
2021 OSS Project Using node!

f3d7d3ac Update User model index · by Lee SeJin


A website for developers to get driven with motivation.

dev-profile URL : https://dev-profile-2021.herokuapp.com/

KHU-Hub repo : khuhub.khu.ac.kr/2018102216/dev-profile

Main Features

  • your basic profile
  • random quotes for developers to motivate you :sparkles:
  • the amount of commits you've done on GitHub at a glance
  • your most-contributed project on GitHub
  • today's trending repositories on GitHub

● Additional Features

  • direct and easy login via GitHub
  • intuitive and easy-to-use structure

● Home Page

1. You can join or login with GitHub account.
2. You can search via Google.


● Myprofile Page

1. You can see your profile information, github contributions, repositories, status at a glance.


● Edit Profile Page

1. You can input or change your informations.


● Home Page

1. you can join or login with github.
2. you can search.


● Test Installation

After cloning repository, type the following into terminal to automatically install modules and libraries.

npm install

To run server,

npm run dev:server
npm run dev:assets

● MongoDB Installation

1. Access to the MongoDB homepage.

2. Select options and download MongoDB.

3. If this screen appears when installing MongoDB, please select 'complete' and proceed.

4. If you enter 'mongo' command in vsc terminal, it will be installed with the screen appearing as below.


● Setting environment variables

    -ps. When entering 'mongo' command in vsc terminal, skip this part if it runs well.
1. Find the folder where mongoDB is installed, and copy the folder's route.

2. Open the 'environment variable' page. In Windows environment, you can use command (window + R) and input 'sysdm.cpl ,3'. Then, click 'environment variable'.

3. You must find 'path' in 'system variable' categroy, not 'users variable'. If you find 'path' in 'system variable', then check 'path' and click 'Editing'.

4. Create a new environmental variable path using the Mongo db address you copied earlier.

5. Please check if Mongo Db is working well refering to the fourth method of "MongoDB Installation".

● Nodejs Installation

install node js.

● Project Architecture


● Road Map


● How to fill .env file

1. If you clone our repository and downloads required modules, make new '.env' file.
2. Fill in the required values as shown below.


● How to contribute our project

1. Please fork our repository.
2. Change your branch to 'develop'.
3. Send pull request.

● Contributor Contact

Lee Se Jin : lsj8706@naver.com
Kim Cherrie : cherriekim925@gmail.com
Jung Seoung Hyun : jshbest00@khu.ac.kr

● API reference

Programming Quotes API

Trending-GitHub API

GitHub Contributuions API

Github Recent Repositories API

● License
