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☔️ Weather Chatbot

About the project

This web-app project contains 3 functionality.

  1. Weather Chatbot that doesn't look like a chatting app.
  2. twitter like social network service.
  3. Secure(encrypted) messaging service. (not built)
  4. Signin/CreateAccount with Google/GitHub using OAuthl. (not built)

The main goal of this project is not to make something useful but to learn/use as much as possible.

Getting Started

  • weather-chatbot URL -> Not properly working due to firewall issue

  • Clone the repo on your computer (temporal solution)

  1. Clone the repo

$ git clone

  1. Install node_modules
  • install at server dir

$ cd /server

$ npm install

  • install at client dir

$ cd ..

$ cd client

$ npm install

  1. start the web-app

$ cd ..

$ cd server && npm start

  1. Load the repo on web browser



  • Front End : React
  • Back End : node.js & expressjs
  • authentication/authorization : JWT, bcypt
  • Domain Name :
  • Hosting : aws lightsail


MIT License