Name Last Update
LICENSE Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...
picocolors.browser.js Loading commit data...
picocolors.d.ts Loading commit data...
picocolors.js Loading commit data...
types.ts Loading commit data...


The tiniest and the fastest library for terminal output formatting with ANSI colors.

import pc from "picocolors"

console.log(`How are ${pc.italic(`you`)} doing?`)
  • No dependencies.
  • 14 times smaller and 2 times faster than chalk.
  • Used by popular tools like PostCSS, SVGO, Stylelint, and Browserslist.
  • Node.js v6+ & browsers support. Support for both CJS and ESM projects.
  • TypeScript type declarations included.
  • NO_COLOR friendly.


Read full docs on GitHub.