
Showing 690 changed files with 4847 additions and 0 deletions
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\ No newline at end of file
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<option name="languageLevel" value="ES6" />
\ No newline at end of file
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<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/guiguyunyinyue_study.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/guiguyunyinyue_study.iml" />
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
globalData: {
isMusicPlay: false, // 是否有音乐在播放
musicId: '' // 音乐id
* 当小程序初始化完成时,会触发 onLaunch(全局只触发一次)
onLaunch: function () {
* 当小程序启动,或从后台进入前台显示,会触发 onShow
onShow: function (options) {
* 当小程序从前台进入后台,会触发 onHide
onHide: function () {
* 当小程序发生脚本错误,或者 api 调用失败时,会触发 onError 并带上错误信息
onError: function (msg) {
"pages": [
"style": "v2",
"sitemapLocation": "sitemap.json",
"window": {
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#d43c33",
"navigationBarTextStyle": "white",
"navigationBarTitleText": "DaDa Music"
"tabBar": {
"color": "#333",
"selectedColor": "#d43c33",
"backgroundColor": "#fff",
"list": [
"pagePath": "pages/index/index",
"text": "홈페이지",
"iconPath": "/static/images/tabs/tab-home.png",
"selectedIconPath": "/static/images/tabs/tab-home-current.png"
"pagePath": "pages/video/video",
"text": "동영상",
"iconPath": "/static/images/tabs/select.png",
"selectedIconPath": "/static/images/tabs/selected.png"
"pagePath": "pages/personal/personal",
"text": "개인",
"iconPath": "/static/images/tabs/tab-my.png",
"selectedIconPath": "/static/images/tabs/tab-my-current.png"
"requiredBackgroundModes": [
"subpackages": [
"root": "songPackage",
"pages": [
"independent": true
"root": "otherPackage",
"name": "other",
"pages": [
"preloadRule": {
"pages/index/index": {
"packages": ["songPackage", "other"]
@import "/static/iconfont/iconfont.wxss";
page {
height: 100%;
// components/NavHeader/NavHeader.js
* 组件的属性列表, 由组件外部传入的数据, 等同于Vue中的props
properties: {
title: {
type: String,
value: '我是title默认值'
nav: {
type: String,
value: '我是nav默认值'
* 组件的初始数据
data: {
* 组件的方法列表
methods: {
"component": true,
"usingComponents": {}
\ No newline at end of file
<view class="header">
<text class="title">{{title}}</text>
<text class="more">더 보기</text>
.header {
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
.header .title {
font-size: 32rpx;
line-height: 80rpx;
color: #666;
.header .more {
float: right;
border: 1rpx solid #333;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
border-radius: 30rpx;
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
Copyright (c) JS Foundation and other contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# [Moment.js](http://momentjs.com/)
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A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
## Project Status
Moment.js is a legacy project, now in maintenance mode. In most cases, you should choose a different library.
For more details and recommendations, please see [Project Status](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/-project-status/) in the docs.
*Thank you.*
## Resources
- [Documentation](https://momentjs.com/docs/)
- [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md)
- [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/momentjs)
## License
Moment.js is freely distributable under the terms of the [MIT license][license-url].
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[license-url]: LICENSE
[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/moment
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[semver-image]: https://api.dependabot.com/badges/compatibility_score?dependency-name=moment&package-manager=npm_and_yarn&version-scheme=semver
[semver-url]: https://dependabot.com/compatibility-score.html?dependency-name=moment&package-manager=npm_and_yarn&version-scheme=semver
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Afrikaans [af]
//! author : Werner Mollentze : https://github.com/wernerm
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('af', {
months: 'Januarie_Februarie_Maart_April_Mei_Junie_Julie_Augustus_September_Oktober_November_Desember'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mrt_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Okt_Nov_Des'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sondag_Maandag_Dinsdag_Woensdag_Donderdag_Vrydag_Saterdag'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Son_Maa_Din_Woe_Don_Vry_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'So_Ma_Di_Wo_Do_Vr_Sa'.split('_'),
meridiemParse: /vm|nm/i,
isPM: function (input) {
return /^nm$/i.test(input);
meridiem: function (hours, minutes, isLower) {
if (hours < 12) {
return isLower ? 'vm' : 'VM';
} else {
return isLower ? 'nm' : 'NM';
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Vandag om] LT',
nextDay: '[Môre om] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [om] LT',
lastDay: '[Gister om] LT',
lastWeek: '[Laas] dddd [om] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'oor %s',
past: '%s gelede',
s: "'n paar sekondes",
ss: '%d sekondes',
m: "'n minuut",
mm: '%d minute',
h: "'n uur",
hh: '%d ure',
d: "'n dag",
dd: '%d dae',
M: "'n maand",
MM: '%d maande',
y: "'n jaar",
yy: '%d jaar',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
return (
number +
(number === 1 || number === 8 || number >= 20 ? 'ste' : 'de')
); // Thanks to Joris Röling : https://github.com/jjupiter
week: {
dow: 1, // Maandag is die eerste dag van die week.
doy: 4, // Die week wat die 4de Januarie bevat is die eerste week van die jaar.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Arabic (Algeria) [ar-dz]
//! author : Amine Roukh: https://github.com/Amine27
//! author : Abdel Said: https://github.com/abdelsaid
//! author : Ahmed Elkhatib
//! author : forabi https://github.com/forabi
//! author : Noureddine LOUAHEDJ : https://github.com/noureddinem
import moment from '../moment';
var pluralForm = function (n) {
return n === 0
? 0
: n === 1
? 1
: n === 2
? 2
: n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10
? 3
: n % 100 >= 11
? 4
: 5;
plurals = {
s: [
'أقل من ثانية',
'ثانية واحدة',
['ثانيتان', 'ثانيتين'],
'%d ثوان',
'%d ثانية',
'%d ثانية',
m: [
'أقل من دقيقة',
'دقيقة واحدة',
['دقيقتان', 'دقيقتين'],
'%d دقائق',
'%d دقيقة',
'%d دقيقة',
h: [
'أقل من ساعة',
'ساعة واحدة',
['ساعتان', 'ساعتين'],
'%d ساعات',
'%d ساعة',
'%d ساعة',
d: [
'أقل من يوم',
'يوم واحد',
['يومان', 'يومين'],
'%d أيام',
'%d يومًا',
'%d يوم',
M: [
'أقل من شهر',
'شهر واحد',
['شهران', 'شهرين'],
'%d أشهر',
'%d شهرا',
'%d شهر',
y: [
'أقل من عام',
'عام واحد',
['عامان', 'عامين'],
'%d أعوام',
'%d عامًا',
'%d عام',
pluralize = function (u) {
return function (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
var f = pluralForm(number),
str = plurals[u][pluralForm(number)];
if (f === 2) {
str = str[withoutSuffix ? 0 : 1];
return str.replace(/%d/i, number);
months = [
export default moment.defineLocale('ar-dz', {
months: months,
monthsShort: months,
weekdays: 'الأحد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'أحد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
L: 'D/\u200FM/\u200FYYYY',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
meridiemParse: /ص|م/,
isPM: function (input) {
return 'م' === input;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 12) {
return 'ص';
} else {
return 'م';
calendar: {
sameDay: '[اليوم عند الساعة] LT',
nextDay: '[غدًا عند الساعة] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
lastDay: '[أمس عند الساعة] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'بعد %s',
past: 'منذ %s',
s: pluralize('s'),
ss: pluralize('s'),
m: pluralize('m'),
mm: pluralize('m'),
h: pluralize('h'),
hh: pluralize('h'),
d: pluralize('d'),
dd: pluralize('d'),
M: pluralize('M'),
MM: pluralize('M'),
y: pluralize('y'),
yy: pluralize('y'),
postformat: function (string) {
return string.replace(/,/g, '،');
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Arabic (Kuwait) [ar-kw]
//! author : Nusret Parlak: https://github.com/nusretparlak
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('ar-kw', {
months: 'يناير_فبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'.split(
monthsShort: 'يناير_فبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'.split(
weekdays: 'الأحد_الإتنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'احد_اتنين_ثلاثاء_اربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'في %s',
past: 'منذ %s',
s: 'ثوان',
ss: '%d ثانية',
m: 'دقيقة',
mm: '%d دقائق',
h: 'ساعة',
hh: '%d ساعات',
d: 'يوم',
dd: '%d أيام',
M: 'شهر',
MM: '%d أشهر',
y: 'سنة',
yy: '%d سنوات',
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 12, // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Arabic (Lybia) [ar-ly]
//! author : Ali Hmer: https://github.com/kikoanis
import moment from '../moment';
var symbolMap = {
1: '1',
2: '2',
3: '3',
4: '4',
5: '5',
6: '6',
7: '7',
8: '8',
9: '9',
0: '0',
pluralForm = function (n) {
return n === 0
? 0
: n === 1
? 1
: n === 2
? 2
: n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10
? 3
: n % 100 >= 11
? 4
: 5;
plurals = {
s: [
'أقل من ثانية',
'ثانية واحدة',
['ثانيتان', 'ثانيتين'],
'%d ثوان',
'%d ثانية',
'%d ثانية',
m: [
'أقل من دقيقة',
'دقيقة واحدة',
['دقيقتان', 'دقيقتين'],
'%d دقائق',
'%d دقيقة',
'%d دقيقة',
h: [
'أقل من ساعة',
'ساعة واحدة',
['ساعتان', 'ساعتين'],
'%d ساعات',
'%d ساعة',
'%d ساعة',
d: [
'أقل من يوم',
'يوم واحد',
['يومان', 'يومين'],
'%d أيام',
'%d يومًا',
'%d يوم',
M: [
'أقل من شهر',
'شهر واحد',
['شهران', 'شهرين'],
'%d أشهر',
'%d شهرا',
'%d شهر',
y: [
'أقل من عام',
'عام واحد',
['عامان', 'عامين'],
'%d أعوام',
'%d عامًا',
'%d عام',
pluralize = function (u) {
return function (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
var f = pluralForm(number),
str = plurals[u][pluralForm(number)];
if (f === 2) {
str = str[withoutSuffix ? 0 : 1];
return str.replace(/%d/i, number);
months = [
export default moment.defineLocale('ar-ly', {
months: months,
monthsShort: months,
weekdays: 'الأحد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'أحد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
L: 'D/\u200FM/\u200FYYYY',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
meridiemParse: /ص|م/,
isPM: function (input) {
return 'م' === input;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 12) {
return 'ص';
} else {
return 'م';
calendar: {
sameDay: '[اليوم عند الساعة] LT',
nextDay: '[غدًا عند الساعة] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
lastDay: '[أمس عند الساعة] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'بعد %s',
past: 'منذ %s',
s: pluralize('s'),
ss: pluralize('s'),
m: pluralize('m'),
mm: pluralize('m'),
h: pluralize('h'),
hh: pluralize('h'),
d: pluralize('d'),
dd: pluralize('d'),
M: pluralize('M'),
MM: pluralize('M'),
y: pluralize('y'),
yy: pluralize('y'),
preparse: function (string) {
return string.replace(/،/g, ',');
postformat: function (string) {
return string
.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
return symbolMap[match];
.replace(/,/g, '،');
week: {
dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
doy: 12, // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Arabic (Morocco) [ar-ma]
//! author : ElFadili Yassine : https://github.com/ElFadiliY
//! author : Abdel Said : https://github.com/abdelsaid
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('ar-ma', {
months: 'يناير_فبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'.split(
monthsShort: 'يناير_فبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'.split(
weekdays: 'الأحد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'احد_اثنين_ثلاثاء_اربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'في %s',
past: 'منذ %s',
s: 'ثوان',
ss: '%d ثانية',
m: 'دقيقة',
mm: '%d دقائق',
h: 'ساعة',
hh: '%d ساعات',
d: 'يوم',
dd: '%d أيام',
M: 'شهر',
MM: '%d أشهر',
y: 'سنة',
yy: '%d سنوات',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Arabic (Saudi Arabia) [ar-sa]
//! author : Suhail Alkowaileet : https://github.com/xsoh
import moment from '../moment';
var symbolMap = {
1: '١',
2: '٢',
3: '٣',
4: '٤',
5: '٥',
6: '٦',
7: '٧',
8: '٨',
9: '٩',
0: '٠',
numberMap = {
'١': '1',
'٢': '2',
'٣': '3',
'٤': '4',
'٥': '5',
'٦': '6',
'٧': '7',
'٨': '8',
'٩': '9',
'٠': '0',
export default moment.defineLocale('ar-sa', {
months: 'يناير_فبراير_مارس_أبريل_مايو_يونيو_يوليو_أغسطس_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوفمبر_ديسمبر'.split(
monthsShort: 'يناير_فبراير_مارس_أبريل_مايو_يونيو_يوليو_أغسطس_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوفمبر_ديسمبر'.split(
weekdays: 'الأحد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'أحد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
meridiemParse: /ص|م/,
isPM: function (input) {
return 'م' === input;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 12) {
return 'ص';
} else {
return 'م';
calendar: {
sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'في %s',
past: 'منذ %s',
s: 'ثوان',
ss: '%d ثانية',
m: 'دقيقة',
mm: '%d دقائق',
h: 'ساعة',
hh: '%d ساعات',
d: 'يوم',
dd: '%d أيام',
M: 'شهر',
MM: '%d أشهر',
y: 'سنة',
yy: '%d سنوات',
preparse: function (string) {
return string
.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function (match) {
return numberMap[match];
.replace(/،/g, ',');
postformat: function (string) {
return string
.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
return symbolMap[match];
.replace(/,/g, '،');
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Arabic (Tunisia) [ar-tn]
//! author : Nader Toukabri : https://github.com/naderio
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('ar-tn', {
months: 'جانفي_فيفري_مارس_أفريل_ماي_جوان_جويلية_أوت_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوفمبر_ديسمبر'.split(
monthsShort: 'جانفي_فيفري_مارس_أفريل_ماي_جوان_جويلية_أوت_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوفمبر_ديسمبر'.split(
weekdays: 'الأحد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'أحد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'في %s',
past: 'منذ %s',
s: 'ثوان',
ss: '%d ثانية',
m: 'دقيقة',
mm: '%d دقائق',
h: 'ساعة',
hh: '%d ساعات',
d: 'يوم',
dd: '%d أيام',
M: 'شهر',
MM: '%d أشهر',
y: 'سنة',
yy: '%d سنوات',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Arabic [ar]
//! author : Abdel Said: https://github.com/abdelsaid
//! author : Ahmed Elkhatib
//! author : forabi https://github.com/forabi
import moment from '../moment';
var symbolMap = {
1: '١',
2: '٢',
3: '٣',
4: '٤',
5: '٥',
6: '٦',
7: '٧',
8: '٨',
9: '٩',
0: '٠',
numberMap = {
'١': '1',
'٢': '2',
'٣': '3',
'٤': '4',
'٥': '5',
'٦': '6',
'٧': '7',
'٨': '8',
'٩': '9',
'٠': '0',
pluralForm = function (n) {
return n === 0
? 0
: n === 1
? 1
: n === 2
? 2
: n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10
? 3
: n % 100 >= 11
? 4
: 5;
plurals = {
s: [
'أقل من ثانية',
'ثانية واحدة',
['ثانيتان', 'ثانيتين'],
'%d ثوان',
'%d ثانية',
'%d ثانية',
m: [
'أقل من دقيقة',
'دقيقة واحدة',
['دقيقتان', 'دقيقتين'],
'%d دقائق',
'%d دقيقة',
'%d دقيقة',
h: [
'أقل من ساعة',
'ساعة واحدة',
['ساعتان', 'ساعتين'],
'%d ساعات',
'%d ساعة',
'%d ساعة',
d: [
'أقل من يوم',
'يوم واحد',
['يومان', 'يومين'],
'%d أيام',
'%d يومًا',
'%d يوم',
M: [
'أقل من شهر',
'شهر واحد',
['شهران', 'شهرين'],
'%d أشهر',
'%d شهرا',
'%d شهر',
y: [
'أقل من عام',
'عام واحد',
['عامان', 'عامين'],
'%d أعوام',
'%d عامًا',
'%d عام',
pluralize = function (u) {
return function (number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
var f = pluralForm(number),
str = plurals[u][pluralForm(number)];
if (f === 2) {
str = str[withoutSuffix ? 0 : 1];
return str.replace(/%d/i, number);
months = [
export default moment.defineLocale('ar', {
months: months,
monthsShort: months,
weekdays: 'الأحد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'أحد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ح_ن_ث_ر_خ_ج_س'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
L: 'D/\u200FM/\u200FYYYY',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
meridiemParse: /ص|م/,
isPM: function (input) {
return 'م' === input;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 12) {
return 'ص';
} else {
return 'م';
calendar: {
sameDay: '[اليوم عند الساعة] LT',
nextDay: '[غدًا عند الساعة] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
lastDay: '[أمس عند الساعة] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'بعد %s',
past: 'منذ %s',
s: pluralize('s'),
ss: pluralize('s'),
m: pluralize('m'),
mm: pluralize('m'),
h: pluralize('h'),
hh: pluralize('h'),
d: pluralize('d'),
dd: pluralize('d'),
M: pluralize('M'),
MM: pluralize('M'),
y: pluralize('y'),
yy: pluralize('y'),
preparse: function (string) {
return string
.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function (match) {
return numberMap[match];
.replace(/،/g, ',');
postformat: function (string) {
return string
.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
return symbolMap[match];
.replace(/,/g, '،');
week: {
dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
doy: 12, // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Azerbaijani [az]
//! author : topchiyev : https://github.com/topchiyev
import moment from '../moment';
var suffixes = {
1: '-inci',
5: '-inci',
8: '-inci',
70: '-inci',
80: '-inci',
2: '-nci',
7: '-nci',
20: '-nci',
50: '-nci',
3: '-üncü',
4: '-üncü',
100: '-üncü',
6: '-ncı',
9: '-uncu',
10: '-uncu',
30: '-uncu',
60: '-ıncı',
90: '-ıncı',
export default moment.defineLocale('az', {
months: 'yanvar_fevral_mart_aprel_may_iyun_iyul_avqust_sentyabr_oktyabr_noyabr_dekabr'.split(
monthsShort: 'yan_fev_mar_apr_may_iyn_iyl_avq_sen_okt_noy_dek'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Bazar_Bazar ertəsi_Çərşənbə axşamı_Çərşənbə_Cümə axşamı_Cümə_Şənbə'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Baz_BzE_ÇAx_Çər_CAx_Cüm_Şən'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Bz_BE_ÇA_Çə_CA_Cü_Şə'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[bugün saat] LT',
nextDay: '[sabah saat] LT',
nextWeek: '[gələn həftə] dddd [saat] LT',
lastDay: '[dünən] LT',
lastWeek: '[keçən həftə] dddd [saat] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s sonra',
past: '%s əvvəl',
s: 'bir neçə saniyə',
ss: '%d saniyə',
m: 'bir dəqiqə',
mm: '%d dəqiqə',
h: 'bir saat',
hh: '%d saat',
d: 'bir gün',
dd: '%d gün',
M: 'bir ay',
MM: '%d ay',
y: 'bir il',
yy: '%d il',
meridiemParse: /gecə|səhər|gündüz|axşam/,
isPM: function (input) {
return /^(gündüz|axşam)$/.test(input);
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 4) {
return 'gecə';
} else if (hour < 12) {
return 'səhər';
} else if (hour < 17) {
return 'gündüz';
} else {
return 'axşam';
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(ıncı|inci|nci|üncü|ncı|uncu)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
if (number === 0) {
// special case for zero
return number + '-ıncı';
var a = number % 10,
b = (number % 100) - a,
c = number >= 100 ? 100 : null;
return number + (suffixes[a] || suffixes[b] || suffixes[c]);
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Belarusian [be]
//! author : Dmitry Demidov : https://github.com/demidov91
//! author: Praleska: http://praleska.pro/
//! Author : Menelion Elensúle : https://github.com/Oire
import moment from '../moment';
function plural(word, num) {
var forms = word.split('_');
return num % 10 === 1 && num % 100 !== 11
? forms[0]
: num % 10 >= 2 && num % 10 <= 4 && (num % 100 < 10 || num % 100 >= 20)
? forms[1]
: forms[2];
function relativeTimeWithPlural(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
var format = {
ss: withoutSuffix ? 'секунда_секунды_секунд' : 'секунду_секунды_секунд',
mm: withoutSuffix ? 'хвіліна_хвіліны_хвілін' : 'хвіліну_хвіліны_хвілін',
hh: withoutSuffix ? 'гадзіна_гадзіны_гадзін' : 'гадзіну_гадзіны_гадзін',
dd: 'дзень_дні_дзён',
MM: 'месяц_месяцы_месяцаў',
yy: 'год_гады_гадоў',
if (key === 'm') {
return withoutSuffix ? 'хвіліна' : 'хвіліну';
} else if (key === 'h') {
return withoutSuffix ? 'гадзіна' : 'гадзіну';
} else {
return number + ' ' + plural(format[key], +number);
export default moment.defineLocale('be', {
months: {
format: 'студзеня_лютага_сакавіка_красавіка_траўня_чэрвеня_ліпеня_жніўня_верасня_кастрычніка_лістапада_снежня'.split(
standalone: 'студзень_люты_сакавік_красавік_травень_чэрвень_ліпень_жнівень_верасень_кастрычнік_лістапад_снежань'.split(
monthsShort: 'студ_лют_сак_крас_трав_чэрв_ліп_жнів_вер_каст_ліст_снеж'.split(
weekdays: {
format: 'нядзелю_панядзелак_аўторак_сераду_чацвер_пятніцу_суботу'.split(
standalone: 'нядзеля_панядзелак_аўторак_серада_чацвер_пятніца_субота'.split(
isFormat: /\[ ?[Ууў] ?(?:мінулую|наступную)? ?\] ?dddd/,
weekdaysShort: 'нд_пн_ат_ср_чц_пт_сб'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'нд_пн_ат_ср_чц_пт_сб'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY г., HH:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY г., HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Сёння ў] LT',
nextDay: '[Заўтра ў] LT',
lastDay: '[Учора ў] LT',
nextWeek: function () {
return '[У] dddd [ў] LT';
lastWeek: function () {
switch (this.day()) {
case 0:
case 3:
case 5:
case 6:
return '[У мінулую] dddd [ў] LT';
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
return '[У мінулы] dddd [ў] LT';
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'праз %s',
past: '%s таму',
s: 'некалькі секунд',
m: relativeTimeWithPlural,
mm: relativeTimeWithPlural,
h: relativeTimeWithPlural,
hh: relativeTimeWithPlural,
d: 'дзень',
dd: relativeTimeWithPlural,
M: 'месяц',
MM: relativeTimeWithPlural,
y: 'год',
yy: relativeTimeWithPlural,
meridiemParse: /ночы|раніцы|дня|вечара/,
isPM: function (input) {
return /^(дня|вечара)$/.test(input);
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 4) {
return 'ночы';
} else if (hour < 12) {
return 'раніцы';
} else if (hour < 17) {
return 'дня';
} else {
return 'вечара';
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(і|ы|га)/,
ordinal: function (number, period) {
switch (period) {
case 'M':
case 'd':
case 'DDD':
case 'w':
case 'W':
return (number % 10 === 2 || number % 10 === 3) &&
number % 100 !== 12 &&
number % 100 !== 13
? number + '-і'
: number + '-ы';
case 'D':
return number + '-га';
return number;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Bulgarian [bg]
//! author : Krasen Borisov : https://github.com/kraz
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('bg', {
months: 'януари_февруари_март_април_май_юни_юли_август_септември_октомври_ноември_декември'.split(
monthsShort: 'яну_фев_мар_апр_май_юни_юли_авг_сеп_окт_ное_дек'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'неделя_понеделник_вторник_сряда_четвъртък_петък_събота'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'нед_пон_вто_сря_чет_пет_съб'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'нд_пн_вт_ср_чт_пт_сб'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'H:mm',
LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY H:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Днес в] LT',
nextDay: '[Утре в] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [в] LT',
lastDay: '[Вчера в] LT',
lastWeek: function () {
switch (this.day()) {
case 0:
case 3:
case 6:
return '[Миналата] dddd [в] LT';
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 5:
return '[Миналия] dddd [в] LT';
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'след %s',
past: 'преди %s',
s: 'няколко секунди',
ss: '%d секунди',
m: 'минута',
mm: '%d минути',
h: 'час',
hh: '%d часа',
d: 'ден',
dd: '%d дена',
w: 'седмица',
ww: '%d седмици',
M: 'месец',
MM: '%d месеца',
y: 'година',
yy: '%d години',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(ев|ен|ти|ви|ри|ми)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var lastDigit = number % 10,
last2Digits = number % 100;
if (number === 0) {
return number + '-ев';
} else if (last2Digits === 0) {
return number + '-ен';
} else if (last2Digits > 10 && last2Digits < 20) {
return number + '-ти';
} else if (lastDigit === 1) {
return number + '-ви';
} else if (lastDigit === 2) {
return number + '-ри';
} else if (lastDigit === 7 || lastDigit === 8) {
return number + '-ми';
} else {
return number + '-ти';
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Bambara [bm]
//! author : Estelle Comment : https://github.com/estellecomment
// Language contact person : Abdoufata Kane : https://github.com/abdoufata
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('bm', {
months: 'Zanwuyekalo_Fewuruyekalo_Marisikalo_Awirilikalo_Mɛkalo_Zuwɛnkalo_Zuluyekalo_Utikalo_Sɛtanburukalo_ɔkutɔburukalo_Nowanburukalo_Desanburukalo'.split(
monthsShort: 'Zan_Few_Mar_Awi_Mɛ_Zuw_Zul_Uti_Sɛt_ɔku_Now_Des'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Kari_Ntɛnɛn_Tarata_Araba_Alamisa_Juma_Sibiri'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'Kar_Ntɛ_Tar_Ara_Ala_Jum_Sib'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Ka_Nt_Ta_Ar_Al_Ju_Si'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LL: 'MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY',
LLL: 'MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [lɛrɛ] HH:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [lɛrɛ] HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Bi lɛrɛ] LT',
nextDay: '[Sini lɛrɛ] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [don lɛrɛ] LT',
lastDay: '[Kunu lɛrɛ] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [tɛmɛnen lɛrɛ] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s kɔnɔ',
past: 'a bɛ %s bɔ',
s: 'sanga dama dama',
ss: 'sekondi %d',
m: 'miniti kelen',
mm: 'miniti %d',
h: 'lɛrɛ kelen',
hh: 'lɛrɛ %d',
d: 'tile kelen',
dd: 'tile %d',
M: 'kalo kelen',
MM: 'kalo %d',
y: 'san kelen',
yy: 'san %d',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Bengali (Bangladesh) [bn-bd]
//! author : Asraf Hossain Patoary : https://github.com/ashwoolford
import moment from '../moment';
var symbolMap = {
1: '১',
2: '২',
3: '৩',
4: '৪',
5: '৫',
6: '৬',
7: '৭',
8: '৮',
9: '৯',
0: '০',
numberMap = {
'১': '1',
'২': '2',
'৩': '3',
'৪': '4',
'৫': '5',
'৬': '6',
'৭': '7',
'৮': '8',
'৯': '9',
'০': '0',
export default moment.defineLocale('bn-bd', {
months: 'জানুয়ারি_ফেব্রুয়ারি_মার্চ_এপ্রিল_মে_জুন_জুলাই_আগস্ট_সেপ্টেম্বর_অক্টোবর_নভেম্বর_ডিসেম্বর'.split(
monthsShort: 'জানু_ফেব্রু_মার্চ_এপ্রিল_মে_জুন_জুলাই_আগস্ট_সেপ্ট_অক্টো_নভে_ডিসে'.split(
weekdays: 'রবিবার_সোমবার_মঙ্গলবার_বুধবার_বৃহস্পতিবার_শুক্রবার_শনিবার'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'রবি_সোম_মঙ্গল_বুধ_বৃহস্পতি_শুক্র_শনি'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'রবি_সোম_মঙ্গল_বুধ_বৃহ_শুক্র_শনি'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'A h:mm সময়',
LTS: 'A h:mm:ss সময়',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm সময়',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm সময়',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[আজ] LT',
nextDay: '[আগামীকাল] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
lastDay: '[গতকাল] LT',
lastWeek: '[গত] dddd, LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s পরে',
past: '%s আগে',
s: 'কয়েক সেকেন্ড',
ss: '%d সেকেন্ড',
m: 'এক মিনিট',
mm: '%d মিনিট',
h: 'এক ঘন্টা',
hh: '%d ঘন্টা',
d: 'এক দিন',
dd: '%d দিন',
M: 'এক মাস',
MM: '%d মাস',
y: 'এক বছর',
yy: '%d বছর',
preparse: function (string) {
return string.replace(/[১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯০]/g, function (match) {
return numberMap[match];
postformat: function (string) {
return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
return symbolMap[match];
meridiemParse: /রাত|ভোর|সকাল|দুপুর|বিকাল|সন্ধ্যা|রাত/,
meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) {
if (hour === 12) {
hour = 0;
if (meridiem === 'রাত') {
return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
} else if (meridiem === 'ভোর') {
return hour;
} else if (meridiem === 'সকাল') {
return hour;
} else if (meridiem === 'দুপুর') {
return hour >= 3 ? hour : hour + 12;
} else if (meridiem === 'বিকাল') {
return hour + 12;
} else if (meridiem === 'সন্ধ্যা') {
return hour + 12;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 4) {
return 'রাত';
} else if (hour < 6) {
return 'ভোর';
} else if (hour < 12) {
return 'সকাল';
} else if (hour < 15) {
return 'দুপুর';
} else if (hour < 18) {
return 'বিকাল';
} else if (hour < 20) {
return 'সন্ধ্যা';
} else {
return 'রাত';
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Bengali [bn]
//! author : Kaushik Gandhi : https://github.com/kaushikgandhi
import moment from '../moment';
var symbolMap = {
1: '১',
2: '২',
3: '৩',
4: '৪',
5: '৫',
6: '৬',
7: '৭',
8: '৮',
9: '৯',
0: '০',
numberMap = {
'১': '1',
'২': '2',
'৩': '3',
'৪': '4',
'৫': '5',
'৬': '6',
'৭': '7',
'৮': '8',
'৯': '9',
'০': '0',
export default moment.defineLocale('bn', {
months: 'জানুয়ারি_ফেব্রুয়ারি_মার্চ_এপ্রিল_মে_জুন_জুলাই_আগস্ট_সেপ্টেম্বর_অক্টোবর_নভেম্বর_ডিসেম্বর'.split(
monthsShort: 'জানু_ফেব্রু_মার্চ_এপ্রিল_মে_জুন_জুলাই_আগস্ট_সেপ্ট_অক্টো_নভে_ডিসে'.split(
weekdays: 'রবিবার_সোমবার_মঙ্গলবার_বুধবার_বৃহস্পতিবার_শুক্রবার_শনিবার'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'রবি_সোম_মঙ্গল_বুধ_বৃহস্পতি_শুক্র_শনি'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'রবি_সোম_মঙ্গল_বুধ_বৃহ_শুক্র_শনি'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'A h:mm সময়',
LTS: 'A h:mm:ss সময়',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm সময়',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm সময়',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[আজ] LT',
nextDay: '[আগামীকাল] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
lastDay: '[গতকাল] LT',
lastWeek: '[গত] dddd, LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s পরে',
past: '%s আগে',
s: 'কয়েক সেকেন্ড',
ss: '%d সেকেন্ড',
m: 'এক মিনিট',
mm: '%d মিনিট',
h: 'এক ঘন্টা',
hh: '%d ঘন্টা',
d: 'এক দিন',
dd: '%d দিন',
M: 'এক মাস',
MM: '%d মাস',
y: 'এক বছর',
yy: '%d বছর',
preparse: function (string) {
return string.replace(/[১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯০]/g, function (match) {
return numberMap[match];
postformat: function (string) {
return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
return symbolMap[match];
meridiemParse: /রাত|সকাল|দুপুর|বিকাল|রাত/,
meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) {
if (hour === 12) {
hour = 0;
if (
(meridiem === 'রাত' && hour >= 4) ||
(meridiem === 'দুপুর' && hour < 5) ||
meridiem === 'বিকাল'
) {
return hour + 12;
} else {
return hour;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 4) {
return 'রাত';
} else if (hour < 10) {
return 'সকাল';
} else if (hour < 17) {
return 'দুপুর';
} else if (hour < 20) {
return 'বিকাল';
} else {
return 'রাত';
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Tibetan [bo]
//! author : Thupten N. Chakrishar : https://github.com/vajradog
import moment from '../moment';
var symbolMap = {
1: '༡',
2: '༢',
3: '༣',
4: '༤',
5: '༥',
6: '༦',
7: '༧',
8: '༨',
9: '༩',
0: '༠',
numberMap = {
'༡': '1',
'༢': '2',
'༣': '3',
'༤': '4',
'༥': '5',
'༦': '6',
'༧': '7',
'༨': '8',
'༩': '9',
'༠': '0',
export default moment.defineLocale('bo', {
months: 'ཟླ་བ་དང་པོ_ཟླ་བ་གཉིས་པ_ཟླ་བ་གསུམ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཞི་པ_ཟླ་བ་ལྔ་པ_ཟླ་བ་དྲུག་པ_ཟླ་བ་བདུན་པ_ཟླ་བ་བརྒྱད་པ_ཟླ་བ་དགུ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ'.split(
monthsShort: 'ཟླ་1_ཟླ་2_ཟླ་3_ཟླ་4_ཟླ་5_ཟླ་6_ཟླ་7_ཟླ་8_ཟླ་9_ཟླ་10_ཟླ་11_ཟླ་12'.split(
monthsShortRegex: /^(ཟླ་\d{1,2})/,
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'གཟའ་ཉི་མ་_གཟའ་ཟླ་བ་_གཟའ་མིག་དམར་_གཟའ་ལྷག་པ་_གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ_གཟའ་པ་སངས་_གཟའ་སྤེན་པ་'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'ཉི་མ་_ཟླ་བ་_མིག་དམར་_ལྷག་པ་_ཕུར་བུ_པ་སངས་_སྤེན་པ་'.split(
weekdaysMin: 'ཉི_ཟླ_མིག_ལྷག_ཕུར_སངས_སྤེན'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'A h:mm',
LTS: 'A h:mm:ss',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[དི་རིང] LT',
nextDay: '[སང་ཉིན] LT',
nextWeek: '[བདུན་ཕྲག་རྗེས་མ], LT',
lastDay: '[ཁ་སང] LT',
lastWeek: '[བདུན་ཕྲག་མཐའ་མ] dddd, LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s ལ་',
past: '%s སྔན་ལ',
s: 'ལམ་སང',
ss: '%d སྐར་ཆ།',
m: 'སྐར་མ་གཅིག',
mm: '%d སྐར་མ',
h: 'ཆུ་ཚོད་གཅིག',
hh: '%d ཆུ་ཚོད',
d: 'ཉིན་གཅིག',
dd: '%d ཉིན་',
M: 'ཟླ་བ་གཅིག',
MM: '%d ཟླ་བ',
y: 'ལོ་གཅིག',
yy: '%d ལོ',
preparse: function (string) {
return string.replace(/[༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩༠]/g, function (match) {
return numberMap[match];
postformat: function (string) {
return string.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
return symbolMap[match];
meridiemParse: /མཚན་མོ|ཞོགས་ཀས|ཉིན་གུང|དགོང་དག|མཚན་མོ/,
meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) {
if (hour === 12) {
hour = 0;
if (
(meridiem === 'མཚན་མོ' && hour >= 4) ||
(meridiem === 'ཉིན་གུང' && hour < 5) ||
meridiem === 'དགོང་དག'
) {
return hour + 12;
} else {
return hour;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 4) {
return 'མཚན་མོ';
} else if (hour < 10) {
return 'ཞོགས་ཀས';
} else if (hour < 17) {
return 'ཉིན་གུང';
} else if (hour < 20) {
return 'དགོང་དག';
} else {
return 'མཚན་མོ';
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Breton [br]
//! author : Jean-Baptiste Le Duigou : https://github.com/jbleduigou
import moment from '../moment';
function relativeTimeWithMutation(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
var format = {
mm: 'munutenn',
MM: 'miz',
dd: 'devezh',
return number + ' ' + mutation(format[key], number);
function specialMutationForYears(number) {
switch (lastNumber(number)) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 9:
return number + ' bloaz';
return number + ' vloaz';
function lastNumber(number) {
if (number > 9) {
return lastNumber(number % 10);
return number;
function mutation(text, number) {
if (number === 2) {
return softMutation(text);
return text;
function softMutation(text) {
var mutationTable = {
m: 'v',
b: 'v',
d: 'z',
if (mutationTable[text.charAt(0)] === undefined) {
return text;
return mutationTable[text.charAt(0)] + text.substring(1);
var monthsParse = [
monthsRegex = /^(genver|c[ʼ\']hwevrer|meurzh|ebrel|mae|mezheven|gouere|eost|gwengolo|here|du|kerzu|gen|c[ʼ\']hwe|meu|ebr|mae|eve|gou|eos|gwe|her|du|ker)/i,
monthsStrictRegex = /^(genver|c[ʼ\']hwevrer|meurzh|ebrel|mae|mezheven|gouere|eost|gwengolo|here|du|kerzu)/i,
monthsShortStrictRegex = /^(gen|c[ʼ\']hwe|meu|ebr|mae|eve|gou|eos|gwe|her|du|ker)/i,
fullWeekdaysParse = [
shortWeekdaysParse = [
minWeekdaysParse = [
export default moment.defineLocale('br', {
months: 'Genver_Cʼhwevrer_Meurzh_Ebrel_Mae_Mezheven_Gouere_Eost_Gwengolo_Here_Du_Kerzu'.split(
monthsShort: 'Gen_Cʼhwe_Meu_Ebr_Mae_Eve_Gou_Eos_Gwe_Her_Du_Ker'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sul_Lun_Meurzh_Mercʼher_Yaou_Gwener_Sadorn'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'Sul_Lun_Meu_Mer_Yao_Gwe_Sad'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Lu_Me_Mer_Ya_Gw_Sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParse: minWeekdaysParse,
fullWeekdaysParse: fullWeekdaysParse,
shortWeekdaysParse: shortWeekdaysParse,
minWeekdaysParse: minWeekdaysParse,
monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsStrictRegex: monthsStrictRegex,
monthsShortStrictRegex: monthsShortStrictRegex,
monthsParse: monthsParse,
longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LL: 'D [a viz] MMMM YYYY',
LLL: 'D [a viz] MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, D [a viz] MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Hiziv da] LT',
nextDay: '[Warcʼhoazh da] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [da] LT',
lastDay: '[Decʼh da] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [paset da] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'a-benn %s',
past: '%s ʼzo',
s: 'un nebeud segondennoù',
ss: '%d eilenn',
m: 'ur vunutenn',
mm: relativeTimeWithMutation,
h: 'un eur',
hh: '%d eur',
d: 'un devezh',
dd: relativeTimeWithMutation,
M: 'ur miz',
MM: relativeTimeWithMutation,
y: 'ur bloaz',
yy: specialMutationForYears,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(añ|vet)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var output = number === 1 ? 'añ' : 'vet';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
meridiemParse: /a.m.|g.m./, // goude merenn | a-raok merenn
isPM: function (token) {
return token === 'g.m.';
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
return hour < 12 ? 'a.m.' : 'g.m.';
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Bosnian [bs]
//! author : Nedim Cholich : https://github.com/frontyard
//! based on (hr) translation by Bojan Marković
import moment from '../moment';
function translate(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
var result = number + ' ';
switch (key) {
case 'ss':
if (number === 1) {
result += 'sekunda';
} else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
result += 'sekunde';
} else {
result += 'sekundi';
return result;
case 'm':
return withoutSuffix ? 'jedna minuta' : 'jedne minute';
case 'mm':
if (number === 1) {
result += 'minuta';
} else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
result += 'minute';
} else {
result += 'minuta';
return result;
case 'h':
return withoutSuffix ? 'jedan sat' : 'jednog sata';
case 'hh':
if (number === 1) {
result += 'sat';
} else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
result += 'sata';
} else {
result += 'sati';
return result;
case 'dd':
if (number === 1) {
result += 'dan';
} else {
result += 'dana';
return result;
case 'MM':
if (number === 1) {
result += 'mjesec';
} else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
result += 'mjeseca';
} else {
result += 'mjeseci';
return result;
case 'yy':
if (number === 1) {
result += 'godina';
} else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
result += 'godine';
} else {
result += 'godina';
return result;
export default moment.defineLocale('bs', {
months: 'januar_februar_mart_april_maj_juni_juli_august_septembar_oktobar_novembar_decembar'.split(
monthsShort: 'jan._feb._mar._apr._maj._jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'nedjelja_ponedjeljak_utorak_srijeda_četvrtak_petak_subota'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'ned._pon._uto._sri._čet._pet._sub.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_ut_sr_če_pe_su'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'H:mm',
LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[danas u] LT',
nextDay: '[sutra u] LT',
nextWeek: function () {
switch (this.day()) {
case 0:
return '[u] [nedjelju] [u] LT';
case 3:
return '[u] [srijedu] [u] LT';
case 6:
return '[u] [subotu] [u] LT';
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 5:
return '[u] dddd [u] LT';
lastDay: '[jučer u] LT',
lastWeek: function () {
switch (this.day()) {
case 0:
case 3:
return '[prošlu] dddd [u] LT';
case 6:
return '[prošle] [subote] [u] LT';
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 5:
return '[prošli] dddd [u] LT';
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'za %s',
past: 'prije %s',
s: 'par sekundi',
ss: translate,
m: translate,
mm: translate,
h: translate,
hh: translate,
d: 'dan',
dd: translate,
M: 'mjesec',
MM: translate,
y: 'godinu',
yy: translate,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Catalan [ca]
//! author : Juan G. Hurtado : https://github.com/juanghurtado
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('ca', {
months: {
standalone: 'gener_febrer_març_abril_maig_juny_juliol_agost_setembre_octubre_novembre_desembre'.split(
format: "de gener_de febrer_de març_d'abril_de maig_de juny_de juliol_d'agost_de setembre_d'octubre_de novembre_de desembre".split(
isFormat: /D[oD]?(\s)+MMMM/,
monthsShort: 'gen._febr._març_abr._maig_juny_jul._ag._set._oct._nov._des.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'diumenge_dilluns_dimarts_dimecres_dijous_divendres_dissabte'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'dg._dl._dt._dc._dj._dv._ds.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'dg_dl_dt_dc_dj_dv_ds'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'H:mm',
LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
LL: 'D MMMM [de] YYYY',
ll: 'D MMM YYYY',
LLL: 'D MMMM [de] YYYY [a les] H:mm',
lll: 'D MMM YYYY, H:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM [de] YYYY [a les] H:mm',
llll: 'ddd D MMM YYYY, H:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: function () {
return '[avui a ' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
nextDay: function () {
return '[demà a ' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
nextWeek: function () {
return 'dddd [a ' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
lastDay: function () {
return '[ahir a ' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
lastWeek: function () {
return (
'[el] dddd [passat a ' +
(this.hours() !== 1 ? 'les' : 'la') +
'] LT'
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: "d'aquí %s",
past: 'fa %s',
s: 'uns segons',
ss: '%d segons',
m: 'un minut',
mm: '%d minuts',
h: 'una hora',
hh: '%d hores',
d: 'un dia',
dd: '%d dies',
M: 'un mes',
MM: '%d mesos',
y: 'un any',
yy: '%d anys',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(r|n|t|è|a)/,
ordinal: function (number, period) {
var output =
number === 1
? 'r'
: number === 2
? 'n'
: number === 3
? 'r'
: number === 4
? 't'
: 'è';
if (period === 'w' || period === 'W') {
output = 'a';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Czech [cs]
//! author : petrbela : https://github.com/petrbela
import moment from '../moment';
var months = 'leden_únor_březen_duben_květen_červen_červenec_srpen_září_říjen_listopad_prosinec'.split(
monthsShort = 'led_úno_bře_dub_kvě_čvn_čvc_srp_zář_říj_lis_pro'.split('_'),
monthsParse = [
// NOTE: 'červen' is substring of 'červenec'; therefore 'červenec' must precede 'červen' in the regex to be fully matched.
// Otherwise parser matches '1. červenec' as '1. červen' + 'ec'.
monthsRegex = /^(leden|únor|březen|duben|květen|červenec|července|červen|června|srpen|září|říjen|listopad|prosinec|led|úno|bře|dub|kvě|čvn|čvc|srp|zář|říj|lis|pro)/i;
function plural(n) {
return n > 1 && n < 5 && ~~(n / 10) !== 1;
function translate(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
var result = number + ' ';
switch (key) {
case 's': // a few seconds / in a few seconds / a few seconds ago
return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'pár sekund' : 'pár sekundami';
case 'ss': // 9 seconds / in 9 seconds / 9 seconds ago
if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
return result + (plural(number) ? 'sekundy' : 'sekund');
} else {
return result + 'sekundami';
case 'm': // a minute / in a minute / a minute ago
return withoutSuffix ? 'minuta' : isFuture ? 'minutu' : 'minutou';
case 'mm': // 9 minutes / in 9 minutes / 9 minutes ago
if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
return result + (plural(number) ? 'minuty' : 'minut');
} else {
return result + 'minutami';
case 'h': // an hour / in an hour / an hour ago
return withoutSuffix ? 'hodina' : isFuture ? 'hodinu' : 'hodinou';
case 'hh': // 9 hours / in 9 hours / 9 hours ago
if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
return result + (plural(number) ? 'hodiny' : 'hodin');
} else {
return result + 'hodinami';
case 'd': // a day / in a day / a day ago
return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'den' : 'dnem';
case 'dd': // 9 days / in 9 days / 9 days ago
if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
return result + (plural(number) ? 'dny' : 'dní');
} else {
return result + 'dny';
case 'M': // a month / in a month / a month ago
return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'měsíc' : 'měsícem';
case 'MM': // 9 months / in 9 months / 9 months ago
if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
return result + (plural(number) ? 'měsíce' : 'měsíců');
} else {
return result + 'měsíci';
case 'y': // a year / in a year / a year ago
return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'rok' : 'rokem';
case 'yy': // 9 years / in 9 years / 9 years ago
if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
return result + (plural(number) ? 'roky' : 'let');
} else {
return result + 'lety';
export default moment.defineLocale('cs', {
months: months,
monthsShort: monthsShort,
monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
// NOTE: 'červen' is substring of 'červenec'; therefore 'červenec' must precede 'červen' in the regex to be fully matched.
// Otherwise parser matches '1. červenec' as '1. červen' + 'ec'.
monthsStrictRegex: /^(leden|ledna|února|únor|březen|března|duben|dubna|květen|května|červenec|července|červen|června|srpen|srpna|září|říjen|října|listopadu|listopad|prosinec|prosince)/i,
monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(led|úno|bře|dub|kvě|čvn|čvc|srp|zář|říj|lis|pro)/i,
monthsParse: monthsParse,
longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
weekdays: 'neděle_pondělí_úterý_středa_čtvrtek_pátek_sobota'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'ne_po_út_st_čt_pá_so'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_út_st_čt_pá_so'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'H:mm',
LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
l: 'D. M. YYYY',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[dnes v] LT',
nextDay: '[zítra v] LT',
nextWeek: function () {
switch (this.day()) {
case 0:
return '[v neděli v] LT';
case 1:
case 2:
return '[v] dddd [v] LT';
case 3:
return '[ve středu v] LT';
case 4:
return '[ve čtvrtek v] LT';
case 5:
return '[v pátek v] LT';
case 6:
return '[v sobotu v] LT';
lastDay: '[včera v] LT',
lastWeek: function () {
switch (this.day()) {
case 0:
return '[minulou neděli v] LT';
case 1:
case 2:
return '[minulé] dddd [v] LT';
case 3:
return '[minulou středu v] LT';
case 4:
case 5:
return '[minulý] dddd [v] LT';
case 6:
return '[minulou sobotu v] LT';
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'za %s',
past: 'před %s',
s: translate,
ss: translate,
m: translate,
mm: translate,
h: translate,
hh: translate,
d: translate,
dd: translate,
M: translate,
MM: translate,
y: translate,
yy: translate,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Chuvash [cv]
//! author : Anatoly Mironov : https://github.com/mirontoli
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('cv', {
months: 'кӑрлач_нарӑс_пуш_ака_май_ҫӗртме_утӑ_ҫурла_авӑн_юпа_чӳк_раштав'.split(
monthsShort: 'кӑр_нар_пуш_ака_май_ҫӗр_утӑ_ҫур_авн_юпа_чӳк_раш'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'вырсарникун_тунтикун_ытларикун_юнкун_кӗҫнерникун_эрнекун_шӑматкун'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'выр_тун_ытл_юн_кӗҫ_эрн_шӑм'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'вр_тн_ыт_юн_кҫ_эр_шм'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LL: 'YYYY [ҫулхи] MMMM [уйӑхӗн] D[-мӗшӗ]',
LLL: 'YYYY [ҫулхи] MMMM [уйӑхӗн] D[-мӗшӗ], HH:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, YYYY [ҫулхи] MMMM [уйӑхӗн] D[-мӗшӗ], HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Паян] LT [сехетре]',
nextDay: '[Ыран] LT [сехетре]',
lastDay: '[Ӗнер] LT [сехетре]',
nextWeek: '[Ҫитес] dddd LT [сехетре]',
lastWeek: '[Иртнӗ] dddd LT [сехетре]',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: function (output) {
var affix = /сехет$/i.exec(output)
? 'рен'
: /ҫул$/i.exec(output)
? 'тан'
: 'ран';
return output + affix;
past: '%s каялла',
s: 'пӗр-ик ҫеккунт',
ss: '%d ҫеккунт',
m: 'пӗр минут',
mm: '%d минут',
h: 'пӗр сехет',
hh: '%d сехет',
d: 'пӗр кун',
dd: '%d кун',
M: 'пӗр уйӑх',
MM: '%d уйӑх',
y: 'пӗр ҫул',
yy: '%d ҫул',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-мӗш/,
ordinal: '%d-мӗш',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Welsh [cy]
//! author : Robert Allen : https://github.com/robgallen
//! author : https://github.com/ryangreaves
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('cy', {
months: 'Ionawr_Chwefror_Mawrth_Ebrill_Mai_Mehefin_Gorffennaf_Awst_Medi_Hydref_Tachwedd_Rhagfyr'.split(
monthsShort: 'Ion_Chwe_Maw_Ebr_Mai_Meh_Gor_Aws_Med_Hyd_Tach_Rhag'.split(
weekdays: 'Dydd Sul_Dydd Llun_Dydd Mawrth_Dydd Mercher_Dydd Iau_Dydd Gwener_Dydd Sadwrn'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sul_Llun_Maw_Mer_Iau_Gwe_Sad'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Ll_Ma_Me_Ia_Gw_Sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
// time formats are the same as en-gb
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Heddiw am] LT',
nextDay: '[Yfory am] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [am] LT',
lastDay: '[Ddoe am] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [diwethaf am] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'mewn %s',
past: '%s yn ôl',
s: 'ychydig eiliadau',
ss: '%d eiliad',
m: 'munud',
mm: '%d munud',
h: 'awr',
hh: '%d awr',
d: 'diwrnod',
dd: '%d diwrnod',
M: 'mis',
MM: '%d mis',
y: 'blwyddyn',
yy: '%d flynedd',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(fed|ain|af|il|ydd|ed|eg)/,
// traditional ordinal numbers above 31 are not commonly used in colloquial Welsh
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number,
output = '',
lookup = [
'fed', // 1af to 10fed
'fed', // 11eg to 20fed
if (b > 20) {
if (b === 40 || b === 50 || b === 60 || b === 80 || b === 100) {
output = 'fed'; // not 30ain, 70ain or 90ain
} else {
output = 'ain';
} else if (b > 0) {
output = lookup[b];
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Danish [da]
//! author : Ulrik Nielsen : https://github.com/mrbase
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('da', {
months: 'januar_februar_marts_april_maj_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_december'.split(
monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_maj_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'søndag_mandag_tirsdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_lørdag'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'søn_man_tir_ons_tor_fre_lør'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'sø_ma_ti_on_to_fr_lø'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd [d.] D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[i dag kl.] LT',
nextDay: '[i morgen kl.] LT',
nextWeek: 'på dddd [kl.] LT',
lastDay: '[i går kl.] LT',
lastWeek: '[i] dddd[s kl.] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'om %s',
past: '%s siden',
s: 'få sekunder',
ss: '%d sekunder',
m: 'et minut',
mm: '%d minutter',
h: 'en time',
hh: '%d timer',
d: 'en dag',
dd: '%d dage',
M: 'en måned',
MM: '%d måneder',
y: 'et år',
yy: '%d år',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : German (Austria) [de-at]
//! author : lluchs : https://github.com/lluchs
//! author: Menelion Elensúle: https://github.com/Oire
//! author : Martin Groller : https://github.com/MadMG
//! author : Mikolaj Dadela : https://github.com/mik01aj
import moment from '../moment';
function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
var format = {
m: ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],
h: ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],
d: ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],
dd: [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],
w: ['eine Woche', 'einer Woche'],
M: ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],
MM: [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],
y: ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],
yy: [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren'],
return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
export default moment.defineLocale('de-at', {
months: 'Jänner_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jän._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',
sameElse: 'L',
nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',
nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',
lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: 'vor %s',
s: 'ein paar Sekunden',
ss: '%d Sekunden',
m: processRelativeTime,
mm: '%d Minuten',
h: processRelativeTime,
hh: '%d Stunden',
d: processRelativeTime,
dd: processRelativeTime,
w: processRelativeTime,
ww: '%d Wochen',
M: processRelativeTime,
MM: processRelativeTime,
y: processRelativeTime,
yy: processRelativeTime,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : German (Switzerland) [de-ch]
//! author : sschueller : https://github.com/sschueller
// based on: https://www.bk.admin.ch/dokumentation/sprachen/04915/05016/index.html?lang=de#
import moment from '../moment';
function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
var format = {
m: ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],
h: ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],
d: ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],
dd: [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],
w: ['eine Woche', 'einer Woche'],
M: ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],
MM: [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],
y: ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],
yy: [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren'],
return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
export default moment.defineLocale('de-ch', {
months: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',
sameElse: 'L',
nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',
nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',
lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: 'vor %s',
s: 'ein paar Sekunden',
ss: '%d Sekunden',
m: processRelativeTime,
mm: '%d Minuten',
h: processRelativeTime,
hh: '%d Stunden',
d: processRelativeTime,
dd: processRelativeTime,
w: processRelativeTime,
ww: '%d Wochen',
M: processRelativeTime,
MM: processRelativeTime,
y: processRelativeTime,
yy: processRelativeTime,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : German [de]
//! author : lluchs : https://github.com/lluchs
//! author: Menelion Elensúle: https://github.com/Oire
//! author : Mikolaj Dadela : https://github.com/mik01aj
import moment from '../moment';
function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
var format = {
m: ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],
h: ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],
d: ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],
dd: [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],
w: ['eine Woche', 'einer Woche'],
M: ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],
MM: [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],
y: ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],
yy: [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren'],
return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
export default moment.defineLocale('de', {
months: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',
sameElse: 'L',
nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',
nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',
lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: 'vor %s',
s: 'ein paar Sekunden',
ss: '%d Sekunden',
m: processRelativeTime,
mm: '%d Minuten',
h: processRelativeTime,
hh: '%d Stunden',
d: processRelativeTime,
dd: processRelativeTime,
w: processRelativeTime,
ww: '%d Wochen',
M: processRelativeTime,
MM: processRelativeTime,
y: processRelativeTime,
yy: processRelativeTime,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Maldivian [dv]
//! author : Jawish Hameed : https://github.com/jawish
import moment from '../moment';
var months = [
weekdays = [
export default moment.defineLocale('dv', {
months: months,
monthsShort: months,
weekdays: weekdays,
weekdaysShort: weekdays,
weekdaysMin: 'އާދި_ހޯމަ_އަން_ބުދަ_ބުރާ_ހުކު_ހޮނި'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
L: 'D/M/YYYY',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
meridiemParse: /މކ|މފ/,
isPM: function (input) {
return 'މފ' === input;
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 12) {
return 'މކ';
} else {
return 'މފ';
calendar: {
sameDay: '[މިއަދު] LT',
nextDay: '[މާދަމާ] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd LT',
lastDay: '[އިއްޔެ] LT',
lastWeek: '[ފާއިތުވި] dddd LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'ތެރޭގައި %s',
past: 'ކުރިން %s',
s: 'ސިކުންތުކޮޅެއް',
ss: 'd% ސިކުންތު',
m: 'މިނިޓެއް',
mm: 'މިނިޓު %d',
h: 'ގަޑިއިރެއް',
hh: 'ގަޑިއިރު %d',
d: 'ދުވަހެއް',
dd: 'ދުވަސް %d',
M: 'މަހެއް',
MM: 'މަސް %d',
y: 'އަހަރެއް',
yy: 'އަހަރު %d',
preparse: function (string) {
return string.replace(/،/g, ',');
postformat: function (string) {
return string.replace(/,/g, '،');
week: {
dow: 7, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 12, // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Greek [el]
//! author : Aggelos Karalias : https://github.com/mehiel
import moment from '../moment';
function isFunction(input) {
return (
(typeof Function !== 'undefined' && input instanceof Function) ||
Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Function]'
export default moment.defineLocale('el', {
monthsNominativeEl: 'Ιανουάριος_Φεβρουάριος_Μάρτιος_Απρίλιος_Μάιος_Ιούνιος_Ιούλιος_Αύγουστος_Σεπτέμβριος_Οκτώβριος_Νοέμβριος_Δεκέμβριος'.split(
monthsGenitiveEl: 'Ιανουαρίου_Φεβρουαρίου_Μαρτίου_Απριλίου_Μαΐου_Ιουνίου_Ιουλίου_Αυγούστου_Σεπτεμβρίου_Οκτωβρίου_Νοεμβρίου_Δεκεμβρίου'.split(
months: function (momentToFormat, format) {
if (!momentToFormat) {
return this._monthsNominativeEl;
} else if (
typeof format === 'string' &&
/D/.test(format.substring(0, format.indexOf('MMMM')))
) {
// if there is a day number before 'MMMM'
return this._monthsGenitiveEl[momentToFormat.month()];
} else {
return this._monthsNominativeEl[momentToFormat.month()];
monthsShort: 'Ιαν_Φεβ_Μαρ_Απρ_Μαϊ_Ιουν_Ιουλ_Αυγ_Σεπ_Οκτ_Νοε_Δεκ'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Κυριακή_Δευτέρα_Τρίτη_Τετάρτη_Πέμπτη_Παρασκευή_Σάββατο'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Κυρ_Δευ_Τρι_Τετ_Πεμ_Παρ_Σαβ'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Κυ_Δε_Τρ_Τε_Πε_Πα_Σα'.split('_'),
meridiem: function (hours, minutes, isLower) {
if (hours > 11) {
return isLower ? 'μμ' : 'ΜΜ';
} else {
return isLower ? 'πμ' : 'ΠΜ';
isPM: function (input) {
return (input + '').toLowerCase()[0] === 'μ';
meridiemParse: /[ΠΜ]\.?Μ?\.?/i,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'h:mm A',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
calendarEl: {
sameDay: '[Σήμερα {}] LT',
nextDay: '[Αύριο {}] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [{}] LT',
lastDay: '[Χθες {}] LT',
lastWeek: function () {
switch (this.day()) {
case 6:
return '[το προηγούμενο] dddd [{}] LT';
return '[την προηγούμενη] dddd [{}] LT';
sameElse: 'L',
calendar: function (key, mom) {
var output = this._calendarEl[key],
hours = mom && mom.hours();
if (isFunction(output)) {
output = output.apply(mom);
return output.replace('{}', hours % 12 === 1 ? 'στη' : 'στις');
relativeTime: {
future: 'σε %s',
past: '%s πριν',
s: 'λίγα δευτερόλεπτα',
ss: '%d δευτερόλεπτα',
m: 'ένα λεπτό',
mm: '%d λεπτά',
h: 'μία ώρα',
hh: '%d ώρες',
d: 'μία μέρα',
dd: '%d μέρες',
M: 'ένας μήνας',
MM: '%d μήνες',
y: 'ένας χρόνος',
yy: '%d χρόνια',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}η/,
ordinal: '%dη',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4st is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (Australia) [en-au]
//! author : Jared Morse : https://github.com/jarcoal
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-au', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'h:mm A',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (Canada) [en-ca]
//! author : Jonathan Abourbih : https://github.com/jonbca
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-ca', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'h:mm A',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (United Kingdom) [en-gb]
//! author : Chris Gedrim : https://github.com/chrisgedrim
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-gb', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (Ireland) [en-ie]
//! author : Chris Cartlidge : https://github.com/chriscartlidge
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-ie', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (Israel) [en-il]
//! author : Chris Gedrim : https://github.com/chrisgedrim
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-il', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (India) [en-in]
//! author : Jatin Agrawal : https://github.com/jatinag22
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-in', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'h:mm A',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (New Zealand) [en-nz]
//! author : Luke McGregor : https://github.com/lukemcgregor
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-nz', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'h:mm A',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : English (Singapore) [en-sg]
//! author : Matthew Castrillon-Madrigal : https://github.com/techdimension
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('en-sg', {
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split(
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'in %s',
past: '%s ago',
s: 'a few seconds',
ss: '%d seconds',
m: 'a minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'an hour',
hh: '%d hours',
d: 'a day',
dd: '%d days',
M: 'a month',
MM: '%d months',
y: 'a year',
yy: '%d years',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
ordinal: function (number) {
var b = number % 10,
output =
~~((number % 100) / 10) === 1
? 'th'
: b === 1
? 'st'
: b === 2
? 'nd'
: b === 3
? 'rd'
: 'th';
return number + output;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Esperanto [eo]
//! author : Colin Dean : https://github.com/colindean
//! author : Mia Nordentoft Imperatori : https://github.com/miestasmia
//! comment : miestasmia corrected the translation by colindean
//! comment : Vivakvo corrected the translation by colindean and miestasmia
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('eo', {
months: 'januaro_februaro_marto_aprilo_majo_junio_julio_aŭgusto_septembro_oktobro_novembro_decembro'.split(
monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mart_apr_maj_jun_jul_aŭg_sept_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'dimanĉo_lundo_mardo_merkredo_ĵaŭdo_vendredo_sabato'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dim_lun_mard_merk_ĵaŭ_ven_sab'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_ĵa_ve_sa'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LL: '[la] D[-an de] MMMM, YYYY',
LLL: '[la] D[-an de] MMMM, YYYY HH:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd[n], [la] D[-an de] MMMM, YYYY HH:mm',
llll: 'ddd, [la] D[-an de] MMM, YYYY HH:mm',
meridiemParse: /[ap]\.t\.m/i,
isPM: function (input) {
return input.charAt(0).toLowerCase() === 'p';
meridiem: function (hours, minutes, isLower) {
if (hours > 11) {
return isLower ? 'p.t.m.' : 'P.T.M.';
} else {
return isLower ? 'a.t.m.' : 'A.T.M.';
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Hodiaŭ je] LT',
nextDay: '[Morgaŭ je] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd[n je] LT',
lastDay: '[Hieraŭ je] LT',
lastWeek: '[pasintan] dddd[n je] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'post %s',
past: 'antaŭ %s',
s: 'kelkaj sekundoj',
ss: '%d sekundoj',
m: 'unu minuto',
mm: '%d minutoj',
h: 'unu horo',
hh: '%d horoj',
d: 'unu tago', //ne 'diurno', ĉar estas uzita por proksimumo
dd: '%d tagoj',
M: 'unu monato',
MM: '%d monatoj',
y: 'unu jaro',
yy: '%d jaroj',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}a/,
ordinal: '%da',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Spanish (Dominican Republic) [es-do]
import moment from '../moment';
var monthsShortDot = 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split(
monthsShort = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_'),
monthsParse = [
monthsRegex = /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;
export default moment.defineLocale('es-do', {
months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'.split(
monthsShort: function (m, format) {
if (!m) {
return monthsShortDot;
} else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
return monthsShort[m.month()];
} else {
return monthsShortDot[m.month()];
monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,
monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i,
monthsParse: monthsParse,
longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'h:mm A',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A',
LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A',
calendar: {
sameDay: function () {
return '[hoy a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextDay: function () {
return '[mañana a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextWeek: function () {
return 'dddd [a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastDay: function () {
return '[ayer a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastWeek: function () {
return (
'[el] dddd [pasado a la' +
(this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') +
'] LT'
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'en %s',
past: 'hace %s',
s: 'unos segundos',
ss: '%d segundos',
m: 'un minuto',
mm: '%d minutos',
h: 'una hora',
hh: '%d horas',
d: 'un día',
dd: '%d días',
w: 'una semana',
ww: '%d semanas',
M: 'un mes',
MM: '%d meses',
y: 'un año',
yy: '%d años',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
ordinal: '%dº',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Spanish (Mexico) [es-mx]
//! author : JC Franco : https://github.com/jcfranco
import moment from '../moment';
var monthsShortDot = 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split(
monthsShort = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_'),
monthsParse = [
monthsRegex = /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;
export default moment.defineLocale('es-mx', {
months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'.split(
monthsShort: function (m, format) {
if (!m) {
return monthsShortDot;
} else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
return monthsShort[m.month()];
} else {
return monthsShortDot[m.month()];
monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,
monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i,
monthsParse: monthsParse,
longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'H:mm',
LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: function () {
return '[hoy a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextDay: function () {
return '[mañana a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextWeek: function () {
return 'dddd [a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastDay: function () {
return '[ayer a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastWeek: function () {
return (
'[el] dddd [pasado a la' +
(this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') +
'] LT'
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'en %s',
past: 'hace %s',
s: 'unos segundos',
ss: '%d segundos',
m: 'un minuto',
mm: '%d minutos',
h: 'una hora',
hh: '%d horas',
d: 'un día',
dd: '%d días',
w: 'una semana',
ww: '%d semanas',
M: 'un mes',
MM: '%d meses',
y: 'un año',
yy: '%d años',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
ordinal: '%dº',
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
invalidDate: 'Fecha inválida',
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Spanish (United States) [es-us]
//! author : bustta : https://github.com/bustta
//! author : chrisrodz : https://github.com/chrisrodz
import moment from '../moment';
var monthsShortDot = 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split(
monthsShort = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_'),
monthsParse = [
monthsRegex = /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;
export default moment.defineLocale('es-us', {
months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'.split(
monthsShort: function (m, format) {
if (!m) {
return monthsShortDot;
} else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
return monthsShort[m.month()];
} else {
return monthsShortDot[m.month()];
monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,
monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i,
monthsParse: monthsParse,
longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'h:mm A',
LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A',
LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A',
calendar: {
sameDay: function () {
return '[hoy a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextDay: function () {
return '[mañana a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextWeek: function () {
return 'dddd [a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastDay: function () {
return '[ayer a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastWeek: function () {
return (
'[el] dddd [pasado a la' +
(this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') +
'] LT'
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'en %s',
past: 'hace %s',
s: 'unos segundos',
ss: '%d segundos',
m: 'un minuto',
mm: '%d minutos',
h: 'una hora',
hh: '%d horas',
d: 'un día',
dd: '%d días',
w: 'una semana',
ww: '%d semanas',
M: 'un mes',
MM: '%d meses',
y: 'un año',
yy: '%d años',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
ordinal: '%dº',
week: {
dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
doy: 6, // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Spanish [es]
//! author : Julio Napurí : https://github.com/julionc
import moment from '../moment';
var monthsShortDot = 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split(
monthsShort = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_'),
monthsParse = [
monthsRegex = /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;
export default moment.defineLocale('es', {
months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'.split(
monthsShort: function (m, format) {
if (!m) {
return monthsShortDot;
} else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
return monthsShort[m.month()];
} else {
return monthsShortDot[m.month()];
monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,
monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i,
monthsParse: monthsParse,
longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'H:mm',
LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: function () {
return '[hoy a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextDay: function () {
return '[mañana a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
nextWeek: function () {
return 'dddd [a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastDay: function () {
return '[ayer a la' + (this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
lastWeek: function () {
return (
'[el] dddd [pasado a la' +
(this.hours() !== 1 ? 's' : '') +
'] LT'
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'en %s',
past: 'hace %s',
s: 'unos segundos',
ss: '%d segundos',
m: 'un minuto',
mm: '%d minutos',
h: 'una hora',
hh: '%d horas',
d: 'un día',
dd: '%d días',
w: 'una semana',
ww: '%d semanas',
M: 'un mes',
MM: '%d meses',
y: 'un año',
yy: '%d años',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
ordinal: '%dº',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
invalidDate: 'Fecha inválida',
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Estonian [et]
//! author : Henry Kehlmann : https://github.com/madhenry
//! improvements : Illimar Tambek : https://github.com/ragulka
import moment from '../moment';
function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
var format = {
s: ['mõne sekundi', 'mõni sekund', 'paar sekundit'],
ss: [number + 'sekundi', number + 'sekundit'],
m: ['ühe minuti', 'üks minut'],
mm: [number + ' minuti', number + ' minutit'],
h: ['ühe tunni', 'tund aega', 'üks tund'],
hh: [number + ' tunni', number + ' tundi'],
d: ['ühe päeva', 'üks päev'],
M: ['kuu aja', 'kuu aega', 'üks kuu'],
MM: [number + ' kuu', number + ' kuud'],
y: ['ühe aasta', 'aasta', 'üks aasta'],
yy: [number + ' aasta', number + ' aastat'],
if (withoutSuffix) {
return format[key][2] ? format[key][2] : format[key][1];
return isFuture ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
export default moment.defineLocale('et', {
months: 'jaanuar_veebruar_märts_aprill_mai_juuni_juuli_august_september_oktoober_november_detsember'.split(
monthsShort: 'jaan_veebr_märts_apr_mai_juuni_juuli_aug_sept_okt_nov_dets'.split(
weekdays: 'pühapäev_esmaspäev_teisipäev_kolmapäev_neljapäev_reede_laupäev'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'P_E_T_K_N_R_L'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'P_E_T_K_N_R_L'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'H:mm',
LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Täna,] LT',
nextDay: '[Homme,] LT',
nextWeek: '[Järgmine] dddd LT',
lastDay: '[Eile,] LT',
lastWeek: '[Eelmine] dddd LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s pärast',
past: '%s tagasi',
s: processRelativeTime,
ss: processRelativeTime,
m: processRelativeTime,
mm: processRelativeTime,
h: processRelativeTime,
hh: processRelativeTime,
d: processRelativeTime,
dd: '%d päeva',
M: processRelativeTime,
MM: processRelativeTime,
y: processRelativeTime,
yy: processRelativeTime,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Basque [eu]
//! author : Eneko Illarramendi : https://github.com/eillarra
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('eu', {
months: 'urtarrila_otsaila_martxoa_apirila_maiatza_ekaina_uztaila_abuztua_iraila_urria_azaroa_abendua'.split(
monthsShort: 'urt._ots._mar._api._mai._eka._uzt._abu._ira._urr._aza._abe.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'igandea_astelehena_asteartea_asteazkena_osteguna_ostirala_larunbata'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'ig._al._ar._az._og._ol._lr.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'ig_al_ar_az_og_ol_lr'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LL: 'YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a]',
LLL: 'YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm',
l: 'YYYY-M-D',
ll: 'YYYY[ko] MMM D[a]',
lll: 'YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm',
llll: 'ddd, YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[gaur] LT[etan]',
nextDay: '[bihar] LT[etan]',
nextWeek: 'dddd LT[etan]',
lastDay: '[atzo] LT[etan]',
lastWeek: '[aurreko] dddd LT[etan]',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s barru',
past: 'duela %s',
s: 'segundo batzuk',
ss: '%d segundo',
m: 'minutu bat',
mm: '%d minutu',
h: 'ordu bat',
hh: '%d ordu',
d: 'egun bat',
dd: '%d egun',
M: 'hilabete bat',
MM: '%d hilabete',
y: 'urte bat',
yy: '%d urte',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Persian [fa]
//! author : Ebrahim Byagowi : https://github.com/ebraminio
import moment from '../moment';
var symbolMap = {
1: '۱',
2: '۲',
3: '۳',
4: '۴',
5: '۵',
6: '۶',
7: '۷',
8: '۸',
9: '۹',
0: '۰',
numberMap = {
'۱': '1',
'۲': '2',
'۳': '3',
'۴': '4',
'۵': '5',
'۶': '6',
'۷': '7',
'۸': '8',
'۹': '9',
'۰': '0',
export default moment.defineLocale('fa', {
months: 'ژانویه_فوریه_مارس_آوریل_مه_ژوئن_ژوئیه_اوت_سپتامبر_اکتبر_نوامبر_دسامبر'.split(
monthsShort: 'ژانویه_فوریه_مارس_آوریل_مه_ژوئن_ژوئیه_اوت_سپتامبر_اکتبر_نوامبر_دسامبر'.split(
weekdays: 'یک\u200cشنبه_دوشنبه_سه\u200cشنبه_چهارشنبه_پنج\u200cشنبه_جمعه_شنبه'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'یک\u200cشنبه_دوشنبه_سه\u200cشنبه_چهارشنبه_پنج\u200cشنبه_جمعه_شنبه'.split(
weekdaysMin: 'ی_د_س_چ_پ_ج_ش'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
meridiemParse: /قبل از ظهر|بعد از ظهر/,
isPM: function (input) {
return /بعد از ظهر/.test(input);
meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) {
if (hour < 12) {
return 'قبل از ظهر';
} else {
return 'بعد از ظهر';
calendar: {
sameDay: '[امروز ساعت] LT',
nextDay: '[فردا ساعت] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [ساعت] LT',
lastDay: '[دیروز ساعت] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [پیش] [ساعت] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'در %s',
past: '%s پیش',
s: 'چند ثانیه',
ss: '%d ثانیه',
m: 'یک دقیقه',
mm: '%d دقیقه',
h: 'یک ساعت',
hh: '%d ساعت',
d: 'یک روز',
dd: '%d روز',
M: 'یک ماه',
MM: '%d ماه',
y: 'یک سال',
yy: '%d سال',
preparse: function (string) {
return string
.replace(/[۰-۹]/g, function (match) {
return numberMap[match];
.replace(/،/g, ',');
postformat: function (string) {
return string
.replace(/\d/g, function (match) {
return symbolMap[match];
.replace(/,/g, '،');
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}م/,
ordinal: '%dم',
week: {
dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
doy: 12, // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Finnish [fi]
//! author : Tarmo Aidantausta : https://github.com/bleadof
import moment from '../moment';
var numbersPast = 'nolla yksi kaksi kolme neljä viisi kuusi seitsemän kahdeksan yhdeksän'.split(
' '
numbersFuture = [
function translate(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
var result = '';
switch (key) {
case 's':
return isFuture ? 'muutaman sekunnin' : 'muutama sekunti';
case 'ss':
result = isFuture ? 'sekunnin' : 'sekuntia';
case 'm':
return isFuture ? 'minuutin' : 'minuutti';
case 'mm':
result = isFuture ? 'minuutin' : 'minuuttia';
case 'h':
return isFuture ? 'tunnin' : 'tunti';
case 'hh':
result = isFuture ? 'tunnin' : 'tuntia';
case 'd':
return isFuture ? 'päivän' : 'päivä';
case 'dd':
result = isFuture ? 'päivän' : 'päivää';
case 'M':
return isFuture ? 'kuukauden' : 'kuukausi';
case 'MM':
result = isFuture ? 'kuukauden' : 'kuukautta';
case 'y':
return isFuture ? 'vuoden' : 'vuosi';
case 'yy':
result = isFuture ? 'vuoden' : 'vuotta';
result = verbalNumber(number, isFuture) + ' ' + result;
return result;
function verbalNumber(number, isFuture) {
return number < 10
? isFuture
? numbersFuture[number]
: numbersPast[number]
: number;
export default moment.defineLocale('fi', {
months: 'tammikuu_helmikuu_maaliskuu_huhtikuu_toukokuu_kesäkuu_heinäkuu_elokuu_syyskuu_lokakuu_marraskuu_joulukuu'.split(
monthsShort: 'tammi_helmi_maalis_huhti_touko_kesä_heinä_elo_syys_loka_marras_joulu'.split(
weekdays: 'sunnuntai_maanantai_tiistai_keskiviikko_torstai_perjantai_lauantai'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'su_ma_ti_ke_to_pe_la'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'su_ma_ti_ke_to_pe_la'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH.mm',
LTS: 'HH.mm.ss',
LL: 'Do MMMM[ta] YYYY',
LLL: 'Do MMMM[ta] YYYY, [klo] HH.mm',
LLLL: 'dddd, Do MMMM[ta] YYYY, [klo] HH.mm',
l: 'D.M.YYYY',
ll: 'Do MMM YYYY',
lll: 'Do MMM YYYY, [klo] HH.mm',
llll: 'ddd, Do MMM YYYY, [klo] HH.mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[tänään] [klo] LT',
nextDay: '[huomenna] [klo] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [klo] LT',
lastDay: '[eilen] [klo] LT',
lastWeek: '[viime] dddd[na] [klo] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: '%s päästä',
past: '%s sitten',
s: translate,
ss: translate,
m: translate,
mm: translate,
h: translate,
hh: translate,
d: translate,
dd: translate,
M: translate,
MM: translate,
y: translate,
yy: translate,
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Filipino [fil]
//! author : Dan Hagman : https://github.com/hagmandan
//! author : Matthew Co : https://github.com/matthewdeeco
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('fil', {
months: 'Enero_Pebrero_Marso_Abril_Mayo_Hunyo_Hulyo_Agosto_Setyembre_Oktubre_Nobyembre_Disyembre'.split(
monthsShort: 'Ene_Peb_Mar_Abr_May_Hun_Hul_Ago_Set_Okt_Nob_Dis'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'Linggo_Lunes_Martes_Miyerkules_Huwebes_Biyernes_Sabado'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'Lin_Lun_Mar_Miy_Huw_Biy_Sab'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'Li_Lu_Ma_Mi_Hu_Bi_Sab'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM DD, YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: 'LT [ngayong araw]',
nextDay: '[Bukas ng] LT',
nextWeek: 'LT [sa susunod na] dddd',
lastDay: 'LT [kahapon]',
lastWeek: 'LT [noong nakaraang] dddd',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'sa loob ng %s',
past: '%s ang nakalipas',
s: 'ilang segundo',
ss: '%d segundo',
m: 'isang minuto',
mm: '%d minuto',
h: 'isang oras',
hh: '%d oras',
d: 'isang araw',
dd: '%d araw',
M: 'isang buwan',
MM: '%d buwan',
y: 'isang taon',
yy: '%d taon',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/,
ordinal: function (number) {
return number;
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : Faroese [fo]
//! author : Ragnar Johannesen : https://github.com/ragnar123
//! author : Kristian Sakarisson : https://github.com/sakarisson
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('fo', {
months: 'januar_februar_mars_apríl_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember'.split(
monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_des'.split('_'),
weekdays: 'sunnudagur_mánadagur_týsdagur_mikudagur_hósdagur_fríggjadagur_leygardagur'.split(
weekdaysShort: 'sun_mán_týs_mik_hós_frí_ley'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'su_má_tý_mi_hó_fr_le'.split('_'),
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM, YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Í dag kl.] LT',
nextDay: '[Í morgin kl.] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [kl.] LT',
lastDay: '[Í gjár kl.] LT',
lastWeek: '[síðstu] dddd [kl] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'um %s',
past: '%s síðani',
s: 'fá sekund',
ss: '%d sekundir',
m: 'ein minuttur',
mm: '%d minuttir',
h: 'ein tími',
hh: '%d tímar',
d: 'ein dagur',
dd: '%d dagar',
M: 'ein mánaður',
MM: '%d mánaðir',
y: 'eitt ár',
yy: '%d ár',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
ordinal: '%d.',
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : French (Canada) [fr-ca]
//! author : Jonathan Abourbih : https://github.com/jonbca
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('fr-ca', {
months: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'.split(
monthsShort: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Aujourd’hui à] LT',
nextDay: '[Demain à] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [à] LT',
lastDay: '[Hier à] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [dernier à] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'dans %s',
past: 'il y a %s',
s: 'quelques secondes',
ss: '%d secondes',
m: 'une minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'une heure',
hh: '%d heures',
d: 'un jour',
dd: '%d jours',
M: 'un mois',
MM: '%d mois',
y: 'un an',
yy: '%d ans',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|e)/,
ordinal: function (number, period) {
switch (period) {
// Words with masculine grammatical gender: mois, trimestre, jour
case 'M':
case 'Q':
case 'D':
case 'DDD':
case 'd':
return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : 'e');
// Words with feminine grammatical gender: semaine
case 'w':
case 'W':
return number + (number === 1 ? 're' : 'e');
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : French (Switzerland) [fr-ch]
//! author : Gaspard Bucher : https://github.com/gaspard
import moment from '../moment';
export default moment.defineLocale('fr-ch', {
months: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'.split(
monthsShort: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split(
monthsParseExact: true,
weekdays: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Aujourd’hui à] LT',
nextDay: '[Demain à] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [à] LT',
lastDay: '[Hier à] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [dernier à] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'dans %s',
past: 'il y a %s',
s: 'quelques secondes',
ss: '%d secondes',
m: 'une minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'une heure',
hh: '%d heures',
d: 'un jour',
dd: '%d jours',
M: 'un mois',
MM: '%d mois',
y: 'un an',
yy: '%d ans',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|e)/,
ordinal: function (number, period) {
switch (period) {
// Words with masculine grammatical gender: mois, trimestre, jour
case 'M':
case 'Q':
case 'D':
case 'DDD':
case 'd':
return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : 'e');
// Words with feminine grammatical gender: semaine
case 'w':
case 'W':
return number + (number === 1 ? 're' : 'e');
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
//! moment.js locale configuration
//! locale : French [fr]
//! author : John Fischer : https://github.com/jfroffice
import moment from '../moment';
var monthsStrictRegex = /^(janvier|février|mars|avril|mai|juin|juillet|août|septembre|octobre|novembre|décembre)/i,
monthsShortStrictRegex = /(janv\.?|févr\.?|mars|avr\.?|mai|juin|juil\.?|août|sept\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|déc\.?)/i,
monthsRegex = /(janv\.?|févr\.?|mars|avr\.?|mai|juin|juil\.?|août|sept\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|déc\.?|janvier|février|mars|avril|mai|juin|juillet|août|septembre|octobre|novembre|décembre)/i,
monthsParse = [
export default moment.defineLocale('fr', {
months: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'.split(
monthsShort: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split(
monthsRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex,
monthsStrictRegex: monthsStrictRegex,
monthsShortStrictRegex: monthsShortStrictRegex,
monthsParse: monthsParse,
longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
weekdays: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
weekdaysShort: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa'.split('_'),
weekdaysParseExact: true,
longDateFormat: {
LT: 'HH:mm',
LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
calendar: {
sameDay: '[Aujourd’hui à] LT',
nextDay: '[Demain à] LT',
nextWeek: 'dddd [à] LT',
lastDay: '[Hier à] LT',
lastWeek: 'dddd [dernier à] LT',
sameElse: 'L',
relativeTime: {
future: 'dans %s',
past: 'il y a %s',
s: 'quelques secondes',
ss: '%d secondes',
m: 'une minute',
mm: '%d minutes',
h: 'une heure',
hh: '%d heures',
d: 'un jour',
dd: '%d jours',
w: 'une semaine',
ww: '%d semaines',
M: 'un mois',
MM: '%d mois',
y: 'un an',
yy: '%d ans',
dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|)/,
ordinal: function (number, period) {
switch (period) {
// TODO: Return 'e' when day of month > 1. Move this case inside
// block for masculine words below.
// See https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/3375
case 'D':
return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : '');
// Words with masculine grammatical gender: mois, trimestre, jour
case 'M':
case 'Q':
case 'DDD':
case 'd':
return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : 'e');
// Words with feminine grammatical gender: semaine
case 'w':
case 'W':
return number + (number === 1 ? 're' : 'e');
week: {
dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
No preview for this file type
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.