

......@@ -46,9 +46,46 @@ function selectAddress(addressArray, number) {
// hospitals: array from hospital API
// addNum: index of addressArray
function getXY(hospitals, addNum) {
var hospitals_xy = new Array();
hospitals_xy.my_x = AddressList[addNum].road_address.x;
hospitals_xy.my_y = AddressList[addNum].road_address.y;
// hopsitals_keyword[i] : name, x, y
for (let i = 0; i < hospitals.length; i++) { // iterate through available hospitals...
fetch('https://dapi.kakao.com/v2/local/search/keyword.json?' + new URLSearchParams({
query: hospitals.name,
category_group_code: "HP8"
}), {
method: "GET",
headers: {"Authorization": "KakaoAK c14234ba46c574c73715276c5644f397"}
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
for (let j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
if (data.documents[j].category_name === "의료,건강 > 병원 > 종합병원") or (data.documents[j].category_name === "의료,건강 > 병원 > 대학병원") {
hospitals_xy[i].name = data.documents[j].place_name;
hospitals_xy[i].x = data.documents[j].x;
hospitals_xy[i].y = data.documents[j].y;
return hospitals_xy;
.my_x, .my_y: user's coordinates (to some precision..)
[i].name: name of ith hospital
[i].x, [i].y: coordinates of ith hospital
AddressList = null;
// for loop 다 돈 다음에 return하도록 수정해야함 (하실수 있는분?)
module.exports = {getAddress, getXY};
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