resolver.d.ts 4.12 KB
import { MethodConfig, ServiceConfig } from './service-config';
import { StatusObject } from './call-stream';
import { SubchannelAddress } from './subchannel';
import { GrpcUri } from './uri-parser';
import { ChannelOptions } from './channel-options';
import { Metadata } from './metadata';
import { Status } from './constants';
export interface CallConfig {
    methodConfig: MethodConfig;
    onCommitted?: () => void;
    pickInformation: {
        [key: string]: string;
    status: Status;
 * Selects a configuration for a method given the name and metadata. Defined in
export interface ConfigSelector {
    (methodName: string, metadata: Metadata): CallConfig;
 * A listener object passed to the resolver's constructor that provides name
 * resolution updates back to the resolver's owner.
export interface ResolverListener {
     * Called whenever the resolver has new name resolution results to report
     * @param addressList The new list of backend addresses
     * @param serviceConfig The new service configuration corresponding to the
     *     `addressList`. Will be `null` if no service configuration was
     *     retrieved or if the service configuration was invalid
     * @param serviceConfigError If non-`null`, indicates that the retrieved
     *     service configuration was invalid
    onSuccessfulResolution(addressList: SubchannelAddress[], serviceConfig: ServiceConfig | null, serviceConfigError: StatusObject | null, configSelector: ConfigSelector | null, attributes: {
        [key: string]: unknown;
    }): void;
     * Called whenever a name resolution attempt fails.
     * @param error Describes how resolution failed
    onError(error: StatusObject): void;
 * A resolver class that handles one or more of the name syntax schemes defined
 * in the [gRPC Name Resolution document](
export interface Resolver {
     * Indicates that the caller wants new name resolution data. Calling this
     * function may eventually result in calling one of the `ResolverListener`
     * functions, but that is not guaranteed. Those functions will never be
     * called synchronously with the constructor or updateResolution.
    updateResolution(): void;
     * Destroy the resolver. Should be called when the owning channel shuts down.
    destroy(): void;
export interface ResolverConstructor {
    new (target: GrpcUri, listener: ResolverListener, channelOptions: ChannelOptions): Resolver;
     * Get the default authority for a target. This loosely corresponds to that
     * target's hostname. Throws an error if this resolver class cannot parse the
     * `target`.
     * @param target
    getDefaultAuthority(target: GrpcUri): string;
 * Register a resolver class to handle target names prefixed with the `prefix`
 * string. This prefix should correspond to a URI scheme name listed in the
 * [gRPC Name Resolution document](
 * @param prefix
 * @param resolverClass
export declare function registerResolver(scheme: string, resolverClass: ResolverConstructor): void;
 * Register a default resolver to handle target names that do not start with
 * any registered prefix.
 * @param resolverClass
export declare function registerDefaultScheme(scheme: string): void;
 * Create a name resolver for the specified target, if possible. Throws an
 * error if no such name resolver can be created.
 * @param target
 * @param listener
export declare function createResolver(target: GrpcUri, listener: ResolverListener, options: ChannelOptions): Resolver;
 * Get the default authority for the specified target, if possible. Throws an
 * error if no registered name resolver can parse that target string.
 * @param target
export declare function getDefaultAuthority(target: GrpcUri): string;
export declare function mapUriDefaultScheme(target: GrpcUri): GrpcUri | null;
export declare function registerAll(): void;