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dom-accessibility-api changelog


Patch Changes

  • #827 a1daca5 Thanks @nolanlawson! - Follow aria-labelledby and aria-describedby if they point to elements in the same shadow root.


Patch Changes

   const name = computeAccessibleName(<button title="from-title">from-content</button>);
  -'from-title' === name
  +'from-content' === name

<button title="from-title">from-content</button> would previously compute the accessible name "from-title". This is correct in ACCNAME 1.2 but is changed in the latest editors draft. The latest editors draft specifically refers to HTML-AAM which says that the subtree should take precedent over the title attribute. computeAccessibleName now calculates "from-content" as the accessible name.


Patch Changes

  • #800 de554b0 Thanks @pablo-abc! - Remover circular dependency, which fixes warnings thrown in certain environments.


Patch Changes

  • #796 cb38778 Thanks @calebeby! - <input type="number" /> now maps to role spinbutton (was textbox before).


Patch Changes

This is mainly targetted at integration with @testing-library/dom. But it can also be used as a general performance boost when used in a JSDOM environment. The rationale is that most elements are part of the a11y tree. In those cases computing a11y tree exclusion is wasted. Since it's expensive, we can disable it. The recommendation is to only ignore a11y tree inclusion locally and specifically enable it for the tests where you do know that a11y tree inclusion will play a role.


Patch Changes

Previously we wouldn't compute any name for menu to pass some web-platform-tests that covered an exotic use case. Now we correctly respect name from author (e.g. aria-label or aria-labelledby).


Patch Changes

isInaccessible implements isSubtreeInaccessible can be used to inject a memoized version of that function into isInaccessible.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #666 26ee73d Thanks @eps1lon! - Consider <label /> when computing the accessible name of <output />


  <label for="outputid">Output Label</label> <output id="outputid"></output>

Previously the accessible name of the <output /> would ignore the <label />. However, an <output /> is labelable and therefore the accessible name is now computed using <label /> elements if they exists. In this example the accessible name is "Output Label".


Patch Changes


  -const [item] = list;
  +const item = list[0];


  -var _trim$split = list.trim().split(" "),
  -_trim$split2 = _slicedToArray(_trim$split, 1),
  -item = _trim$split2[0]
  +var item = list[0];


    <optgroup label="foo">
        <option value="1">bar</option>

Previously the <optgroup /> would not have an accessible name. Though 2D in accname 1.2 could be interpreted to use the label attribute:

Otherwise, if the current node's native markup provides an attribute (e.g. title) or element (e.g. HTML label) that defines a text alternative, return that alternative [...]

This was confirmed in NVDA + FireFox.


Patch Changes

Previously, computing the accessible name would only examine child nodes. However, content placed in a slot is is an assigned node, not a child node.

If you have a custom element custom-button with a slot:


  <!-- accname of inner <button> is 'Custom name' (previously '') -->
  <custom-button>Custom name</custom-button>

If you have a custom element custom-button-default with default content in the slot:

  <button><slot>Default name</slot></button>

  <!-- accname of inner <button> is 'Custom name' (previously 'Default name') -->
  <custom-button-default>Custom name</custom-button-default>

  <!-- accname of inner <button> is 'Default name' (previously 'Default name') -->

This is not currently defined in the accname spec but reflects current browser behavior.


Patch Changes

Previously <img /> would be treated the same as <img alt />. <img /> is now treated as role="img" as specified.

  • 96d4438 #436 Thanks @eps1lon! - Resolve presentational role conflicts when global WAI-ARIA states or properties (ARIA attributes) are used.

<img alt="" /> used to have no role. By spec it should have role="presentation" with no ARIA attributes or role="img" otherwise.


Patch Changes

Prefer input value when type is reset or submit:

  <input type="submit" value="Submit values">
  -// accessible name: "Submit"
  +// accessible name: "Submit values"
  <input type="reset" value="Reset form">
  -// accessible name: "Reset"
  +// accessible name: "Reset form"

For input type image consider alt attribute or fall back to "Submit query".


Patch Changes

Previously <button title="">Hello, Dave!</button> would wrongly compute an empty name.


Minor Changes

Ignore ::before and ::after by default.

This was necessary to prevent excessive warnings in jsdom@^16.4.0. If you use this package in a browser that supports the second argument of window.getComputedStyle you can set the computedStyleSupportsPseudoElements option to true:

  computeAccessibleName(element, {
    computedStyleSupportsPseudoElements: true

  computeAccessibleDescription(element, {
    computedStyleSupportsPseudoElements: true

If you pass a custom implementation of getComputedStyle then this option defaults to true. The following two calls are equivalent:

  computeAccessibleName(element, {
    computedStyleSupportsPseudoElements: true

  computeAccessibleName(element, {
    getComputedStyle: (element, pseudoElement) => {
        // custom implementation

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

Also affects Edge < 18 and Firefox < 56.


Patch Changes

We only stopped testing. Probability of breakage should be very low.

New policy:

Only active node versions are supported. Inactive node versions can stop working in a SemVer MINOR release.

  import { computeAccessibleDescription } from "dom-accessibility-api";

  const description = computeAccessibleDescription(element);

Warning: It always considers title attributes if the description is empty. Even if the title attribute was already used for the accessible name. This is fails a web-platform-test. The other failing test is due to aria-label being ignored for the description which is correct by spec. It's likely an issue with wpt. The other tests are passing (13/15).


Patch Changes

Fixes <h1>Hello {name}!</h1> in react computing "Hello name !" instead of Hello name!.


Patch Changes

    <legend><em>my</em> fieldset</legend>

Computing the name for this fieldset would've returned an empty string previously. It now correctly computes my fieldset following the accessible name computation for fieldset elements

Switched from

  • for-of to .forEach or a basic for loop
  • array.push(...otherArray) to push.apply(array, otherArray)

This removed a bunch of babel junk that wasn't needed.


Computing the name for this table would've returned an empty string previously. It now correctly computes my table following the accessible name computation for table elements


Patch Changes

Fixes a crash when using ES modules in Node.


Minor Changes

  • 0897630 #155 - Publish version using ES6 modules allongside current CommonJS modules


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • 7f1ada0: Internal polish


Minor Changes

  • eb86842: Add option to mock window.getComputedStyle

This option has two use cases in mind:

  1. fake the style and assume everything is visible. This increases performance (window.getComputedStyle) is expensive) by not distinguishing between various levels of visual impairments. If one can't see the name with a screen reader then neither will a sighted user
  2. Wrap a cache provider around window.getComputedStyle. We don't implement any because the returned CSSStyleDeclaration is only live in a browser. jsdom does not implement live declarations.

Bug Fixes


  • name: Consider prohibited naming (#19) (6692d6b)
  • Consider all cases of "name from content" (#13) (835cb76)
  • Consider content from before and after pseudo elements (#5) (0987426)
  • Fork elementToRole from aria-query (#7) (fe4fab5)