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        <div class="answer-field" style="width:300px;"><br><br>한번 갈 때마다 ...<br>
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            졸업까지 앞으로 <span class="answer-highlight" id="until">?</span>시간은 더 길에서 보내시면 됩니다.<br>
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    function semester() {
      var target = document.getElementById("semester").value;
      var input = 0

      var since, until, salary, dish, everest, earth

      // 임시값 지정
      var time = 2
      var distance = 30000
      var costs = 100000

      function sum(sem) {
        since = sem * time * 150
        until = (8 - sem) * time * 150
        salary = since * 8590
        dish = Math.floor((costs * 150) / 6000)
        everest = Math.floor((distance * 2) / 8846)
        earth = ((distance * 2) / 40075000).toFixed(3)

      if (target == 'sem-1-1') {
        input = 1
      else if (target == 'sem-1-2') {
        input = 2
      else if (target == 'sem-2-1') {
        input = 3
      else if (target == 'sem-2-2') {
        input = 4
      else if (target == 'sem-3-1') {
        input = 5
      else if (target == 'sem-3-2') {
        input = 6
      else if (target == 'sem-4-1') {
        input = 7
      else if (target == 'sem-4-2') {
        input = 8

      document.getElementById("since").innerHTML = since
      document.getElementById("until").innerHTML = until
      document.getElementById("salary").innerHTML = salary
      document.getElementById("dish").innerHTML = dish
      document.getElementById("everest").innerHTML = everest
      document.getElementById("earth").innerHTML = earth

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