baseexternalclient.d.ts 8.59 KB
import { GaxiosOptions, GaxiosPromise, GaxiosResponse } from 'gaxios';
import { Credentials } from './credentials';
import { AuthClient } from './authclient';
import { BodyResponseCallback } from '../transporters';
import { GetAccessTokenResponse, Headers, RefreshOptions } from './oauth2client';
 * Offset to take into account network delays and server clock skews.
export declare const EXPIRATION_TIME_OFFSET: number;
 * The credentials JSON file type for external account clients.
 * There are 3 types of JSON configs:
 * 1. authorized_user => Google end user credential
 * 2. service_account => Google service account credential
 * 3. external_Account => non-GCP service (eg. AWS, Azure, K8s)
export declare const EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE = "external_account";
/** Cloud resource manager URL used to retrieve project information. */
export declare const CLOUD_RESOURCE_MANAGER = "";
 * Base external account credentials json interface.
export interface BaseExternalAccountClientOptions {
    type: string;
    audience: string;
    subject_token_type: string;
    service_account_impersonation_url?: string;
    token_url: string;
    token_info_url?: string;
    client_id?: string;
    client_secret?: string;
    quota_project_id?: string;
 * Interface defining the successful response for iamcredentials
 * generateAccessToken API.
export interface IamGenerateAccessTokenResponse {
    accessToken: string;
    expireTime: string;
 * Interface defining the project information response returned by the cloud
 * resource manager.
export interface ProjectInfo {
    projectNumber: string;
    projectId: string;
    lifecycleState: string;
    name: string;
    createTime?: string;
    parent: {
        [key: string]: any;
 * Internal interface for tracking the access token expiration time.
interface CredentialsWithResponse extends Credentials {
    res?: GaxiosResponse | null;
 * Base external account client. This is used to instantiate AuthClients for
 * exchanging external account credentials for GCP access token and authorizing
 * requests to GCP APIs.
 * The base class implements common logic for exchanging various type of
 * external credentials for GCP access token. The logic of determining and
 * retrieving the external credential based on the environment and
 * credential_source will be left for the subclasses.
export declare abstract class BaseExternalAccountClient extends AuthClient {
     * OAuth scopes for the GCP access token to use. When not provided,
     * the default is
     * used.
    scopes?: string | string[];
    private cachedAccessToken;
    protected readonly audience: string;
    private readonly subjectTokenType;
    private readonly serviceAccountImpersonationUrl?;
    private readonly stsCredential;
    projectId: string | null;
    projectNumber: string | null;
    readonly eagerRefreshThresholdMillis: number;
    readonly forceRefreshOnFailure: boolean;
     * Instantiate a BaseExternalAccountClient instance using the provided JSON
     * object loaded from an external account credentials file.
     * @param options The external account options object typically loaded
     *   from the external account JSON credential file.
     * @param additionalOptions Optional additional behavior customization
     *   options. These currently customize expiration threshold time and
     *   whether to retry on 401/403 API request errors.
    constructor(options: BaseExternalAccountClientOptions, additionalOptions?: RefreshOptions);
     * Provides a mechanism to inject GCP access tokens directly.
     * When the provided credential expires, a new credential, using the
     * external account options, is retrieved.
     * @param credentials The Credentials object to set on the current client.
    setCredentials(credentials: Credentials): void;
     * Triggered when a external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP
     * access token via GCP STS endpoint.
     * This abstract method needs to be implemented by subclasses depending on
     * the type of external credential used.
     * @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
    abstract retrieveSubjectToken(): Promise<string>;
     * @return A promise that resolves with the current GCP access token
     *   response. If the current credential is expired, a new one is retrieved.
    getAccessToken(): Promise<GetAccessTokenResponse>;
     * The main authentication interface. It takes an optional url which when
     * present is the endpoint> being accessed, and returns a Promise which
     * resolves with authorization header fields.
     * The result has the form:
     * { Authorization: 'Bearer <access_token_value>' }
    getRequestHeaders(): Promise<Headers>;
     * Provides a request implementation with OAuth 2.0 flow. In cases of
     * HTTP 401 and 403 responses, it automatically asks for a new access token
     * and replays the unsuccessful request.
     * @param opts Request options.
     * @param callback callback.
     * @return A promise that resolves with the HTTP response when no callback is
     *   provided.
    request<T>(opts: GaxiosOptions): GaxiosPromise<T>;
    request<T>(opts: GaxiosOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback<T>): void;
     * @return A promise that resolves with the project ID corresponding to the
     *   current workload identity pool. When not determinable, this resolves with
     *   null.
     *   This is introduced to match the current pattern of using the Auth
     *   library:
     *   const projectId = await auth.getProjectId();
     *   const url = `${projectId}`;
     *   const res = await client.request({ url });
     *   The resource may not have permission
     *   (resourcemanager.projects.get) to call this API or the required
     *   scopes may not be selected:
    getProjectId(): Promise<string | null>;
     * Authenticates the provided HTTP request, processes it and resolves with the
     * returned response.
     * @param opts The HTTP request options.
     * @param retry Whether the current attempt is a retry after a failed attempt.
     * @return A promise that resolves with the successful response.
    protected requestAsync<T>(opts: GaxiosOptions, retry?: boolean): Promise<GaxiosResponse<T>>;
     * Forces token refresh, even if unexpired tokens are currently cached.
     * External credentials are exchanged for GCP access tokens via the token
     * exchange endpoint and other settings provided in the client options
     * object.
     * If the service_account_impersonation_url is provided, an additional
     * step to exchange the external account GCP access token for a service
     * account impersonated token is performed.
     * @return A promise that resolves with the fresh GCP access tokens.
    protected refreshAccessTokenAsync(): Promise<CredentialsWithResponse>;
     * Returns the workload identity pool project number if it is determinable
     * from the audience resource name.
     * @param audience The STS audience used to determine the project number.
     * @return The project number associated with the workload identity pool, if
     *   this can be determined from the STS audience field. Otherwise, null is
     *   returned.
    private getProjectNumber;
     * Exchanges an external account GCP access token for a service
     * account impersonated access token using iamcredentials
     * GenerateAccessToken API.
     * @param token The access token to exchange for a service account access
     *   token.
     * @return A promise that resolves with the service account impersonated
     *   credentials response.
    private getImpersonatedAccessToken;
     * Returns whether the provided credentials are expired or not.
     * If there is no expiry time, assumes the token is not expired or expiring.
     * @param accessToken The credentials to check for expiration.
     * @return Whether the credentials are expired or not.
    private isExpired;
     * @return The list of scopes for the requested GCP access token.
    private getScopesArray;
export {};