- 18 Aug, 2016 5 commits
SimpleChannelInboundHandler generates `message` instance check code on the fly, using JavaAssist. Which was not working, when a new Connection was created on the thread outside of NettyMessagingManager bundle, which did not have access to netty classes. - Implemented equivalent for SimpleChannelInboundHandler<InternaleMessage> without specifying type parameter, avoiding on the fly code generation. Other changes: - Add a method in IpAddress to return InetAddress instance. Change-Id: Ie97294a5650683457b9395e773269c5232d8e602
Yuta HIGUCHI authored -
The idea is to allow applications to contribute NeighbourMessageHandlers to handle ARP/NDP packets coming from a particular ConnectPoint, Interface or with a particular traffic selector. Applications can contribute different handlers for different ports, because they know how those ports will be used. Also, multiple applications can contribute handlers for different ports/interfaces without having to have one ARP handler for the entire network. The framework provides actions that the handler can choose to take - flood, proxy, reply, drop. The handler is free to implement some other action if none of these fit what it needs to do. The framework also handles many of the common tasks for ARP handlers, like parsing packets, abstracting the differences between ARP and NDP, implementing actions like replying to a request. This allows handlers to be very simple and easy to understand and implement. Change-Id: I313c723e9ebc3d0816eb79870ee0536780e7a640
Jonathan Hart authored
- 17 Aug, 2016 11 commits
- Should fix following warnings: (no name): long already registed as 7. Skipping 326. (no name): class org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address already registed as 70. Skipping 327. Change-Id: I5a3ee1a219b567617f964ddaca16b0cc9dcef5ea
Yuta HIGUCHI authored -
Also, changing the visibility of one of its APIs from "private" to "protected" so that it can gets called from inherrited subclasses. Change-Id: I195b3f4d851f8523f33031b199edc5cc7b58535d
Hesam Rahimi authored -
…d, but if in the 10 second, the group was modified, no group_added notify would be receive, but a group_updated instead. with out the change, the consequnce flow would not be add Change-Id: I5703aafc6169dc595adc36a79fe8fabd68eb8fbc
ke han authored
- 16 Aug, 2016 12 commits
Addressed review comments Addressed review comments for patch-2 Addressed review comments for patch-3 Fixed broken "show intent" on topo view. Change-Id: Ie76deca917d6cd6c98d121135e53b9093b5ed8ee
Viswanath KSP authored -
Change-Id: I98a2dcd0ed6a4a97ca2ac29a9b592e2f0c714ba8 (cherry picked from commit 97a08bbc)
Luca Prete authored -
- installing HostToHostIntent was failing on multi-instance cluster Change-Id: Ib473a49459c333bfbe74fbcec8363473739cf424
Yuta HIGUCHI authored -
- After updating Netty 4.0 version, we sometimes see java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/netty/util/internal/TypeParameterMatcher with backtrace insisting there's some dynamic class resolution inside Netty. It might be side-effect of recent native-epoll support inside karaf? https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/5119 - Add DynamicImport-Package for io.netty to allow deferred wiring http://felix.apache.org/documentation/tutorials-examples-and-presentations/apache-felix-osgi-faq.html#how-to-provide-optional-services - Add a way to pass DynamicImport-Package on BUCK build Change-Id: I50ec3400e940c56fb52563d84659ebb30c302235
Yuta HIGUCHI authored
- 15 Aug, 2016 4 commits
- 13 Aug, 2016 4 commits
Removed Classnames file and added code to fn.js Fixed typo dimentions to dimensions Moved Device/Link logic from Topo2D3 into the model Model now calls onChange when any property is changed via the set Method WIP - Added d3 force layout for devices and lines Change-Id: I4d1afd3cd4cecf2f719e27f4be5d1e874bd9e342
Steven Burrows authored
- 12 Aug, 2016 4 commits