SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck.cpp 8.39 KB
//===--- SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck.cpp - clang-tidy-------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
#include <algorithm>

using namespace clang::ast_matchers;

namespace clang {
namespace tidy {
namespace bugprone {

static const char DifferentEnumErrorMessage[] =
    "enum values are from different enum types";

static const char BitmaskErrorMessage[] =
    "enum type seems like a bitmask (contains mostly "
    "power-of-2 literals), but this literal is not a "

static const char BitmaskVarErrorMessage[] =
    "enum type seems like a bitmask (contains mostly "
    "power-of-2 literals) but %plural{1:a literal is|:some literals are}0 not "

static const char BitmaskNoteMessage[] = "used here as a bitmask";

/// Stores a min and a max value which describe an interval.
struct ValueRange {
  llvm::APSInt MinVal;
  llvm::APSInt MaxVal;

  ValueRange(const EnumDecl *EnumDec) {
    const auto MinMaxVal = std::minmax_element(
        EnumDec->enumerator_begin(), EnumDec->enumerator_end(),
        [](const EnumConstantDecl *E1, const EnumConstantDecl *E2) {
          return llvm::APSInt::compareValues(E1->getInitVal(),
                                             E2->getInitVal()) < 0;
    MinVal = MinMaxVal.first->getInitVal();
    MaxVal = MinMaxVal.second->getInitVal();

/// Return the number of EnumConstantDecls in an EnumDecl.
static int enumLength(const EnumDecl *EnumDec) {
  return std::distance(EnumDec->enumerator_begin(), EnumDec->enumerator_end());

static bool hasDisjointValueRange(const EnumDecl *Enum1,
                                  const EnumDecl *Enum2) {
  ValueRange Range1(Enum1), Range2(Enum2);
  return llvm::APSInt::compareValues(Range1.MaxVal, Range2.MinVal) < 0 ||
         llvm::APSInt::compareValues(Range2.MaxVal, Range1.MinVal) < 0;

static bool isNonPowerOf2NorNullLiteral(const EnumConstantDecl *EnumConst) {
  llvm::APSInt Val = EnumConst->getInitVal();
  if (Val.isPowerOf2() || !Val.getBoolValue())
    return false;
  const Expr *InitExpr = EnumConst->getInitExpr();
  if (!InitExpr)
    return true;
  return isa<IntegerLiteral>(InitExpr->IgnoreImpCasts());

static bool isMaxValAllBitSetLiteral(const EnumDecl *EnumDec) {
  auto EnumConst = std::max_element(
      EnumDec->enumerator_begin(), EnumDec->enumerator_end(),
      [](const EnumConstantDecl *E1, const EnumConstantDecl *E2) {
        return E1->getInitVal() < E2->getInitVal();

  if (const Expr *InitExpr = EnumConst->getInitExpr()) {
    return EnumConst->getInitVal().countTrailingOnes() ==
               EnumConst->getInitVal().getActiveBits() &&
  return false;

static int countNonPowOfTwoLiteralNum(const EnumDecl *EnumDec) {
  return std::count_if(
      EnumDec->enumerator_begin(), EnumDec->enumerator_end(),
      [](const EnumConstantDecl *E) { return isNonPowerOf2NorNullLiteral(E); });

/// Check if there is one or two enumerators that are not a power of 2 and are
/// initialized by a literal in the enum type, and that the enumeration contains
/// enough elements to reasonably act as a bitmask. Exclude the case where the
/// last enumerator is the sum of the lesser values (and initialized by a
/// literal) or when it could contain consecutive values.
static bool isPossiblyBitMask(const EnumDecl *EnumDec) {
  ValueRange VR(EnumDec);
  int EnumLen = enumLength(EnumDec);
  int NonPowOfTwoCounter = countNonPowOfTwoLiteralNum(EnumDec);
  return NonPowOfTwoCounter >= 1 && NonPowOfTwoCounter <= 2 &&
         NonPowOfTwoCounter < EnumLen / 2 &&
         (VR.MaxVal - VR.MinVal != EnumLen - 1) &&
         !(NonPowOfTwoCounter == 1 && isMaxValAllBitSetLiteral(EnumDec));

SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck::SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck(StringRef Name,
                                                   ClangTidyContext *Context)
    : ClangTidyCheck(Name, Context),
      StrictMode(Options.getLocalOrGlobal("StrictMode", 0)) {}

void SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck::storeOptions(ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Opts) {, "StrictMode", StrictMode);

void SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
  const auto enumExpr = [](StringRef RefName, StringRef DeclName) {
    return expr(ignoringImpCasts(expr().bind(RefName)),

      binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("|"), hasLHS(enumExpr("", "enumDecl")),
                     hasRHS(expr(enumExpr("", "otherEnumDecl"),

      binaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("+"), hasOperatorName("|")),
                     hasLHS(enumExpr("lhsExpr", "enumDecl")),
                     hasRHS(expr(enumExpr("rhsExpr", ""),

      binaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("+"), hasOperatorName("|")),
                         expr(hasType(isInteger()), unless(enumExpr("", "")))),
                     hasEitherOperand(enumExpr("enumExpr", "enumDecl"))),

      binaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("|="), hasOperatorName("+=")),
                     hasRHS(enumExpr("enumExpr", "enumDecl"))),

void SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck::checkSuspiciousBitmaskUsage(
    const Expr *NodeExpr, const EnumDecl *EnumDec) {
  const auto *EnumExpr = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(NodeExpr);
  const auto *EnumConst =
      EnumExpr ? dyn_cast<EnumConstantDecl>(EnumExpr->getDecl()) : nullptr;

  // Report the parameter if neccessary.
  if (!EnumConst) {
    diag(EnumDec->getInnerLocStart(), BitmaskVarErrorMessage)
        << countNonPowOfTwoLiteralNum(EnumDec);
    diag(EnumExpr->getExprLoc(), BitmaskNoteMessage, DiagnosticIDs::Note);
  } else if (isNonPowerOf2NorNullLiteral(EnumConst)) {
    diag(EnumConst->getSourceRange().getBegin(), BitmaskErrorMessage);
    diag(EnumExpr->getExprLoc(), BitmaskNoteMessage, DiagnosticIDs::Note);

void SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck::check(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
  // Case 1: The two enum values come from different types.
  if (const auto *DiffEnumOp =
          Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<BinaryOperator>("diffEnumOp")) {
    const auto *EnumDec = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<EnumDecl>("enumDecl");
    const auto *OtherEnumDec =
    // Skip when one of the parameters is an empty enum. The
    // hasDisjointValueRange function could not decide the values properly in
    // case of an empty enum.
    if (EnumDec->enumerator_begin() == EnumDec->enumerator_end() ||
        OtherEnumDec->enumerator_begin() == OtherEnumDec->enumerator_end())

    if (!hasDisjointValueRange(EnumDec, OtherEnumDec))
      diag(DiffEnumOp->getOperatorLoc(), DifferentEnumErrorMessage);

  // Case 2 and 3 only checked in strict mode. The checker tries to detect
  // suspicious bitmasks which contains values initialized by non power-of-2
  // literals.
  if (!StrictMode)
  const auto *EnumDec = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<EnumDecl>("enumDecl");
  if (!isPossiblyBitMask(EnumDec))

  // Case 2:
  //   a. Investigating the right hand side of `+=` or `|=` operator.
  //   b. When the operator is `|` or `+` but only one of them is an EnumExpr
  if (const auto *EnumExpr = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("enumExpr")) {
    checkSuspiciousBitmaskUsage(EnumExpr, EnumDec);

  // Case 3:
  // '|' or '+' operator where both argument comes from the same enum type
  const auto *LhsExpr = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("lhsExpr");
  checkSuspiciousBitmaskUsage(LhsExpr, EnumDec);

  const auto *RhsExpr = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("rhsExpr");
  checkSuspiciousBitmaskUsage(RhsExpr, EnumDec);

} // namespace bugprone
} // namespace tidy
} // namespace clang