
Improve convenience of method

......@@ -50,6 +50,23 @@ module.exports = {
const expertise = $("div.profile-ability-battle").find("ul li:nth-child(6) span:nth-child(2)").text();
const abilityList = [];
let abilityString = "";
$("ul.swiper-slide").children("li").each(function(i, elem) {abilityList[i] = $(this).find("span").text();});
for(idx = 0; idx < abilityList.length; idx++){ abilityString += abilityList[idx] + "\n"; }
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
{name: "**캐릭터 정보**", value: "`서 버`: "+server+"\n"+"`길 드`: "+guild+"\n"+"`클래스`: "+jickup+"\n"+"`칭 호`: "+title+"\n"+"`PVP 급`: "+pvpLevel, inline: true},
{name: "\u200b", value: "\u200b", inline: true},
{name: `**레벨 정보**`, value: "`캐릭터`: "+combatLevel+"\n"+"`아이템`: "+itemLevel+"\n"+"`원정대`: "+expeditionLevel+"\n"+"`영 지`: "+wisdomLevel+" "+wisdomName, inline: true}
.addField('\u200b', '\u200b')
{name: "**캐릭터 특성**", value: "`공격력`: "+attack+"\n"+"`생명력`: "+hp+"\n"+"`치 명`: "+crit+"\n"+"`특 화`: "+specialization+"\n"+"`제 압`: "+domination+"\n"+"`신 속`: "+swiftness+"\n"+"`인 내`: "+endurance+"\n"+"`숙 련`: "+expertise, inline: true},
{name: "**각인**", value: abilityString, inline: true}
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed], allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
\ No newline at end of file