
flask로 opencv 웹 구현

"python.pythonPath": "C:\\Users\\JOSUEYEON\\anaconda3\\envs\\py36\\python.exe"
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Flask - python web framework
opencv Ȱ ̹ νĿ
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from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
import sys
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import compress
import cv2
from scipy.spatial import distance
import copy
import math
import operator
from colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColor, HSVColor
from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
class DominantColors:
IMAGE = None
def __init__(self, image, clusters=3):
self.CLUSTERS = clusters
img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
self.IMAGE = img.reshape((img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], 3))
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = self.CLUSTERS)
self.COLORS = kmeans.cluster_centers_
self.LABELS = kmeans.labels_
def rgb_to_hex(self, rgb):
return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2]))
# Return a list in order of color that appeared most often.
def getHistogram(self):
numLabels = np.arange(0, self.CLUSTERS+1)
(hist, _) = np.histogram(self.LABELS, bins=numLabels)
hist = hist.astype("float")
hist /= hist.sum()
colors = self.COLORS
colors = colors[(-hist).argsort()]
hist = hist[(-hist).argsort()]
for i in range(self.CLUSTERS):
colors[i] = colors[i].astype(int)
fil = [colors[i][2] < 250 and colors[i][0] > 10 for i in range(self.CLUSTERS)]
colors = list(compress(colors, fil))
return colors, hist
def plotHistogram(self):
colors, hist = self.getHistogram()
chart = np.zeros((50, 500, 3), np.uint8)
start = 0
for i in range(len(colors)):
end = start + hist[i] * 500
r, g, b = colors[i]
cv2.rectangle(chart, (int(start), 0), (int(end), 50), (r, g, b), -1)
start = end
return colors
def is_warm(lab_b, a):
warm_b_std = [38.022000000000006, 0, 0]
cool_b_std = [17, 0, 0]
warm_dist = 0
cool_dist = 0
for i in range(1):
warm_dist += abs(lab_b[i] - warm_b_std[i]) * a[i]
cool_dist += abs(lab_b[i] - cool_b_std[i]) * a[i]
if(warm_dist <= cool_dist):
return 1
return 0
def trimming(img):
x = 100
y = 100
w = 100
h = 100
img_trim = img[y:y+h, x:x+w]
return img_trim
def analysis(imgpath):
img = cv2.imread(imgpath)
h, w, c = img.shape
if((h > 500) and (w > 500)):
img = trimming(img)
face = [img, img,
img, img,
img, img]
temp = []
clusters = 4
for f in face:
dc = DominantColors(f, clusters)
face_part_color, _ = dc.getHistogram()
cheek1 = np.mean([temp[0], temp[1]], axis=0)
cheek2 = np.mean([temp[2], temp[3]], axis=0)
cheek3 = np.mean([temp[4], temp[5]], axis=0)
Lab_b, hsv_s = [], []
color = [cheek1, cheek2, cheek3]
for i in range(3):
rgb = sRGBColor(color[i][0], color[i][1], color[i][2], is_upscaled=True)
lab = convert_color(rgb, LabColor, through_rgb_type=sRGBColor)
hsv = convert_color(rgb, HSVColor, through_rgb_type=sRGBColor)
Lab_b.append(float(format(lab.lab_b, ".2f")))
hsv_s.append(float(format(hsv.hsv_s, ".2f"))*100)
Lab_b[1] = 0
Lab_b[2] = 0
Lab_weight = [100, 0, 0]
if(is_warm(Lab_b, Lab_weight)):
tone = '웜톤(warm)'
tone = '쿨톤(cool)'
# Print Result
return (tone)
@app.route("/", methods=['GET','POST'])
def hello():
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_template('color.html')
elif request.method == 'POST':
f = request.files['img-path']
result = analysis('./uploads'+f.filename)
if(result == "쿨톤(cool)"):
return render_template('cool.html')
elif result == "웜톤(warm)":
return render_template('warm.html')
# post랑 default 안씀
if __name__ == "__main__":
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// 여기에 js와 css를 넣어야함! 다른곳에 쓰면 flask가 모름...
// html도 무조건 templates에 넣기
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>이미지 업로드</title>
<p>image upload with opencv</p>
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file", name="img-path">
<button type='submit'>Start Test</button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p>your color is cool</p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p>your color is warm</p>
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