Huh Jin-Ho

add infra code

Showing 131 changed files with 5021 additions and 1 deletions
infra_code @ 5fffd3a4
1 -Subproject commit 5fffd3a4f66d68db249c923f44c48b6d84f798b8
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +[plugins]
2 +cwlogs = cwlogs
3 +[default]
4 +region = ap-northeast-2
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + - autoscaling:*
115 + Resource: "*"
116 + -
117 + Effect: Allow
118 + Action:
119 + - ec2:*
120 + - autoscaling:*
121 + Resource: "*"
122 + WebappRole:
123 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
124 + Properties:
125 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
126 + Version: "2012-10-17"
127 + Statement:
128 + -
129 + Effect: "Allow"
130 + Principal:
131 + Service:
132 + - ""
133 + - ""
134 + Action:
135 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
136 + Policies:
137 + -
138 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
139 + PolicyDocument:
140 + Version: "2012-10-17"
141 + Statement:
142 + -
143 + Effect: "Allow"
144 + Action: "s3:getObject"
145 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
146 + WebappInstanceProfile:
147 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
148 + Properties:
149 + Roles:
150 + - Ref: WebappRole
151 + WebappLaunchConfig:
152 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
153 + Properties:
154 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
155 + ImageId:
156 + Ref: AMIID
157 + InstanceType: t2.micro
158 + KeyName:
159 + Ref: KeyName
160 + SecurityGroups:
161 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
162 + IamInstanceProfile:
163 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
164 + UserData:
165 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
166 + #! /bin/bash -xe
167 + # update yum just in case
168 + yum update -y
169 + # get node into yum
170 + curl --silent --location | bash -
171 + # install node and npm in one line
172 + yum install -y nodejs
173 + install pm2 to restart node app
174 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
175 + AutoScalingGroup:
176 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
177 + Properties:
178 + HealthCheckType: ELB
179 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
180 + MinSize:
181 + Ref: MinSize
182 + MaxSize:
183 + Ref: MaxSize
184 + LaunchConfigurationName:
185 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
186 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
187 + Ref: WebappSubnets
188 + TargetGroupARNs:
189 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
190 + Tags:
191 + - Key: Name
192 + Value: webapp-example
193 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
194 + ALBListener:
195 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
196 + Properties:
197 + DefaultActions:
198 + -
199 + Type: forward
200 + TargetGroupArn:
201 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
202 + LoadBalancerArn:
203 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
204 + Port: 80
205 + Protocol: HTTP
206 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
207 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
208 + Properties:
209 + Name: testLoadbalancer
210 + Scheme: internet-facing
211 + Subnets:
212 + Ref: ALBSubnets
213 + SecurityGroups:
214 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
215 + ALBTargetGroup:
216 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
217 + Properties:
218 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
219 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
220 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
221 + HealthCheckPath: /
222 + Port: 3000
223 + Protocol: HTTP
224 + VpcId:
225 + Ref: VPC
226 +Outputs:
227 + WebappUrl:
228 + Description: Webapp URL
229 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
230 + DeploymentGroup:
231 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
232 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
233 + DeploymentBucket:
234 + Description: Deployment bucket
235 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
236 + ApplicationName:
237 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
238 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + - autoscaling:*
115 + Resource: "*"
116 + -
117 + Effect: Allow
118 + Action:
119 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
120 + Resource: "*"
121 + WebappRole:
122 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
123 + Properties:
124 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
125 + Version: "2012-10-17"
126 + Statement:
127 + -
128 + Effect: "Allow"
129 + Principal:
130 + Service:
131 + - ""
132 + - ""
133 + Action:
134 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
135 + Policies:
136 + -
137 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
138 + PolicyDocument:
139 + Version: "2012-10-17"
140 + Statement:
141 + -
142 + Effect: "Allow"
143 + Action: "s3:getObject"
144 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
145 + WebappInstanceProfile:
146 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
147 + Properties:
148 + Roles:
149 + - Ref: WebappRole
150 + WebappLaunchConfig:
151 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
152 + Properties:
153 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
154 + ImageId:
155 + Ref: AMIID
156 + InstanceType: t2.micro
157 + KeyName:
158 + Ref: KeyName
159 + SecurityGroups:
160 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
161 + IamInstanceProfile:
162 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
163 + UserData:
164 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
165 + #! /bin/bash -xe
166 + # update yum just in case
167 + yum update -y
168 + # get node into yum
169 + curl --silent --location | bash -
170 + # install node and npm in one line
171 + yum install -y nodejs
172 + install pm2 to restart node app
173 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
174 + AutoScalingGroup:
175 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
176 + Properties:
177 + HealthCheckType: ELB
178 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
179 + MinSize:
180 + Ref: MinSize
181 + MaxSize:
182 + Ref: MaxSize
183 + LaunchConfigurationName:
184 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
185 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
186 + Ref: WebappSubnets
187 + TargetGroupARNs:
188 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
189 + Tags:
190 + - Key: Name
191 + Value: webapp-example
192 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
193 + ALBListener:
194 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
195 + Properties:
196 + DefaultActions:
197 + -
198 + Type: forward
199 + TargetGroupArn:
200 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
201 + LoadBalancerArn:
202 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
203 + Port: 80
204 + Protocol: HTTP
205 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
206 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
207 + Properties:
208 + Name: testLoadbalancer
209 + Scheme: internet-facing
210 + Subnets:
211 + Ref: ALBSubnets
212 + SecurityGroups:
213 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
214 + ALBTargetGroup:
215 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
216 + Properties:
217 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
218 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
220 + HealthCheckPath: /
221 + Port: 3000
222 + Protocol: HTTP
223 + VpcId:
224 + Ref: VPC
225 +Outputs:
226 + WebappUrl:
227 + Description: Webapp URL
228 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
229 + DeploymentGroup:
230 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
231 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
232 + DeploymentBucket:
233 + Description: Deployment bucket
234 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
235 + ApplicationName:
236 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
237 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: !Ref ApplicationLoadBalancer:
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: !Ref ApplicationLoadBalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: !Ref
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: !GetAtt
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: LoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + LoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: !Ref LoadBalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: LoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + LoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: ApplicationLoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + ApplicationLoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt ApplicationLoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: !Ref LoadBalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: LoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + LoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 +Resources:
24 + WebappApplication:
25 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
26 + Properties:
27 + ApplicationName: testApp
28 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
29 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
30 + Properties:
31 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
32 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
33 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
34 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
35 + DeploymentStyle:
36 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
37 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
38 + LoadBalancerInfo:
39 + ElbInfoList:
40 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
41 + AutoScalingGroups:
42 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
43 + ALBSecurityGroup:
44 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
45 + Properties:
46 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
47 + VpcId:
48 + Ref: VPC
49 + SecurityGroupIngress:
50 + - IpProtocol: tcp
51 + FromPort: '80'
52 + ToPort: '80'
53 + CidrIp:
54 + WebappSecurityGroup:
55 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
56 + Properties:
57 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
58 + VpcId:
59 + Ref: VPC
60 + SecurityGroupIngress:
61 + - IpProtocol: tcp
62 + FromPort: '3000'
63 + ToPort: '3000'
64 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
65 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
66 + - IpProtocol: tcp
67 + FromPort: '22'
68 + ToPort: '22'
69 + CidrIp:
70 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
71 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
72 + Properties:
73 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
74 + CodeDeployRole:
75 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
76 + Properties:
77 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
78 + Version: "2012-10-17"
79 + Statement:
80 + -
81 + Effect: "Allow"
82 + Principal:
83 + Service:
84 + - ""
85 + Action:
86 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
87 + Policies:
88 + -
89 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
90 + PolicyDocument:
91 + Version: "2012-10-17"
92 + Statement:
93 + -
94 + Effect: Allow
95 + Action:
96 + - ec2:*
97 + - autoscaling:*
98 + Resource: "*"
99 + -
100 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
101 + PolicyDocument:
102 + Version: "2012-10-17"
103 + Statement:
104 + -
105 + Effect: Allow
106 + Action:
107 + - ec2:*
108 + - autoscaling:*
109 + Resource: "*"
110 + -
111 + Effect: Allow
112 + Action:
113 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
114 + Resource: "*"
115 + -
116 + Effect: Allow
117 + Action:
118 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
119 + Resource: "*"
120 + WebappRole:
121 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
122 + Properties:
123 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
124 + Version: "2012-10-17"
125 + Statement:
126 + -
127 + Effect: "Allow"
128 + Principal:
129 + Service:
130 + - ""
131 + - ""
132 + Action:
133 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
134 + Policies:
135 + -
136 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
137 + PolicyDocument:
138 + Version: "2012-10-17"
139 + Statement:
140 + -
141 + Effect: "Allow"
142 + Action: "s3:getObject"
143 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
144 + WebappInstanceProfile:
145 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
146 + Properties:
147 + Roles:
148 + - Ref: WebappRole
149 + WebappLaunchConfig:
150 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
151 + Properties:
152 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
153 + ImageId:
154 + Ref: AMIID
155 + InstanceType: t2.micro
156 + KeyName:
157 + Ref: KeyName
158 + SecurityGroups:
159 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
160 + IamInstanceProfile:
161 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
162 + UserData:
163 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
164 + #! /bin/bash -xe
165 + # update yum just in case
166 + yum update -y
167 + # get node into yum
168 + curl --silent --location | bash -
169 + # install node and npm in one line
170 + yum install -y nodejs
171 + install pm2 to restart node app
172 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
173 + AutoScalingGroup:
174 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
175 + Properties:
176 + HealthCheckType: ELB
177 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
178 + MinSize:
179 + Ref: MinSize
180 + MaxSize:
181 + Ref: MaxSize
182 + LaunchConfigurationName:
183 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
184 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
185 + Ref: WebappSubnets
186 + TargetGroupARNs:
187 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
188 + Tags:
189 + - Key: Name
190 + Value: webapp-example
191 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
192 + ALBListener:
193 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
194 + Properties:
195 + DefaultActions:
196 + -
197 + Type: forward
198 + TargetGroupArn:
199 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
200 + LoadBalancerArn:
201 + Ref: LoadBalancer
202 + Port: 80
203 + Protocol: HTTP
204 + LoadBalancer:
205 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
206 + Properties:
207 + Name: testLoadbalancer
208 + Scheme: internet-facing
209 + Subnets:
210 + Ref: ALBSubnets
211 + SecurityGroups:
212 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
213 + ALBTargetGroup:
214 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
215 + Properties:
216 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
217 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
218 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
219 + HealthCheckPath: /
220 + Port: 3000
221 + Protocol: HTTP
222 + VpcId:
223 + Ref: VPC
224 +Outputs:
225 + WebappUrl:
226 + Description: Webapp URL
227 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
228 + DeploymentGroup:
229 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
230 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
231 + DeploymentBucket:
232 + Description: Deployment bucket
233 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
234 + ApplicationName:
235 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
236 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 + NamePrefix:
24 + AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*'
25 + Default: bluegreen
26 + Description: Prefix for resource tags made by this template (2-15 chars).
27 + MaxLength: 15
28 + MinLength: 2
29 + Type: String
30 +Resources:
31 + WebappApplication:
32 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
33 + Properties:
34 + ApplicationName: testApp
35 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
36 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
37 + Properties:
38 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
39 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
40 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
41 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
42 + DeploymentStyle:
43 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
44 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
45 + LoadBalancerInfo:
46 + ElbInfoList:
47 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
48 + AutoScalingGroups:
49 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
50 + ALBSecurityGroup:
51 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
52 + Properties:
53 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
54 + VpcId:
55 + Ref: VPC
56 + SecurityGroupIngress:
57 + - IpProtocol: tcp
58 + FromPort: '80'
59 + ToPort: '80'
60 + CidrIp:
61 + WebappSecurityGroup:
62 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
63 + Properties:
64 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
65 + VpcId:
66 + Ref: VPC
67 + SecurityGroupIngress:
68 + - IpProtocol: tcp
69 + FromPort: '3000'
70 + ToPort: '3000'
71 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
72 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
73 + - IpProtocol: tcp
74 + FromPort: '22'
75 + ToPort: '22'
76 + CidrIp:
77 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
78 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
79 + Properties:
80 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
81 + CodeDeployRole:
82 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
83 + Properties:
84 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
85 + Version: "2012-10-17"
86 + Statement:
87 + -
88 + Effect: "Allow"
89 + Principal:
90 + Service:
91 + - ""
92 + Action:
93 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
94 + Policies:
95 + -
96 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
97 + PolicyDocument:
98 + Version: "2012-10-17"
99 + Statement:
100 + -
101 + Effect: Allow
102 + Action:
103 + - ec2:*
104 + - autoscaling:*
105 + Resource: "*"
106 + -
107 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
108 + PolicyDocument:
109 + Version: "2012-10-17"
110 + Statement:
111 + -
112 + Effect: Allow
113 + Action:
114 + - ec2:*
115 + - autoscaling:*
116 + Resource: "*"
117 + -
118 + Effect: Allow
119 + Action:
120 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
121 + Resource: "*"
122 + -
123 + Effect: Allow
124 + Action:
125 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
126 + Resource: "*"
127 + WebappRole:
128 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
129 + Properties:
130 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
131 + Version: "2012-10-17"
132 + Statement:
133 + -
134 + Effect: "Allow"
135 + Principal:
136 + Service:
137 + - ""
138 + - ""
139 + Action:
140 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
141 + Policies:
142 + -
143 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
144 + PolicyDocument:
145 + Version: "2012-10-17"
146 + Statement:
147 + -
148 + Effect: "Allow"
149 + Action: "s3:getObject"
150 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
151 + WebappInstanceProfile:
152 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
153 + Properties:
154 + Roles:
155 + - Ref: WebappRole
156 + WebappLaunchConfig:
157 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
158 + Properties:
159 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
160 + ImageId:
161 + Ref: AMIID
162 + InstanceType: t2.micro
163 + KeyName:
164 + Ref: KeyName
165 + SecurityGroups:
166 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
167 + IamInstanceProfile:
168 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
169 + UserData:
170 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
171 + #! /bin/bash -xe
172 + # update yum just in case
173 + yum update -y
174 + # get node into yum
175 + curl --silent --location | bash -
176 + # install node and npm in one line
177 + yum install -y nodejs
178 + install pm2 to restart node app
179 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
180 + AutoScalingGroup:
181 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
182 + Properties:
183 + HealthCheckType: ELB
184 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
185 + MinSize:
186 + Ref: MinSize
187 + MaxSize:
188 + Ref: MaxSize
189 + LaunchConfigurationName:
190 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
191 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
192 + Ref: WebappSubnets
193 + TargetGroupARNs:
194 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
195 + Tags:
196 + - Key: Name
197 + Value: webapp-example
198 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
199 + ALBListener:
200 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
201 + Properties:
202 + DefaultActions:
203 + -
204 + Type: forward
205 + TargetGroupArn:
206 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
207 + LoadBalancerArn:
208 + Ref: LoadBalancer
209 + Port: 80
210 + Protocol: HTTP
211 + LoadBalancer:
212 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
213 + Properties:
214 + Name: testLoadbalancer
215 + Scheme: internet-facing
216 + Subnets:
217 + Ref: ALBSubnets
218 + SecurityGroups:
219 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
220 + ALBTargetGroup:
221 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
222 + Properties:
223 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
224 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
225 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
226 + HealthCheckPath: /
227 + Port: 3000
228 + Protocol: HTTP
229 + VpcId:
230 + Ref: VPC
231 +Outputs:
232 + WebappUrl:
233 + Description: Webapp URL
234 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
235 + DeploymentGroup:
236 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
237 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
238 + DeploymentBucket:
239 + Description: Deployment bucket
240 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
241 + ApplicationName:
242 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
243 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 + NamePrefix:
24 + AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*'
25 + Default: bluegreen
26 + Description: Prefix for resource tags made by this template (2-15 chars).
27 + MaxLength: 15
28 + MinLength: 2
29 + Type: String
30 +Resources:
31 + WebappApplication:
32 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
33 + Properties:
34 + ApplicationName: testApp
35 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
36 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
37 + Properties:
38 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
39 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
40 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
41 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
42 + DeploymentStyle:
43 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
44 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
45 + LoadBalancerInfo:
46 + ElbInfoList:
47 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
48 + AutoScalingGroups:
49 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
50 + ALBSecurityGroup:
51 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
52 + Properties:
53 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
54 + VpcId:
55 + Ref: VPC
56 + SecurityGroupIngress:
57 + - IpProtocol: tcp
58 + FromPort: '80'
59 + ToPort: '80'
60 + CidrIp:
61 + WebappSecurityGroup:
62 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
63 + Properties:
64 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
65 + VpcId:
66 + Ref: VPC
67 + SecurityGroupIngress:
68 + - IpProtocol: tcp
69 + FromPort: '3000'
70 + ToPort: '3000'
71 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
72 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
73 + - IpProtocol: tcp
74 + FromPort: '22'
75 + ToPort: '22'
76 + CidrIp:
77 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
78 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
79 + Properties:
80 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
81 + CodeDeployRole:
82 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
83 + Properties:
84 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
85 + Version: "2012-10-17"
86 + Statement:
87 + -
88 + Effect: "Allow"
89 + Principal:
90 + Service:
91 + - ""
92 + Action:
93 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
94 + Policies:
95 + -
96 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
97 + PolicyDocument:
98 + Version: "2012-10-17"
99 + Statement:
100 + -
101 + Effect: Allow
102 + Action:
103 + - ec2:*
104 + - autoscaling:*
105 + Resource: "*"
106 + -
107 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
108 + PolicyDocument:
109 + Version: "2012-10-17"
110 + Statement:
111 + -
112 + Effect: Allow
113 + Action:
114 + - ec2:*
115 + - autoscaling:*
116 + Resource: "*"
117 + -
118 + Effect: Allow
119 + Action:
120 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
121 + Resource: "*"
122 + -
123 + Effect: Allow
124 + Action:
125 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
126 + Resource: "*"
127 + WebappRole:
128 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
129 + Properties:
130 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
131 + Version: "2012-10-17"
132 + Statement:
133 + -
134 + Effect: "Allow"
135 + Principal:
136 + Service:
137 + - ""
138 + - ""
139 + Action:
140 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
141 + Policies:
142 + -
143 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
144 + PolicyDocument:
145 + Version: "2012-10-17"
146 + Statement:
147 + -
148 + Effect: "Allow"
149 + Action: "s3:getObject"
150 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
151 + WebappInstanceProfile:
152 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
153 + Properties:
154 + Roles:
155 + - Ref: WebappRole
156 + WebappLaunchConfig:
157 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
158 + Properties:
159 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
160 + ImageId:
161 + Ref: AMIID
162 + InstanceType: t2.micro
163 + KeyName:
164 + Ref: KeyName
165 + SecurityGroups:
166 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
167 + IamInstanceProfile:
168 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
169 + UserData:
170 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
171 + #! /bin/bash -xe
172 + # update yum just in case
173 + yum update -y
174 + # get node into yum
175 + curl --silent --location | bash -
176 + # install node and npm in one line
177 + yum install -y nodejs
178 + install pm2 to restart node app
179 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
180 + AutoScalingGroup:
181 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
182 + Properties:
183 + HealthCheckType: ELB
184 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
185 + MinSize:
186 + Ref: MinSize
187 + MaxSize:
188 + Ref: MaxSize
189 + LaunchConfigurationName:
190 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
191 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
192 + Ref: WebappSubnets
193 + TargetGroupARNs:
194 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
195 + Tags:
196 + - Key: Name
197 + Value: webapp-example
198 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
199 + ALBListener:
200 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
201 + Properties:
202 + DefaultActions:
203 + -
204 + Type: forward
205 + TargetGroupArn:
206 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
207 + LoadBalancerArn:
208 + Ref: LoadBalancer
209 + Port: 80
210 + Protocol: HTTP
211 + LoadBalancer:
212 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
213 + Properties:
214 + Name: testLoadbalancer
215 + Scheme: internet-facing
216 + Subnets:
217 + Ref: ALBSubnets
218 + SecurityGroups:
219 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
220 + Tags:
221 + - Key: Name
222 + Value:
223 + !Join ["", [ Ref: NamePrefix, "-elb"] ]
224 + ALBTargetGroup:
225 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
226 + Properties:
227 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
228 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
229 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
230 + HealthCheckPath: /
231 + Port: 3000
232 + Protocol: HTTP
233 + VpcId:
234 + Ref: VPC
235 +Outputs:
236 + WebappUrl:
237 + Description: Webapp URL
238 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
239 + DeploymentGroup:
240 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
241 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
242 + DeploymentBucket:
243 + Description: Deployment bucket
244 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
245 + ApplicationName:
246 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
247 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 + NamePrefix:
24 + AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*'
25 + Default: bluegreen
26 + Description: Prefix for resource tags made by this template (2-15 chars).
27 + MaxLength: 15
28 + MinLength: 2
29 + Type: String
30 +Resources:
31 + WebappApplication:
32 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
33 + Properties:
34 + ApplicationName: testApp
35 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
36 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
37 + Properties:
38 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
39 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
40 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
41 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
42 + DeploymentStyle:
43 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
44 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
45 + LoadBalancerInfo:
46 + ElbInfoList:
47 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
48 + AutoScalingGroups:
49 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
50 + ALBSecurityGroup:
51 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
52 + Properties:
53 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
54 + VpcId:
55 + Ref: VPC
56 + SecurityGroupIngress:
57 + - IpProtocol: tcp
58 + FromPort: '80'
59 + ToPort: '80'
60 + CidrIp:
61 + WebappSecurityGroup:
62 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
63 + Properties:
64 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
65 + VpcId:
66 + Ref: VPC
67 + SecurityGroupIngress:
68 + - IpProtocol: tcp
69 + FromPort: '3000'
70 + ToPort: '3000'
71 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
72 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
73 + - IpProtocol: tcp
74 + FromPort: '22'
75 + ToPort: '22'
76 + CidrIp:
77 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
78 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
79 + Properties:
80 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
81 + CodeDeployRole:
82 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
83 + Properties:
84 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
85 + Version: "2012-10-17"
86 + Statement:
87 + -
88 + Effect: "Allow"
89 + Principal:
90 + Service:
91 + - ""
92 + Action:
93 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
94 + Policies:
95 + -
96 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
97 + PolicyDocument:
98 + Version: "2012-10-17"
99 + Statement:
100 + -
101 + Effect: Allow
102 + Action:
103 + - ec2:*
104 + - autoscaling:*
105 + Resource: "*"
106 + -
107 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
108 + PolicyDocument:
109 + Version: "2012-10-17"
110 + Statement:
111 + -
112 + Effect: Allow
113 + Action:
114 + - ec2:*
115 + - autoscaling:*
116 + Resource: "*"
117 + -
118 + Effect: Allow
119 + Action:
120 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
121 + Resource: "*"
122 + -
123 + Effect: Allow
124 + Action:
125 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
126 + Resource: "*"
127 + WebappRole:
128 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
129 + Properties:
130 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
131 + Version: "2012-10-17"
132 + Statement:
133 + -
134 + Effect: "Allow"
135 + Principal:
136 + Service:
137 + - ""
138 + - ""
139 + Action:
140 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
141 + Policies:
142 + -
143 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
144 + PolicyDocument:
145 + Version: "2012-10-17"
146 + Statement:
147 + -
148 + Effect: "Allow"
149 + Action: "s3:getObject"
150 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
151 + WebappInstanceProfile:
152 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
153 + Properties:
154 + Roles:
155 + - Ref: WebappRole
156 + WebappLaunchConfig:
157 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
158 + Properties:
159 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
160 + ImageId:
161 + Ref: AMIID
162 + InstanceType: t2.micro
163 + KeyName:
164 + Ref: KeyName
165 + SecurityGroups:
166 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
167 + IamInstanceProfile:
168 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
169 + UserData:
170 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
171 + #! /bin/bash -xe
172 + # update yum just in case
173 + yum update -y
174 + # get node into yum
175 + curl --silent --location | bash -
176 + # install node and npm in one line
177 + yum install -y nodejs
178 + install pm2 to restart node app
179 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
180 + AutoScalingGroup:
181 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
182 + Properties:
183 + HealthCheckType: ELB
184 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
185 + MinSize:
186 + Ref: MinSize
187 + MaxSize:
188 + Ref: MaxSize
189 + LaunchConfigurationName:
190 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
191 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
192 + Ref: WebappSubnets
193 + TargetGroupARNs:
194 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
195 + Tags:
196 + - Key: Name
197 + Value: webapp-example
198 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
199 + ALBListener:
200 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
201 + Properties:
202 + DefaultActions:
203 + -
204 + Type: forward
205 + TargetGroupArn:
206 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
207 + LoadBalancerArn:
208 + Ref: LoadBalancer
209 + Port: 80
210 + Protocol: HTTP
211 + LoadBalancer:
212 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
213 + Properties:
214 + Scheme: internet-facing
215 + Subnets:
216 + Ref: ALBSubnets
217 + SecurityGroups:
218 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
219 + Tags:
220 + - Key: Name
221 + Value:
222 + !Join ["", [ Ref: NamePrefix, "-elb"] ]
223 + ALBTargetGroup:
224 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
225 + Properties:
226 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
227 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
228 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
229 + HealthCheckPath: /
230 + Port: 3000
231 + Protocol: HTTP
232 + VpcId:
233 + Ref: VPC
234 +Outputs:
235 + WebappUrl:
236 + Description: Webapp URL
237 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
238 + DeploymentGroup:
239 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
240 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
241 + DeploymentBucket:
242 + Description: Deployment bucket
243 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
244 + ApplicationName:
245 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
246 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 + NamePrefix:
24 + AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*'
25 + Default: bluegreen
26 + Description: Prefix for resource tags made by this template (2-15 chars).
27 + MaxLength: 15
28 + MinLength: 2
29 + Type: String
30 +Resources:
31 + WebappApplication:
32 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
33 + Properties:
34 + ApplicationName: testApp
35 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
36 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
37 + Properties:
38 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
39 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
40 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
41 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
42 + DeploymentStyle:
43 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
44 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
45 + LoadBalancerInfo:
46 + TargetGroupInfoList::
47 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
48 + AutoScalingGroups:
49 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
50 + ALBSecurityGroup:
51 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
52 + Properties:
53 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
54 + VpcId:
55 + Ref: VPC
56 + SecurityGroupIngress:
57 + - IpProtocol: tcp
58 + FromPort: '80'
59 + ToPort: '80'
60 + CidrIp:
61 + WebappSecurityGroup:
62 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
63 + Properties:
64 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
65 + VpcId:
66 + Ref: VPC
67 + SecurityGroupIngress:
68 + - IpProtocol: tcp
69 + FromPort: '3000'
70 + ToPort: '3000'
71 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
72 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
73 + - IpProtocol: tcp
74 + FromPort: '22'
75 + ToPort: '22'
76 + CidrIp:
77 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
78 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
79 + Properties:
80 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
81 + CodeDeployRole:
82 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
83 + Properties:
84 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
85 + Version: "2012-10-17"
86 + Statement:
87 + -
88 + Effect: "Allow"
89 + Principal:
90 + Service:
91 + - ""
92 + Action:
93 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
94 + Policies:
95 + -
96 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
97 + PolicyDocument:
98 + Version: "2012-10-17"
99 + Statement:
100 + -
101 + Effect: Allow
102 + Action:
103 + - ec2:*
104 + - autoscaling:*
105 + Resource: "*"
106 + -
107 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
108 + PolicyDocument:
109 + Version: "2012-10-17"
110 + Statement:
111 + -
112 + Effect: Allow
113 + Action:
114 + - ec2:*
115 + - autoscaling:*
116 + Resource: "*"
117 + -
118 + Effect: Allow
119 + Action:
120 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
121 + Resource: "*"
122 + -
123 + Effect: Allow
124 + Action:
125 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
126 + Resource: "*"
127 + WebappRole:
128 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
129 + Properties:
130 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
131 + Version: "2012-10-17"
132 + Statement:
133 + -
134 + Effect: "Allow"
135 + Principal:
136 + Service:
137 + - ""
138 + - ""
139 + Action:
140 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
141 + Policies:
142 + -
143 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
144 + PolicyDocument:
145 + Version: "2012-10-17"
146 + Statement:
147 + -
148 + Effect: "Allow"
149 + Action: "s3:getObject"
150 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
151 + WebappInstanceProfile:
152 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
153 + Properties:
154 + Roles:
155 + - Ref: WebappRole
156 + WebappLaunchConfig:
157 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
158 + Properties:
159 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
160 + ImageId:
161 + Ref: AMIID
162 + InstanceType: t2.micro
163 + KeyName:
164 + Ref: KeyName
165 + SecurityGroups:
166 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
167 + IamInstanceProfile:
168 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
169 + UserData:
170 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
171 + #! /bin/bash -xe
172 + # update yum just in case
173 + yum update -y
174 + # get node into yum
175 + curl --silent --location | bash -
176 + # install node and npm in one line
177 + yum install -y nodejs
178 + install pm2 to restart node app
179 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
180 + AutoScalingGroup:
181 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
182 + Properties:
183 + HealthCheckType: ELB
184 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
185 + MinSize:
186 + Ref: MinSize
187 + MaxSize:
188 + Ref: MaxSize
189 + LaunchConfigurationName:
190 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
191 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
192 + Ref: WebappSubnets
193 + TargetGroupARNs:
194 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
195 + Tags:
196 + - Key: Name
197 + Value: webapp-example
198 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
199 + ALBListener:
200 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
201 + Properties:
202 + DefaultActions:
203 + -
204 + Type: forward
205 + TargetGroupArn:
206 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
207 + LoadBalancerArn:
208 + Ref: LoadBalancer
209 + Port: 80
210 + Protocol: HTTP
211 + LoadBalancer:
212 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
213 + Properties:
214 + Scheme: internet-facing
215 + Subnets:
216 + Ref: ALBSubnets
217 + SecurityGroups:
218 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
219 + Tags:
220 + - Key: Name
221 + Value:
222 + !Join ["", [ Ref: NamePrefix, "-elb"] ]
223 + ALBTargetGroup:
224 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
225 + Properties:
226 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
227 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
228 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
229 + HealthCheckPath: /
230 + Port: 3000
231 + Protocol: HTTP
232 + VpcId:
233 + Ref: VPC
234 +Outputs:
235 + WebappUrl:
236 + Description: Webapp URL
237 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
238 + DeploymentGroup:
239 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
240 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
241 + DeploymentBucket:
242 + Description: Deployment bucket
243 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
244 + ApplicationName:
245 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
246 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 + NamePrefix:
24 + AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*'
25 + Default: bluegreen
26 + Description: Prefix for resource tags made by this template (2-15 chars).
27 + MaxLength: 15
28 + MinLength: 2
29 + Type: String
30 +Resources:
31 + WebappApplication:
32 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
33 + Properties:
34 + ApplicationName: testApp
35 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
36 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
37 + Properties:
38 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
39 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
40 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
41 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
42 + DeploymentStyle:
43 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
44 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
45 + LoadBalancerInfo:
46 + TargetGroupInfoList:
47 + - Name: testLoadbalancer
48 + AutoScalingGroups:
49 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
50 + ALBSecurityGroup:
51 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
52 + Properties:
53 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
54 + VpcId:
55 + Ref: VPC
56 + SecurityGroupIngress:
57 + - IpProtocol: tcp
58 + FromPort: '80'
59 + ToPort: '80'
60 + CidrIp:
61 + WebappSecurityGroup:
62 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
63 + Properties:
64 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
65 + VpcId:
66 + Ref: VPC
67 + SecurityGroupIngress:
68 + - IpProtocol: tcp
69 + FromPort: '3000'
70 + ToPort: '3000'
71 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
72 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
73 + - IpProtocol: tcp
74 + FromPort: '22'
75 + ToPort: '22'
76 + CidrIp:
77 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
78 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
79 + Properties:
80 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
81 + CodeDeployRole:
82 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
83 + Properties:
84 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
85 + Version: "2012-10-17"
86 + Statement:
87 + -
88 + Effect: "Allow"
89 + Principal:
90 + Service:
91 + - ""
92 + Action:
93 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
94 + Policies:
95 + -
96 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
97 + PolicyDocument:
98 + Version: "2012-10-17"
99 + Statement:
100 + -
101 + Effect: Allow
102 + Action:
103 + - ec2:*
104 + - autoscaling:*
105 + Resource: "*"
106 + -
107 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
108 + PolicyDocument:
109 + Version: "2012-10-17"
110 + Statement:
111 + -
112 + Effect: Allow
113 + Action:
114 + - ec2:*
115 + - autoscaling:*
116 + Resource: "*"
117 + -
118 + Effect: Allow
119 + Action:
120 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
121 + Resource: "*"
122 + -
123 + Effect: Allow
124 + Action:
125 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
126 + Resource: "*"
127 + WebappRole:
128 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
129 + Properties:
130 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
131 + Version: "2012-10-17"
132 + Statement:
133 + -
134 + Effect: "Allow"
135 + Principal:
136 + Service:
137 + - ""
138 + - ""
139 + Action:
140 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
141 + Policies:
142 + -
143 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
144 + PolicyDocument:
145 + Version: "2012-10-17"
146 + Statement:
147 + -
148 + Effect: "Allow"
149 + Action: "s3:getObject"
150 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
151 + WebappInstanceProfile:
152 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
153 + Properties:
154 + Roles:
155 + - Ref: WebappRole
156 + WebappLaunchConfig:
157 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
158 + Properties:
159 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
160 + ImageId:
161 + Ref: AMIID
162 + InstanceType: t2.micro
163 + KeyName:
164 + Ref: KeyName
165 + SecurityGroups:
166 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
167 + IamInstanceProfile:
168 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
169 + UserData:
170 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
171 + #! /bin/bash -xe
172 + # update yum just in case
173 + yum update -y
174 + # get node into yum
175 + curl --silent --location | bash -
176 + # install node and npm in one line
177 + yum install -y nodejs
178 + install pm2 to restart node app
179 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
180 + AutoScalingGroup:
181 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
182 + Properties:
183 + HealthCheckType: ELB
184 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
185 + MinSize:
186 + Ref: MinSize
187 + MaxSize:
188 + Ref: MaxSize
189 + LaunchConfigurationName:
190 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
191 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
192 + Ref: WebappSubnets
193 + TargetGroupARNs:
194 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
195 + Tags:
196 + - Key: Name
197 + Value: webapp-example
198 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
199 + ALBListener:
200 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
201 + Properties:
202 + DefaultActions:
203 + -
204 + Type: forward
205 + TargetGroupArn:
206 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
207 + LoadBalancerArn:
208 + Ref: LoadBalancer
209 + Port: 80
210 + Protocol: HTTP
211 + LoadBalancer:
212 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
213 + Properties:
214 + Scheme: internet-facing
215 + Subnets:
216 + Ref: ALBSubnets
217 + SecurityGroups:
218 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
219 + Tags:
220 + - Key: Name
221 + Value:
222 + !Join ["", [ Ref: NamePrefix, "-elb"] ]
223 + ALBTargetGroup:
224 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
225 + Properties:
226 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
227 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
228 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
229 + HealthCheckPath: /
230 + Port: 3000
231 + Protocol: HTTP
232 + VpcId:
233 + Ref: VPC
234 +Outputs:
235 + WebappUrl:
236 + Description: Webapp URL
237 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
238 + DeploymentGroup:
239 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
240 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
241 + DeploymentBucket:
242 + Description: Deployment bucket
243 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
244 + ApplicationName:
245 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
246 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +Parameters:
2 + KeyName:
3 + Type: String
4 + Default: dd
5 + WebappSubnets:
6 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
7 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
8 + ALBSubnets:
9 + Type: CommaDelimitedList
10 + Default: subnet-c44697bf, subnet-e8756180, subnet-e87f07a4
11 + MinSize:
12 + Type: Number
13 + Default: 2
14 + MaxSize:
15 + Type: Number
16 + Default: 2
17 + VPC:
18 + Type: String
19 + Default: vpc-aab1aac2
20 + AMIID:
21 + Type: String
22 + Default: ami-04fe91441f494c8f4
23 + NamePrefix:
24 + AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*'
25 + Default: bluegreen
26 + Description: Prefix for resource tags made by this template (2-15 chars).
27 + MaxLength: 15
28 + MinLength: 2
29 + Type: String
30 +Resources:
31 + WebappApplication:
32 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::Application"
33 + Properties:
34 + ApplicationName: testApp
35 + WebappDeploymentGroup:
36 + Type: "AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup"
37 + Properties:
38 + DeploymentGroupName: test-group
39 + ApplicationName: !Ref WebappApplication
40 + ServiceRoleArn: !GetAtt CodeDeployRole.Arn
41 + DeploymentConfigName: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
42 + DeploymentStyle:
43 + DeploymentType: IN_PLACE
44 + DeploymentOption: WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL
45 + LoadBalancerInfo:
46 + TargetGroupInfoList:
47 + - Name: !Ref LoadBalancer
48 + AutoScalingGroups:
49 + - Ref: AutoScalingGroup
50 + ALBSecurityGroup:
51 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
52 + Properties:
53 + GroupDescription: allow access to ALB from internet
54 + VpcId:
55 + Ref: VPC
56 + SecurityGroupIngress:
57 + - IpProtocol: tcp
58 + FromPort: '80'
59 + ToPort: '80'
60 + CidrIp:
61 + WebappSecurityGroup:
62 + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
63 + Properties:
64 + GroupDescription: allow access to Webapp from ALB
65 + VpcId:
66 + Ref: VPC
67 + SecurityGroupIngress:
68 + - IpProtocol: tcp
69 + FromPort: '3000'
70 + ToPort: '3000'
71 + SourceSecurityGroupId:
72 + Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
73 + - IpProtocol: tcp
74 + FromPort: '22'
75 + ToPort: '22'
76 + CidrIp:
77 + WebappDeploymentBucket:
78 + Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket"
79 + Properties:
80 + BucketName: 'testtest11324'
81 + CodeDeployRole:
82 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
83 + Properties:
84 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
85 + Version: "2012-10-17"
86 + Statement:
87 + -
88 + Effect: "Allow"
89 + Principal:
90 + Service:
91 + - ""
92 + Action:
93 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
94 + Policies:
95 + -
96 + PolicyName: allow-autoscaling
97 + PolicyDocument:
98 + Version: "2012-10-17"
99 + Statement:
100 + -
101 + Effect: Allow
102 + Action:
103 + - ec2:*
104 + - autoscaling:*
105 + Resource: "*"
106 + -
107 + PolicyName: allow-loadbalance
108 + PolicyDocument:
109 + Version: "2012-10-17"
110 + Statement:
111 + -
112 + Effect: Allow
113 + Action:
114 + - ec2:*
115 + - autoscaling:*
116 + Resource: "*"
117 + -
118 + Effect: Allow
119 + Action:
120 + - iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole
121 + Resource: "*"
122 + -
123 + Effect: Allow
124 + Action:
125 + - elasticloadbalancing:*
126 + Resource: "*"
127 + WebappRole:
128 + Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
129 + Properties:
130 + AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
131 + Version: "2012-10-17"
132 + Statement:
133 + -
134 + Effect: "Allow"
135 + Principal:
136 + Service:
137 + - ""
138 + - ""
139 + Action:
140 + - "sts:AssumeRole"
141 + Policies:
142 + -
143 + PolicyName: "allow-webapp-deployment-bucket-bucket"
144 + PolicyDocument:
145 + Version: "2012-10-17"
146 + Statement:
147 + -
148 + Effect: "Allow"
149 + Action: "s3:getObject"
150 + Resource: !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${WebappDeploymentBucket}/*
151 + WebappInstanceProfile:
152 + Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
153 + Properties:
154 + Roles:
155 + - Ref: WebappRole
156 + WebappLaunchConfig:
157 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
158 + Properties:
159 + AssociatePublicIpAddress: true
160 + ImageId:
161 + Ref: AMIID
162 + InstanceType: t2.micro
163 + KeyName:
164 + Ref: KeyName
165 + SecurityGroups:
166 + - Ref: WebappSecurityGroup
167 + IamInstanceProfile:
168 + Ref: WebappInstanceProfile
169 + UserData:
170 + Fn::Base64: !Sub |
171 + #! /bin/bash -xe
172 + # update yum just in case
173 + yum update -y
174 + # get node into yum
175 + curl --silent --location | bash -
176 + # install node and npm in one line
177 + yum install -y nodejs
178 + install pm2 to restart node app
179 + npm i -g pm2@2.4.3
180 + AutoScalingGroup:
181 + Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
182 + Properties:
183 + HealthCheckType: ELB
184 + HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
185 + MinSize:
186 + Ref: MinSize
187 + MaxSize:
188 + Ref: MaxSize
189 + LaunchConfigurationName:
190 + Ref: WebappLaunchConfig
191 + VPCZoneIdentifier:
192 + Ref: WebappSubnets
193 + TargetGroupARNs:
194 + - Ref: ALBTargetGroup
195 + Tags:
196 + - Key: Name
197 + Value: webapp-example
198 + PropagateAtLaunch: true
199 + ALBListener:
200 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
201 + Properties:
202 + DefaultActions:
203 + -
204 + Type: forward
205 + TargetGroupArn:
206 + Ref: ALBTargetGroup
207 + LoadBalancerArn:
208 + Ref: LoadBalancer
209 + Port: 80
210 + Protocol: HTTP
211 + LoadBalancer:
212 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
213 + Properties:
214 + Scheme: internet-facing
215 + Subnets:
216 + Ref: ALBSubnets
217 + SecurityGroups:
218 + - Ref: ALBSecurityGroup
219 + Tags:
220 + - Key: Name
221 + Value:
222 + !Join ["", [ Ref: NamePrefix, "-elb"] ]
223 + ALBTargetGroup:
224 + Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
225 + Properties:
226 + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
227 + UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
228 + HealthyThresholdCount: 2
229 + HealthCheckPath: /
230 + Port: 3000
231 + Protocol: HTTP
232 + VpcId:
233 + Ref: VPC
234 +Outputs:
235 + WebappUrl:
236 + Description: Webapp URL
237 + Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName
238 + DeploymentGroup:
239 + Description: Webapp Deployment Group
240 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentGroup
241 + DeploymentBucket:
242 + Description: Deployment bucket
243 + Value: !Ref WebappDeploymentBucket
244 + ApplicationName:
245 + Description: CodeDeploy Application name
246 + Value: !Ref WebappApplication
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
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This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.