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Changes to PostCSS Preset Env

7.8.3 (November 14, 2022)

  • Update autoprefixer to 10.4.13 (patch)
  • Update browserlist to 4.21.4 (patch)
  • Update postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.10 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-cascade-layers to 1.1.1 (patch)

7.8.2 (September 15, 2022)

  • Update @csstools/postcss-cascade-layers to 1.1.0 (minor)
  • Update autoprefixer to 10.4.11 (patch)
  • Update postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.9 (patch)
  • Update postcss-nesting to 10.2.0 (minor)

7.8.1 (September 7, 2022)

  • Update cssdb to 7.0.1 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-cascade-layers to 1.0.6 (patch)

7.8.0 (August 16, 2022)

  • Added @csstools/postcss-nested-calc
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added @csstools/postcss-text-decoration-shorthand
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Update @csstools/postcss-cascade-layers to 1.0.5 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-color-function to 1.1.1 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-font-format-keywords to 1.0.1 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-hwb-function to 1.0.2 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-ic-unit to 1.0.1 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class to 2.0.7 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-normalize-display-values to 1.0.1 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-oklab-function to 1.1.1 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-stepped-value-functions to 1.0.1 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-trigonometric-functions to 1.0.2 (patch)
  • Update @csstools/postcss-unset-value to 1.0.2 (patch)
  • Update autoprefixer to 10.4.8 (patch)
  • Update browserslist to 4.21.3 (patch)
  • Update cssdb to 7.0.0 (major)
  • Update postcss-attribute-case-insensitive to 5.0.2 (patch)
  • Update postcss-color-functional-notation to 4.2.4 (patch)
  • Update postcss-color-rebeccapurple to 7.1.1 (patch)
  • Update postcss-dir-pseudo-class to 6.0.5 (patch)
  • Update postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.1.2 (patch)
  • Update postcss-gap-properties to 3.0.5 (patch)
  • Update postcss-image-set-function to 4.0.7 (patch)
  • Update postcss-lab-function to 4.2.1 (patch)
  • Update postcss-nesting to 10.1.10 (patch)
  • Update postcss-overflow-shorthand to 3.0.4 (patch)
  • Update postcss-place to 7.0.5 (patch)
  • Update postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.1.6 (patch)
  • Update postcss-selector-not to 6.0.1 (patch)

7.7.2 (June 23, 2022)

  • Fix op_mini all not working as a browser list.
  • Updated postcss-color-rebeccapurple to 7.1.0 (minor)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.21.0 (minor)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-cascade-layers to 1.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class to 2.0.6 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-color-hex-alpha to 8.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-media to 8.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.8 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-selectors to 6.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.1.9 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.1.5 (patch)

7.7.1 (June 3, 2022)

  • Updated postcss-selector-not to 6.0.0 (major)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-trigonometric-functions to 1.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-attribute-case-insensitive to 5.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-media to 8.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-selectors to 6.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated cssdb to 6.6.3 (patch)

7.7.0 (May 31, 2022)

  • Added @csstools/postcss-trigonometric-functions
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-cascade-layers to 1.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-color-functional-notation to 4.2.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.1.7 (patch)

7.6.0 (May 19, 2022)

  • Added @csstools/postcss-cascade-layers
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-hwb-function to 1.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class to 2.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-unset-value to 1.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.1.6 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.1.4 (patch)
  • Updated autoprefixer to 10.4.7 (patch)

7.5.0 (May 2, 2022)

  • Added @csstools/postcss-unset-value
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added @csstools/postcss-stepped-value-functions
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Updated cssdb to 6.6.0 (minor)
  • Updated autoprefixer to 10.4.6 (patch)

7.4.4 (April 26, 2022)

  • Updated @csstools/postcss-color-function to 1.1.0 (minor)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class to 2.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-oklab-function to 1.1.0 (minor)
  • Updated autoprefixer to 10.4.5 (patch)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.20.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.7 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.2.0 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.1.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.1.2 (patch)

7.4.3 (March 19, 2022)

  • Fix manually enabling a feature that doesn't meet the required vendor implementations. #310
  • Updated postcss-clamp to 4.1.0 (minor)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-color-function to 1.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class to 2.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-oklab-function to 1.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-progressive-custom-properties to 1.3.0 (minor)
  • Updated autoprefixer to 10.4.4 (patch)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.20.2 (patch)
  • Updated cssdb to 6.5.0 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.5 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.1.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-env-function to 4.0.6 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.1.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.1.3 (patch)
  • Remove internal patch for postcss-clamp
  • Document all features.

see the list of features

7.4.2 (March 2, 2022)

  • Adding internal patch for postcss-clamp to fix issue when clamp was being used with any other values along. #274

7.4.1 (February 17, 2022)

  • Updated postcss-clamp to 4.0.0 (major)

7.4.0 (February 16, 2022)

  • Added @csstools/color-function
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added @csstools/oklab-function
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added @csstools/ic-unit
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-progressive-custom-properties to 1.2.0 (minor)
  • Updated cssdb to 6.3.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.1.0 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.1.1 (patch)

7.3.3 (February 13, 2022)

  • Updated cssdb to 6.3.0 (minor)

6.7.1 (February 13, 2022)

  • Added notice when using preset-env with PostCSS > 7 to prompt to upgrade.

7.3.2 (February 12, 2022)

  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.1.0 (minor)

postcss-lab-function now supports wide gamut colors and out of gamut color mapping.

  • Updated css-blank-pseudo to 3.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated css-has-pseudo to 3.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated cssdb to 6.2.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-color-functional-notation to 4.2.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-color-hex-alpha to 8.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-dir-pseudo-class to 6.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.0.5 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-env-function to 4.0.5 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-focus-visible to 6.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-focus-within to 5.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-gap-properties to 3.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-image-set-function to 4.0.6 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-logical to 5.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-overflow-shorthand to 3.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-place to 7.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.1.1 (patch)
  • Updated @csstools/postcss-progressive-custom-properties to 1.1.0.

7.3.1 (February 3, 2022)

  • Ensured that debug option uses a single instance per run, this allows for debug to work on parallel runs within CI environments.
  • Normalized exports to support both Common JS and ESM within our modules. This allows for the package to be processable via Webpack #221
  • Updated postcss-opacity-percentage to 1.1.2 (patch).

7.3.0 (January 31, 2022)

  • Added @csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added @csstools/postcss-hwb-function
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added postcss-opacity-percentage
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added postcss-clamp
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added @csstools/postcss-normalize-display-values
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added @csstools/postcss-font-format-keywords
    Check the plugin README for usage details.
  • Added debug option that enables extra debugging information while processing the CSS.
  • Added enableClientSidePolyfills option that allows you to control every single plugin that requires a browser library to fully work. Defaults to true so they're enabled by default.
  • Added minimumVendorImplementations option that allows you to enable/disable plugins based on their implementation status in browsers.
  • Fix sourcemaps for image-set() function.
  • Removed caniuse-lite dependency. This results not only in lower package size but also in better feature detection lead by changes on CSSDB.
  • Updated cssdb to 6.1.0 (major).
  • Updated css-prefers-color-scheme to 6.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-image-set-function to 4.0.5 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.1.0 (minor)

7.2.3 (January 12, 2022)

  • Enhanced importFrom / exportTo so it's harder to cause unexpected issues by different shapes of data.

7.2.2 (January 12, 2022)

  • Updated postcss-logical to 5.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.2 (patch)

7.2.1 (January 12, 2022)

  • Always run plugins with side effects if certain options are set. #140
    • custom-media-queries
    • custom-properties
    • environment-variables
    • custom-selectors
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30001299 (minor)
  • Updated css-blank-pseudo to 3.0.2 (minor)
  • Updated css-has-pseudo to 3.0.3 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-color-rebeccapurple to 7.0.2 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.1.0 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-dir-pseudo-class to 6.0.3 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.1.2 (minor)

This will ensure that CSS transforms that are not a browser polyfill are still applied. ⚠️ A future major version postcss-preset-env will remove this behavior completely.

7.2.0 (January 2, 2022)

  • Added warnings and useful messages when a feature that doesn't exist is configured. 156.

When configured with these options for example:

options: {
    features: {
        "custom-media": true,
        "postcss-logical": true,
        "postcss-logica": true,

It will yield the following warnings:

Unknown feature: "custom-media" did you mean: "custom-media-queries"
Unknown feature: "postcss-logical" did you mean: "logical-properties-and-values"
Unknown feature: "postcss-logica" did you mean: "logical-properties-and-values"
  • Removed Sourcemaps from package tarball.
  • Moved CLI to CLI Package. See announcement.
  • Updated postcss to 8.4 (minor)
  • Updated autoprefixer to 10.4.1 (patch)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30001295 (patch)
  • Updated css-blank-pseudo to 3.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated css-has-pseudo to 3.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated css-prefers-color-scheme to 6.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-color-functional-notation to 4.2.1 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-color-hex-alpha to 8.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-dir-pseudo-class to 6.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-env-function to 4.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-focus-visible to 6.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-focus-within to 5.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-gap-properties to 3.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-image-set-function to 4.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-logical to 5.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.1.1 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-overflow-shorthand to 3.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-place to 7.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.0.2 (patch)

7.1.0 (December 22, 2021)

7.0.2 (December 16, 2021)

  • Fixed unexpected behaviours when using different versions of postcss-values-parser across the plugins 228
  • Updated browserlist to 4.19.1 (minor)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30001287 (minor)
  • Updated css-blank-pseudo to 3.0.0 (major)
  • Updated css-has-pseudo to 3.0.0 (major)
  • Updated css-prefers-color-scheme to 6.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-color-functional-notation to 4.1.0 (minor)
  • Updated postcss-color-hex-alpha to 8.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-color-rebeccapurple to 7.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-dir-pseudo-class to 6.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-env-function to 4.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-focus-visible to 6.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-focus-within to 5.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-gap-properties to 3.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-image-set-function to 4.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-logical to 5.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-overflow-shorthand to 3.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-place to 7.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated documentation
  • Updated postcss to be a peer dependency.

7.0.1 (November 19, 2021)

  • Fixed infinite loop in double-position-gradients 223
  • Fixed "Unknown word" errors in when parsing CSS values 224
  • Fixed "undefined" CSS values after transforms with postcss-place 225
  • Updated postcss-color-functional-notation to 4.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-env-function to 4.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-image-set-function to 4.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.0.1 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.0.2 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-place to 7.0.1 (patch)

7.0.0 (November 16, 2021)

  • Updated autoprefixer to 10.4.0 (major)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.17.5 (minor)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30001272 (patch)
  • Updated css-blank-pseudo to 2.0.0 (major)
  • Updated css-has-pseudo to 2.0.0 (major)
  • Updated css-prefers-color-scheme to 5.0.0 (major)
  • Updated cssdb to 5.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss to 8.3.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-attribute-case-insensitive to 5.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-color-functional-notation to 4.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-color-hex-alpha to 8.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-color-rebeccapurple to 7.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-custom-media to 8.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 12.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-custom-selectors to 6.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-dir-pseudo-class to 6.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-double-position-gradients to 3.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-env-function to 4.0.1 (major)
  • Updated postcss-focus-visible to 6.0.1 (major)
  • Updated postcss-focus-within to 5.0.1 (major)
  • Updated postcss-font-variant to 5.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-gap-properties to 3.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-image-set-function to 4.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-initial to 3.0.4 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-lab-function to 4.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-logical to 5.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-media-minmax to 5.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-nesting to 10.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-overflow-shorthand to 3.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-page-break to 3.0.4 (major)
  • Updated postcss-place to 7.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to 7.0.0 (major)
  • Updated postcss-replace-overflow-wrap to 4.0.0 (major)
  • Removed postcss-selector-matches
  • Removed postcss-color-gray
  • Updated support for Node 12+ (major)

6.7.0 (July 8, 2019)

  • Fixed the issue of autoprefixer alerting an upcoming change to the API
  • Updated autoprefixer to 9.6.1 (minor)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.6.4 (minor)
  • Updated cssdb to 4.4.0 (minor)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000981 (patch)
  • Updated postcss to 7.0.17 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-color-hex-alpha to 5.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-media to 7.0.8 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 8.0.11 (patch)

6.6.0 (February 28, 2019)

  • Moved browserslist detection from using each input file per process to using the working directory on intialization, as was implied by the documentation. If fixing this previously undocumented behavior causes any harm to existing projects, it can be easily rolled back in a subsequent patch. For the majority of projects — those with a singular browserslist configuration and potentially many individually processed CSS files — we should expect reported build times around 35 seconds to drop to less than 2 seconds.
  • Updated browserslist to 4.4.2 (minor)
  • Updated autoprefixer to 9.4.9 (patch)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000939 (patch)
  • Updated postcss to 7.0.14 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-attribute-case-insensitive to 4.0.1 (patch)

6.5.0 (December 12, 2018)

  • Added css-blank-pseudo polyfill
  • Added css-has-pseudo polyfill
  • Updated autoprefixer to 9.4.2 (minor)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.3.5 (minor)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000918 (patch)
  • Updated css-prefers-color-scheme to 3.1.1 (minor, patch for this project)
  • Updated cssdb to 4.3.0 (minor)
  • Updated postcss to 7.0.6 (patch)

6.4.0 (November 6, 2018)

  • Fixed exportTo option to export Custom Media, Custom Properties, and Custom Selectors all to the same function, object, or file
  • Added css-prefers-color-scheme 3.0.0 (major, non-breaking for this project)
  • Updated cssdb to 4.2.0 (minor)

6.3.1 (November 5, 2018)

  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000905 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-properties to 8.0.9 (patch)

6.3.0 (October 28, 2018)

  • Added postcss-double-position-gradients 1.0.0 (major, non-breaking for this project)
  • Updated autoprefixer to 9.3.1 (minor)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.3.4 (patch)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000899 (patch)
  • Updated cssdb to 4.1.0 (major, non-breaking for this project)

6.2.0 (October 22, 2018)

  • Updated autoprefixer to 9.2.1 (minor)
  • Updated browserslist to 4.3.1 (minor)

6.1.2 (October 19, 2018)

  • Updated browserslist to 4.2.1 (patch)
  • Updated caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000893 (patch)
  • Updated postcss-custom-media to 7.0.7 (patch)

6.1.1 (October 12, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-custom-media to 7.0.6 (patch)

6.1.0 (October 10, 2018)

  • Added: postcss-color-gray
  • Added: Passing autoprefixer: false disables autoprefixer
  • Updated: browserslist to 4.2.0 (minor)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000890 (patch)

6.0.10 (October 2, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-custom-properties to 8.0.8 (patch)

6.0.9 (October 2, 2018)

  • Updated: browserslist to 4.1.2 (patch)
  • Updated: postcss to 7.0.5 (patch)
  • Updated: postcss-custom-properties to 8.0.7 (patch)

6.0.8 (October 1, 2018)

  • Updated: caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000888 (patch)
  • Updated: postcss to 7.0.4 (patch)

Did you hear? PostCSS Preset Env is now part of Create React App! 🎉

6.0.7 (September 23, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss to 7.0.3 (patch)
  • Updated: postcss-custom-properties to 8.0.6 (patch)

6.0.6 (September 23, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-custom-media to 7.0.4 (patch)

6.0.5 (September 23, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-color-mod-function to 3.0.3 (patch)

6.0.4 (September 23, 2018)

  • Updated: caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000887 (patch)
  • Updated: postcss-color-mod-function to 3.0.2 (patch)

6.0.3 (September 21, 2018)

  • Updated: caniuse-lite to 1.0.30000885 (patch)
  • Updated: postcss-custom-properties to 8.0.5 (patch)

6.0.2 (September 20, 2018)

  • Fixed: Do not break on an empty importFrom object
  • Fixed: Actually run postcss-env-function

6.0.1 (September 20, 2018)

  • Fixed: Issue with the system-ui font family polyfill by replacing postcss-font-family-system-ui with an internal polyfill, at least until the problem with the original plugin is resolved.

6.0.0 (September 20, 2018)

  • Added: Support for PostCSS 7+
  • Added: Support for PostCSS Values Parser 2+
  • Added: Support for PostCSS Selector Parser 5+
  • Added: Support for Node 6+
  • Updated: All 28 plugins

5.4.0 (July 25, 2018)

  • Added: toggle option to override which features are enabled or disabled
  • Deprecated: toggle features with toggle, not features

5.3.0 (July 24, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-lab-function to v1.1.0 (minor update)

5.2.3 (July 21, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-color-mod-function to v2.4.3 (patch update)

5.2.2 (July 13, 2018)

  • Updated: autoprefixer to v8.6.5 (patch update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000865 (patch update)
  • Updated: postcss-color-functional-notation to v1.0.2 (patch update)

5.2.1 (June 26, 2018)

  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000859 (patch update)
  • Updated: postcss-attribute-case-insensitive to v3.0.1 (patch update)

5.2.0 (June 25, 2018)

  • Updated: autoprefixer to v8.6.3 (minor update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000858 (patch update)
  • Updated: postcss to 6.0.23 (patch update)
  • Updated: postcss-nesting to v6.0.0 (major internal update, non-breaking for this project)

5.1.0 (May 21, 2018)

  • Added: autoprefixer option to pass options into autoprefixer
  • Updated: autoprefixer to v8.5.0 (minor update)
  • Updated: browserslist to v3.2.8 (patch update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000844 (patch update)
  • Updated: postcss-color-functional-notation to v1.0.1 (patch update)

5.0.0 (May 11, 2018)

  • Added: autoprefixer
  • Added: postcss-color-functional-notation
  • Added: postcss-env-function
  • Added: postcss-lab-function
  • Added: postcss-place
  • Added: postcss-gap-properties
  • Added: postcss-overflow-shorthand
  • Updated: cssdb to v3.1.0 (major update)
  • Updated: In conformance with cssdb v3, the default stage is now 2
  • Updated: postcss-attribute-case-insensitive to v3.0.0 (major update)
  • Updated: postcss-pseudo-class-any-link to v5.0.0 (major update)
  • Updated: postcss-image-set-function to v2.0.0 (major update)
  • Updated: postcss-dir-pseudo-class to v4.0.0 (major update)
  • Updated: postcss-color-rebeccapurple to v3.1.0 (minor update)
  • Updated: postcss to v6.0.22 (patch update)
  • Updated: browserslist to v3.2.7 (patch update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000839 (patch update)

All plugins now conform to the latest stable releases of postcss-value-parser v1.5.0 and postcss-selector-parser v4.0.0.

4.1.0 (April 23, 2018)

  • Updated: browserslist to v3.2.5 (patch update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000830 (patch update)
  • Updated: postcss-apply to v0.10.0 (minor update)
  • Updated: postcss-nesting to v5.0.0 (major update, non-breaking for this project)

4.0.0 (April 7, 2018)

  • Added: postcss-focus-within
  • Updated: postcss-focus-visible to v3.0.0 (major update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000824 (patch update)
  • Updated: cssdb to v2.0.0 (major update)
  • Changed: All specificationId names to new id names for the cssdb update.

3.5.0 (April 5, 2018)

  • Fixed: selectors-matches-pseudo mapping to allow :matches polyfilling
  • Updated: postcss-dir-pseudo-class to v3.0.0 (major update, non-breaking for this project)
  • Updated: postcss-logical to v1.1.1 (minor update)
  • Updated: postcss to v6.0.21 (patch update)
  • Updated: browserslist to v3.2.4 (patch update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000823 (patch update)

3.4.0 (March 18, 2018)

  • Updated: browserslist to v3.2.0 (minor update)
  • Updated: postcss to v6.0.20 (patch update)
  • Updated: postcss-image-set-polyfill to @csstools/postcss-image-set-function (hopefully temporarily)

3.3.0 (March 16, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-apply to v0.9.0 (minor update)
  • Updated: browserslist to v3.1.2 (patch update)
  • Updated: caniuse-lite to v1.0.30000815 (patch update)
  • Updated: distribution to cjs and es bundles

3.2.2 (February 27, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-color-mod-function to v2.4.2 (patch update)

3.2.1 (February 21, 2018)

  • Updated: Use the latest tested version of all dependencies

3.2.0 (February 18, 2018)

  • Added: postcss-page-break which has moved here from Autoprefixer

3.1.0 (February 17, 2018)

  • Added: postcss-focus-visible

3.0.0 (February 16, 2018)

  • Updated: postcss-color-mod-function to v2.4 (minor update)
  • Updated: postcss-custom-properties to v7.0 (major update)

2.2.0 (February 14, 2018)

  • Updated: browserslist to v3.1 (major update)
  • Updated: postcss-color-mod-function to v2.3 (minor update)
  • Improved: cleaned up one reusable variable and added a few tests

2.1.0 (January 22, 2018)

  • Updated: cssdb to v1.5 (minor update)
  • Updated: postcss-color-mod-function to v2.2 (major update)
  • Updated: postcss-font-family-system-ui to v3.0 (repo update)

2.0.0 (January 16, 2018)

  • Initial version

1.0.0 (December 20, 2017)

  • Unsupported version accidentally published by a member of the community