819 Bytes
/// <reference types="node" />
import { Transform } from 'stream';
import { APICaller } from '../apiCaller';
import { GaxCall } from '../apitypes';
import { Descriptor } from '../descriptor';
import { CallSettings } from '../gax';
* A descriptor for methods that support pagination.
export declare class PageDescriptor implements Descriptor {
requestPageTokenField: string;
responsePageTokenField: string;
requestPageSizeField?: string;
resourceField: string;
constructor(requestPageTokenField: string, responsePageTokenField: string, resourceField: string);
* Creates a new object Stream which emits the resource on 'data' event.
createStream(apiCall: GaxCall, request: {}, options: CallSettings): Transform;
getApiCaller(settings: CallSettings): APICaller;