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This is Personal color diagnosis system.
[![Personal Color Diagnosis system](]( "Personal Color Diagnosis system")
<br>Click this image to see the Demo video!
## 1. Face detection
`` with `shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat` has DetectFace class, and it provides face detection function, the exact face parts, and the coordinates of them.
`` with `shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat` has DetectFace class, and it provides face detection function, the exact face parts, and the coordinates of them. We selected cheeks, eyes, eyebrows(instead of hair) for personal color analysis.
## 2. Extract the Dominant Color
`` has DominantColors class, and it provides the dominant colors by k-means algorithm, with RGB values.
## 3. Personal Color Diagnosis
The RGB values from step 2 is converted to Lab and HSV color space. The b value from Lab is the factor *determining warm/cool* and the S value from HSV is the factor *determining spring/fall or summer/winter*. Our team get the criteria values which classifies the personal color results by analyzing color values dataset from some images.
## 4. Virtual Makeup Simulator
It classify several lipstics as 4 personal colors by their colors and put their name, color code and class into the Database. After detecting the lip outlines, connect the lips and put a chosen color from the DB.
## 5. Web
Django is used for web framework.