.198143
NWOR = self.addSwitch( 's10' ) //
HSTN = self.addSwitch( 's11' ) // 29.763249, -95.368332
SNAN = self.addSwitch( 's12' ) // 29.424331, -98.491745
DLLS = self.addSwitch( 's13' ) // 32.777665, -96.802064
ORLD = self.addSwitch( 's14' ) // 28.538641, -81.381110
DNVR = self.addSwitch( 's15' ) // 39.736623, -104.984887
KSCY = self.addSwitch( 's16' ) // 39.100725, -94.581228
SNFN = self.addSwitch( 's17' ) // 37.779751, -122.409791
SCRM = self.addSwitch( 's18' ) // 38.581001, -121.497844
PTLD = self.addSwitch( 's19' ) // 45.523317, -122.677768
STTL = self.addSwitch( 's20' ) // 47.607326, -122.331786
SLKC = self.addSwitch( 's21' ) // 40.759577, -111.895079
LA03 = self.addSwitch( 's22' ) // 34.056346, -118.235951
SNDG = self.addSwitch( 's23' ) // 32.714564, -117.153528
PHNX = self.addSwitch( 's24' ) // 33.448289, -112.076299
# ... and now hosts
NY54_host = self.addHost( 'h25' )
CMBR_host = self.addHost( 'h1' )
CHCG_host = self.addHost( 'h2' )
CLEV_host = self.addHost( 'h3' )
RLGH_host = self.addHost( 'h4' )
ATLN_host = self.addHost( 'h5' )
PHLA_host = self.addHost( 'h6' )
WASH_host = self.addHost( 'h7' )
NSVL_host = self.addHost( 'h8' )
STLS_host = self.addHost( 'h9' )
NWOR_host = self.addHost( 'h10' )
HSTN_host = self.addHost( 'h11' )
SNAN_host = self.addHost( 'h12' )
DLLS_host = self.addHost( 'h13' )
ORLD_host = self.addHost( 'h14' )
DNVR_host = self.addHost( 'h15' )
KSCY_host = self.addHost( 'h16' )
SNFN_host = self.addHost( 'h17' )
SCRM_host = self.addHost( 'h18' )
PTLD_host = self.addHost( 'h19' )
STTL_host = self.addHost( 'h20' )
SLKC_host = self.addHost( 'h21' )
LA03_host = self.addHost( 'h22' )
SNDG_host = self.addHost( 'h23' )
PHNX_host = self.addHost( 'h24' )
# add edges between switch and corresponding host
self.addLink( NY54 , NY54_host )
self.addLink( CMBR , CMBR_host )
self.addLink( CHCG , CHCG_host )
self.addLink( CLEV , CLEV_host )
self.addLink( RLGH , RLGH_host )
self.addLink( ATLN , ATLN_host )
self.addLink( PHLA , PHLA_host )
self.addLink( WASH , WASH_host )
self.addLink( NSVL , NSVL_host )
self.addLink( STLS , STLS_host )
self.addLink( NWOR , NWOR_host )
self.addLink( HSTN , HSTN_host )
self.addLink( SNAN , SNAN_host )
self.addLink( DLLS , DLLS_host )
self.addLink( ORLD , ORLD_host )
self.addLink( DNVR , DNVR_host )
self.addLink( KSCY , KSCY_host )
self.addLink( SNFN , SNFN_host )
self.addLink( SCRM , SCRM_host )
self.addLink( PTLD , PTLD_host )
self.addLink( STTL , STTL_host )
self.addLink( SLKC , SLKC_host )
self.addLink( LA03 , LA03_host )
self.addLink( SNDG , SNDG_host )
self.addLink( PHNX , PHNX_host )
# add edges between switches
self.addLink( NY54 , CMBR, bw=10, delay='0.979030824185ms')
self.addLink( NY54 , CHCG, bw=10, delay='0.806374975652ms')
self.addLink( NY54 , PHLA, bw=10, delay='0.686192970166ms')
self.addLink( NY54 , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.605826192092ms')
self.addLink( CMBR , PHLA, bw=10, delay='1.4018238197ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , CLEV, bw=10, delay='0.232315346482ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , PHLA, bw=10, delay='1.07297714274ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.12827896944ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , DNVR, bw=10, delay='1.35964770335ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , KSCY, bw=10, delay='1.5199778541ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.620743405435ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , STTL, bw=10, delay='0.93027212534ms')
self.addLink( CHCG , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.735621751348ms')
self.addLink( CLEV , NSVL, bw=10, delay='0.523419372248ms')
self.addLink( CLEV , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.00360290845ms')
self.addLink( CLEV , PHLA, bw=10, delay='0.882912133249ms')
self.addLink( RLGH , ATLN, bw=10, delay='1.1644489729ms')
self.addLink( RLGH , WASH, bw=10, delay='1.48176810502ms')
self.addLink( ATLN , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.557636936322ms')
self.addLink( ATLN , NSVL, bw=10, delay='1.32869749865ms')
self.addLink( ATLN , STLS, bw=10, delay='0.767705554748ms')
self.addLink( ATLN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='0.544782086448ms')
self.addLink( ATLN , ORLD, bw=10, delay='1.46119152532ms')
self.addLink( PHLA , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.372209320106ms')
self.addLink( NSVL , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.43250491305ms')
self.addLink( NSVL , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.67698215288ms')
self.addLink( STLS , DLLS, bw=10, delay='0.256389964194ms')
self.addLink( STLS , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.395511571791ms')
self.addLink( STLS , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.257085227363ms')
self.addLink( NWOR , HSTN, bw=10, delay='0.0952906633914ms')
self.addLink( NWOR , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.60231329739ms')
self.addLink( NWOR , ORLD, bw=10, delay='0.692731063896ms')
self.addLink( HSTN , SNAN, bw=10, delay='0.284150653798ms')
self.addLink( HSTN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.65690128332ms')
self.addLink( HSTN , ORLD, bw=10, delay='0.731886304782ms')
self.addLink( SNAN , PHNX, bw=10, delay='1.34258627257ms')
self.addLink( SNAN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.50063532341ms')
self.addLink( DLLS , DNVR, bw=10, delay='0.251471593235ms')
self.addLink( DLLS , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.18026026737ms')
self.addLink( DLLS , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.74304274592ms')
self.addLink( DLLS , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.506439293357ms')
self.addLink( DNVR , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.223328790403ms')
self.addLink( DNVR , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.889017541903ms')
self.addLink( DNVR , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.631898982721ms')
self.addLink( KSCY , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.922778522233ms')
self.addLink( SNFN , SCRM, bw=10, delay='0.630352278097ms')
self.addLink( SNFN , PTLD, bw=10, delay='0.828572513655ms')
self.addLink( SNFN , STTL, bw=10, delay='1.54076081649ms')
self.addLink( SNFN , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.621507502625ms')
self.addLink( SNFN , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.602936230151ms')
self.addLink( SCRM , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.461350343644ms')
self.addLink( PTLD , STTL, bw=10, delay='1.17591515181ms')
self.addLink( SLKC , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.243225267023ms')
self.addLink( LA03 , SNDG, bw=10, delay='0.681264950821ms')
self.addLink( LA03 , PHNX, bw=10, delay='0.343709457969ms')
# self.addLink( LA03 , PHNX, bw=10, delay='0.343709457969ms')
self.addLink( SNDG , PHNX, bw=10, delay='0.345064487693ms')
topos = { 'att': ( lambda: AttMplsTopo() ) }
cd ~/topos && sudo mn --custom --topo att --link tc --controller remote,${1:-} --mac \
--switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow10
......@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
"links" : [
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff01/20", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff03/30", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff02/21", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff03/31", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true" } },
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{ "src": "of:0000ffffffff0005/2", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff09/10", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true", "inactive": "true" } },
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......@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
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{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff02/21", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff03/31", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff01/22", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff04/30", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff04/31", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff02/22", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff01/20", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff03/30", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true", "inactive": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff02/21", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff03/31", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true", "inactive": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff01/22", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff04/30", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true", "inactive": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffffff04/31", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff02/22", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM", "durable": "true", "inactive": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffff0001/2", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff01/10", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffff0002/2", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff02/11", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true" } }
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffff0001/2", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff01/10", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true", "inactive": "true" } },
{ "src": "of:0000ffffffff0002/2", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff02/11", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect", "durable": "true", "inactive": "true" } }
cd ~/topos && sudo mn --custom --topo tower --controller remote,${1:-} --mac
......@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ public abstract class TopologyViewMessages {
ControllerNode node = event.subject();
ObjectNode payload = mapper.createObjectNode()
.put("online", clusterService.getState( == ACTIVE);
.put("online", clusterService.getState( == ACTIVE)
.put("uiAttached", event.subject().equals(clusterService.getLocalNode()));
ArrayNode labels = mapper.createArrayNode();
......@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ public abstract class TopologyViewMessages {
ObjectNode payload = mapper.createObjectNode()
.put("id", compactLinkString(link))
.put("type", link.type().toString().toLowerCase())
.put("online", true) // link.state()) TODO: add link state field
.put("online", link.state() == Link.State.ACTIVE)
.put("linkWidth", 2)
.put("src", link.src().deviceId().toString())
.put("srcPort", link.src().port().toString())
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
var api = onos.api;
// Config variables
var guiTitle = 'Open Networking Operating System';
var guiTitle = 'Open Network Operating System';
// DOM elements and the like
var mast ='#mast');
......@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@
opacity: .7;
#topo svg .link.inactive {
opacity: .2;
stroke-dasharray: 8 4;
#topo svg .link.primary {
stroke: #f11;
stroke-width: 6px;
......@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@
// merge in remaining data
$.extend(lnk, link, {
class: 'link',
svgClass: type ? 'link ' + type : 'link'
svgClass: (type ? 'link ' + type : 'link') + ' ' + ( ? 'active' : 'inactive')
return lnk;