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PostCSS Color Functional Notation PostCSS Logo

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PostCSS Color Functional Notation lets you use space and slash separated color notation in CSS, following the CSS Color specification.

:root {
  --firebrick: rgb(178 34 34);
  --firebrick-a50: rgb(70% 13.5% 13.5% / 50%);
  --firebrick-hsl: hsla(0 68% 42%);
  --firebrick-hsl-a50: hsl(0 68% 42% / 50%);

/* becomes */

:root {
  --firebrick: rgb(178, 34, 34);
  --firebrick-a50: rgba(178, 34, 34, .5);
  --firebrick-hsl: hsl(0, 68%, 42%);
  --firebrick-hsl-a50: hsla(0, 68%, 42%, .5);


Add PostCSS Color Functional Notation to your project:

npm install postcss-color-functional-notation --save-dev

Use PostCSS Color Functional Notation to process your CSS:

const postcss = require('postcss');
const postcssColorFunctionalNotation = require('postcss-color-functional-notation');

  postcssColorFunctionalNotation(/* pluginOptions */)
]).process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions */);

PostCSS Color Functional Notation runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:

Node PostCSS CLI Webpack Create React App Gulp Grunt



The preserve option determines whether the original functional color notation is preserved. By default, it is not preserved.

postcssImageSetFunction({ preserve: true })
:root {
  --firebrick: rgb(178 34 34);
  --firebrick-a50: rgb(70% 13.5% 13.5% / 50%);
  --firebrick-hsl: hsla(0 68% 42%);
  --firebrick-hsl-a50: hsl(0 68% 42% / 50%);

/* becomes */

:root {
  --firebrick: rgb(178, 34, 34);
  --firebrick: rgb(178 34 34);
  --firebrick-a50: rgba(178, 34, 34, .5);
  --firebrick-a50: rgb(70% 13.5% 13.5% / 50%);
  --firebrick-hsl: hsl(0, 68%, 42%);
  --firebrick-hsl: hsla(0 68% 42%);
  --firebrick-hsl-a50: hsla(0, 68%, 42%, .5);
  --firebrick-hsl-a50: hsl(0 68% 42% / 50%);