
chatbot 에서 일정 시간간격으로 거래 정보를 push하는 기능 추가

1 +const request = require('request');
2 +const TARGET_URL = 'https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/push'
3 +const MULTI_TARGET_URL = 'https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/multicast'
4 +const BROAD_TARGET_URL = 'https://api.line.me/v2/bot/message/broadcast'
5 +const TOKEN = ''//Token, userid 입력후 사용
6 +const USER_ID = ''
7 +
8 +const express = require('express');
9 +const app = express();
10 +const fetch = require('node-fetch');
11 +const fs_apikey = require('fs');
12 +const api_key = fs_apikey.readFileSync('apikey', 'ascii')
13 +var cursor = ''
14 +url2 = 'https://api.whale-alert.io/v1/transactions?api_key=' + api_key + '&cursor=' + cursor;
15 +const options = {method: 'GET', headers: {Accept: 'application/json'}};
16 +
17 +var TimeNow = parseInt((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)
18 +var uts2time = new Date()
19 +
20 +console.log(TimeNow)
21 +fetch(url2, options) //커서값(갱신)을 얻기 위한 fetch
22 +.then(res => res.json())
23 +.then(json => {
24 + console.log(json)
25 + cursor = json.cursor
26 +})
27 +.catch((err) => {
28 + console.log('error : inital_fetch:'+err)
29 +})
30 +function chk_param(data, query_limit, callback){
31 + //query_limit (non_int) => return 0;
32 + //query_limit (int) => return query_limit;
33 + query_limit = parseInt(query_limit)
34 + if(isNaN(query_limit)){ return callback(data, 0)}
35 + else {return callback(data, query_limit)}
36 +}
37 +function data_collector(data, limit){
38 + var ret = new Array();
39 + var str = '';
40 +
41 + //ret += '# of Transactions : ' + data.count + '\n'
42 + for(var i = 0; i < data.count; i++){
43 + uts2time.setTime(data.transactions[i].timestamp * 1000)
44 + str = /*'#' + (i+1)+*/'Time: ' + uts2time.toLocaleString() + '\nChainName: '+data.transactions[i].blockchain+'\nAmount: '+data.transactions[i].amount+' USD'
45 + if(data.transactions[i].amount > limit){
46 + //console.log(str)
47 + // ret += '\n\n' + str;
48 + o ={ 'type' : 'text',//message 형태에 맞춰 저장
49 + 'text' : str}
50 + ret.push(o)
51 + }
52 + else{
53 + //console.log(str)
54 + }
55 + }
56 + return ret;
57 +}
58 +//5초 간격으로 fetch후 메시지 전송
59 +setInterval(() => {
60 + fetch(url2+cursor, options)
61 + .then(res => res.json())
62 + .then(json => {
63 + //API usage limit
64 + console.log(json)
65 + if(json.result == 'error'){
66 + }
67 + else{
68 + cursor = json.cursor
69 + var msg2user = chk_param(json, 0, data_collector) //fetch후 message Object 배열 리턴
70 + console.log('msg',msg2user)
71 + if(msg2user.length){
72 + var i = 0;
73 + for(i; i < msg2user.length; i++){
74 + request.post(
75 + {
76 + url: TARGET_URL,
77 + headers: {
78 + 'Authorization': `Bearer ${TOKEN}`
79 + },
80 + json: {
81 + "to": `${USER_ID}`,
82 + "messages":[msg2user[i]] //5개 초과하면 err나서 하나씩 넣음
83 + }
84 + },(error, response, body) => {
85 + console.log(body, error)
86 + });
87 + }
88 + }
89 + }
90 + })
91 + .catch(err => {
92 + console.error('error: var:fu:' + err)
93 + })
94 +}, 5000);
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