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PostCSS Selector Not PostCSS Logo

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PostCSS Selector Not transforms :not() W3C CSS level 4 pseudo classes to :not() CSS level 3 selectors following the Selectors 4 Specification.

p:not(:first-child, .special) {
    color: red;

/* becomes */

p:not(:first-child):not(.special) {
    color: red;

⚠️ Only lists of simple selectors (:not(.a, .b)) will work as expected. Complex selectors (:not(.a > .b, .c ~ .d)) can not be downgraded.


Add PostCSS Selector Not to your project:

npm install postcss postcss-selector-not --save-dev

Use it as a PostCSS plugin:

const postcss = require('postcss');
const postcssSelectorNot = require('postcss-selector-not');

    postcssSelectorNot(/* pluginOptions */)
]).process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions */);

PostCSS Selector Not runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:

Node PostCSS CLI Webpack Create React App Gulp Grunt