
Adding model abstractions to help flesh-out the concepts.

......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public interface DeviceService {
MastershipRole getRole(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns an iterable collection of the currently known infrastructure
* Returns a collection of the currently known infrastructure
* devices.
* @return collection of devices
import java.util.Set;
* Service for interacting with the inventory of end-station hosts.
public interface HostService {
* Returns a collection of all end-station hosts.
* @return collection of hosts
Iterable<Host> getHosts();
* Returns the host with the specified identifier.
* @param hostId host identifier
* @return host or null if one with the given identifier is not known
Host getHost(ElementId hostId); // TODO: change to HostId
// TODO: determine which ones make sense or which we care to support
// Set<Host> getHostsByVlan(VlanId vlan);
// Set<Host> getHostsByMac(MacAddress mac);
// Set<Host> getHostsByIp(IpAddress ip);
* Returns the set of hosts whose most recent location is the specified
* connection point.
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return set of hosts connected to the connection point
Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(ConnectPoint connectPoint);
* Returns the set of hosts whose most recent location is the specified
* infrastructure device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of hosts connected to the device
Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(DeviceId deviceId);
* Adds the specified host listener.
* @param listener host listener
void addListener(HostListener listener);
* Removes the specified host listener.
* @param listener host listener
void removeListener(HostListener listener);
import java.util.Set;
* Service for interacting with the inventory of infrastructure links.
public interface LinkService {
* Returns a collection of all known infrastructure links.
* @return all infrastructure links
Iterable<Link> getLinks();
* Returns set of all infrastructure links leading to and from the
* specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of device links
Set<Link> getDeviceLinks(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns set of all infrastructure links leading from the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of device egress links
Set<Link> getDeviceEgressLinks(DeviceId deviceId);
* Returns set of all infrastructure links leading to the specified device.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @return set of device ingress links
Set<Link> getDeviceInressLinks(DeviceId deviceId);
* Adds the specified link listener.
* @param listener link listener
void addListener(LinkListener listener);
* Removes the specified link listener.
* @param listener link listener
void removeListener(LinkListener listener);
......@@ -17,4 +17,14 @@ public interface TopologyDescription extends Description {
Collection<Description> details();
// Default topology provider/computor should do the following:
// create graph
// search graph for SCC clusters (Tarjan)
// search graph for all pairs shortest paths based on hop-count
// this means all shortest paths, between all pairs; not just one shortest path
// optionally use path results to produce destination-rooted broadcast trees
// provide description with the graph, clusters, paths and trees upwards
import org.onlab.onos.event.AbstractEvent;
* Describes network topology event.
public class TopologyEvent extends AbstractEvent<TopologyEvent.Type, Topology> {
* Type of topology events.
public enum Type {
* Signifies that topology has changed.
* Creates an event of a given type and for the specified topology and the
* current time.
* @param type topology event type
* @param topology event topology subject
public TopologyEvent(Type type, Topology topology) {
super(type, topology);
* Creates an event of a given type and for the specified topology and time.
* @param type link event type
* @param topology event topology subject
* @param time occurrence time
public TopologyEvent(Type type, Topology topology, long time) {
super(type, topology, time);
import org.onlab.onos.event.EventListener;
* Entity capable of receiving network topology related events.
public interface TopologyListener extends EventListener<TopologyEvent> {
* Service for providing network topology information.
public interface TopologyService {
* Returns the current topology descriptor.
* @return current topology
Topology currentTopology();
// TODO: Figure out hot to best export graph traversal methods via Graph/Vertex/Edge
// TODO: figure out how we want this to be presented, via Topology or via TopologyService
// Set<TopologyCluster> getClusters(Topology topology);
// Set<Path> getPaths(Topology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst);
// Set<Path> getPaths(Topology topology, DeviceId src, DeviceId dst, LinkWeight weight);
// boolean isInfrastructure(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint);
// boolean isInBroadcastTree(Topology topology, ConnectPoint connectPoint);
* Adds the specified topology listener.
* @param listener topology listener
void addListener(TopologyListener listener);
* Removes the specified topology listener.
* @param listener topology listener
void removeListener(TopologyListener listener);