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Polyfill for child_process.spawnSync.

On iojs and node >= 0.12 it will just export the built in child_process.spawnSync. On platforms that support compiling native modules it uses the thread-sleep module to wait for an output file to exist in a tight loop. In this way it gains excellent cross platform support, but don't expect it to be efficient on all platforms.

Tests Status Dependency Status NPM version


npm install spawn-sync

If this fails, you can try one of the following things:

  1. Some package managers made a stupid decision to rename the node executable to nodejs for their platform. This breaks compatibility with lots of modules. If you normally use nodejs instead of node, you should check out for possible fixes.

  2. You can install using --unsafe-perm, which will fix any permissions issues.

    npm install --unsafe-perm spawn-sync

  3. You can install using --ignore-scripts, which will skip native compilation. You'll get a warning if you try to require the module, but everything should still work.

    npm install --ignore-scripts spawn-sync

  4. You can try updating npm, since this seems to fail on some older versions of npm:

    sudo npm install npm -g

  5. You can upgrade to the latest version of node or iojs. This will make native compilation unnecessary. You can then use --ignore-scripts without getting a warning if you still have trouble.


var spawnSync = require('spawn-sync');

var result = spawnSync('node',
                       {input: 'write this to stdin'});

if (result.status !== 0) {
} else {
