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An axios error wrapper that aim to provide clear error message to the user


npm i --save axios-error


yarn add axios-error


const AxiosError = require('axios-error');

// You can construct it from error throw by axios
const error = new AxiosError(errorThrowByAxios);

// Or with custom error message
const error = new AxiosError(message, errorThrowByAxios);

// Or construct it from axios config, axios request and axios response
const error = new AxiosError(message, { config, request, response });

Directly console.log on the error instance will return formatted message. If you'd like to get the axios request, response, or config, you can still get them via those keys on the error instance.

console.log(error); // formatted error message
console.log(error.stack); // error stack trace
console.log(error.config); // axios request config
console.log(error.request); // HTTP request
console.log(error.response); // HTTP response