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Feature Policy

Build Status

This is Express middleware to set the Feature-Policy header. You can read more about it here and here.

To use:

const featurePolicy = require('feature-policy')

// ...

  features: {
    fullscreen: ["'self'"],
    vibrate: ["'none'"],
    payment: [''],
    syncXhr: ["'none'"]

The following features are currently supported:

  • accelerometer
  • ambientLightSensor
  • autoplay
  • camera
  • documentDomain
  • documentWrite
  • encryptedMedia
  • fontDisplayLateSwap
  • fullscreen
  • geolocation
  • gyroscope
  • layoutAnimations
  • legacyImageFormats
  • loadingFrameDefaultEager
  • magnetometer
  • microphone
  • midi
  • oversizedImages
  • payment
  • pictureInPicture
  • serial
  • speaker
  • syncScript
  • syncXhr
  • unoptimizedImages
  • unoptimizedLosslessImages
  • unoptimizedLossyImages
  • unsizedMedia
  • usb
  • verticalScroll
  • vibrate
  • vr
  • wakeLock
  • xr