Thomas Vachuska

Adding tool to spawn iTerm configuration for monitoring logs of the current cell…

… instances: 'onos-iterm-logs'
Adding tool to spawn iTerm configuration for executing commands against the current cell instances: 'onos-iterm-cli'

Change-Id: I356603eb9b77779e2c1025adf0cf2c8816acd1ed
1 +#!/bin/bash
2 +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 +# Test utility to spawn an iTerm window for testing against current cell.
4 +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 +
6 +cellName=$ONOS_CELL
7 +nodeCount=$(env | egrep "OC[0-9]+" | wc -l | tr -d ' ')
8 +
9 +osascript -e "
10 +tell application \"iTerm\"
11 +
12 + set cellName to \"$cellName\"
13 + set paneCount to $nodeCount
14 +
15 + set theTerm to (make new terminal)
16 +
17 + tell theTerm
18 + set number of columns to 292
19 + set number of rows to 24
20 + launch session \"Default\"
21 + tell the current session
22 + set name to \"ONOS Shell 1\"
23 + write text \"cell \" & cellName
24 + write text \"oi 1 && clear && echo Node \$OCI\"
25 + end tell
26 + end tell
27 +
28 + tell theTerm
29 + repeat with thePane from 2 to paneCount
30 + tell the current session
31 + tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"d\" using command down
32 + set name to \"ONOS Shell \" & thePane
33 + write text \"cell \" & cellName
34 + write text \"oi \" & thePane & \" && clear && echo Node \$OCI\"
35 + end tell
36 + end repeat
37 + end tell
38 +
39 + tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"I\" using command down
40 +
41 +end tell
42 +"
1 +#!/bin/bash
2 +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 +# Test utility to spawn an iTerm window for monitoring logs of current cell.
4 +#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 +
6 +cellName=$ONOS_CELL
7 +nodeCount=$(env | egrep "OC[0-9]+" | wc -l | tr -d ' ')
8 +
9 +osascript -e "
10 +tell application \"iTerm\"
11 +
12 + set cellName to \"$cellName\"
13 + set paneCount to $nodeCount
14 +
15 + set theTerm to (make new terminal)
16 +
17 + tell theTerm
18 + set number of columns to 292
19 + set number of rows to 64
20 + launch session \"Default\"
21 + tell the current session
22 + set name to \"ONOS Log 1\"
23 + write text \"cell \" & cellName
24 + write text \"oi 1 && clear && echo Node \$OCI && ol\"
25 + end tell
26 + end tell
27 +
28 + tell theTerm
29 + repeat with thePane from 2 to paneCount
30 + tell the current session
31 + tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"D\" using command down
32 + set name to \"ONOS Log \" & thePane
33 + write text \"cell \" & cellName
34 + write text \"oi \" & thePane & \" && clear && echo Node \$OCI && ol\"
35 + end tell
36 + end repeat
37 + end tell
38 +
39 + tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"I\" using command down
40 +
41 +end tell
42 +"