index.d.ts 1.43 KB
declare namespace pLocate {
	interface Options {
		Number of concurrently pending promises returned by `tester`. Minimum: `1`.

		@default Infinity
		readonly concurrency?: number;

		Preserve `input` order when searching.

		Disable this to improve performance if you don't care about the order.

		@default true
		readonly preserveOrder?: boolean;

Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function.

@param input - An iterable of promises/values to test.
@param tester - This function will receive resolved values from `input` and is expected to return a `Promise<boolean>` or `boolean`.
@returns A `Promise` that is fulfilled when `tester` resolves to `true` or the iterable is done, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is the current iterable value or `undefined` if `tester` never resolved to `true`.

import pathExists = require('path-exists');
import pLocate = require('p-locate');

const files = [
	'rainbow.png', // Only this one actually exists on disk

(async () => {
	const foundPath = await pLocate(files, file => pathExists(file));

	//=> 'rainbow'
declare function pLocate<ValueType>(
	input: Iterable<PromiseLike<ValueType> | ValueType>,
	tester: (element: ValueType) => PromiseLike<boolean> | boolean,
	options?: pLocate.Options
): Promise<ValueType | undefined>;

export = pLocate;