
Merge branch 'develop'

# 메이플스토리 스펙 계산기
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# maplespec.ga
메이플스토리 스펙업 효율을 계산해주는 웹 어플리케이션입니다.
[View Demo](https://maplespec.ga)
* 공개설정이 된 메이플스토리 캐릭터 이름(ex 88분고민한닉, 54분고민한닉, 72분고민한닉)을 입력하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
* 해외에 서버가 있어 분석에 1분정도 시간이 소요됩니다.
## About The Project
본 프로젝트는 메이플스토리 게임의 스펙을 계산하여 어떤 스탯을 올리는 것이 효율적인지를 계산해주는 툴입니다. 닉네임 입력만으로 간단하게 스탯 효율을 계산할 수 있습니다.
### Built With
* [Docker](https://github.com/docker)
* [Express](https://github.com/expressjs/express)
* [Nginx](https://github.com/nginx/nginx)
* [Svelte](https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte)
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
* docker
Docker를 사용하여 구동이 가능합니다. docker-compose가 사용이 가능한 환경이어야 합니다. [설치 안내](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
### Installation
1. clone the repository
git clone http://khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2017104005/oss-maple.git
2. checkout release
git checkout release
3. docker on
docker-compose up
4. (optional) 80(http) 또는 443(https) 포트로 포워딩
포워딩하지 않은 경우 8081 포트로 프로젝트가 실행됩니다.
## Contributing
프로젝트에 기여하고 싶으신 분들은 아래 절차를 따라주시기 바랍니다.
1. 프로젝트 fork
2. feature branch 생성 (`git checkout -b feature/n-name`) (프로젝트 feature를 구분하기 위해 feature name 앞에 숫자를 넣습니다.)
3. commit (`git commit -m "Add feature`)
4. push (`git push origin feature/n-name`)
5. pull request 생성
본 프로젝트는 기여를 환영합니다.
## Contact
* 오윤석, dhdbstjr98@khu.ac.kr
* 오윤석, admin@com1.kr
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*Looking for a shareable component template? Go here --> [sveltejs/component-template](https://github.com/sveltejs/component-template)*
# svelte app
This is a project template for [Svelte](https://svelte.dev) apps. It lives at https://github.com/sveltejs/template.
To create a new project based on this template using [degit](https://github.com/Rich-Harris/degit):
npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app
cd svelte-app
*Note that you will need to have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) installed.*
## Get started
Install the dependencies...
cd svelte-app
npm install
...then start [Rollup](https://rollupjs.org):
npm run dev
Navigate to [localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000). You should see your app running. Edit a component file in `src`, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.
By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost. To allow connections from other computers, edit the `sirv` commands in package.json to include the option `--host`.
## Building and running in production mode
To create an optimised version of the app:
npm run build
You can run the newly built app with `npm run start`. This uses [sirv](https://github.com/lukeed/sirv), which is included in your package.json's `dependencies` so that the app will work when you deploy to platforms like [Heroku](https://heroku.com).
## Single-page app mode
By default, sirv will only respond to requests that match files in `public`. This is to maximise compatibility with static fileservers, allowing you to deploy your app anywhere.
If you're building a single-page app (SPA) with multiple routes, sirv needs to be able to respond to requests for *any* path. You can make it so by editing the `"start"` command in package.json:
"start": "sirv public --single"
## Deploying to the web
### With [now](https://zeit.co/now)
Install `now` if you haven't already:
npm install -g now
Then, from within your project folder:
cd public
now deploy --name my-project
As an alternative, use the [Now desktop client](https://zeit.co/download) and simply drag the unzipped project folder to the taskbar icon.
### With [surge](https://surge.sh/)
Install `surge` if you haven't already:
npm install -g surge
Then, from within your project folder:
npm run build
surge public my-project.surge.sh