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mongoose release procedure

  1. tests must pass
  2. update package.json and package-lock.json version
  3. update using git changelog or similar. Add # as well as a link to the github user who fixed it if applicable.
  4. git commit -a -m 'release x.x.x'
  5. git tag x.x.x
  6. npm run release, or npm run release-legacy for 4.x
  7. update (see "updating the website" below)
  8. tweet changelog link from @mongoosejs
  9. Announce on mongoosejsteam slack channel
  10. change package.json version to next patch version suffixed with '-pre' and commit "now working on x.x.x"
  11. if this is a legacy release, git merge changes into master.

updating the website

For 5.x

  1. Change to the master branch
  2. execute make docs (when this process completes you'll be on the gh-pages branch)
  3. git commit -a -m 'chore: website 5.x.x'
  4. git push origin gh-pages

For 4.x

  1. Change to the 4.x branch
  2. execute make docs_legacy (when this process completes you'll be on the gh-pages branch)
  3. git commit -a -m 'chore: website 4.x.x'
  4. git push origin gh-pages