HeaderGuardCheck.cpp 2.23 KB
//===--- HeaderGuardCheck.cpp - clang-tidy --------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "HeaderGuardCheck.h"

namespace clang {
namespace tidy {
namespace llvm_check {

LLVMHeaderGuardCheck::LLVMHeaderGuardCheck(StringRef Name,
                                           ClangTidyContext *Context)
    : HeaderGuardCheck(Name, Context) {}

std::string LLVMHeaderGuardCheck::getHeaderGuard(StringRef Filename,
                                                 StringRef OldGuard) {
  std::string Guard = tooling::getAbsolutePath(Filename);

  // Sanitize the path. There are some rules for compatibility with the historic
  // style in include/llvm and include/clang which we want to preserve.

  // We don't want _INCLUDE_ in our guards.
  size_t PosInclude = Guard.rfind("include/");
  if (PosInclude != StringRef::npos)
    Guard = Guard.substr(PosInclude + std::strlen("include/"));

  // For clang we drop the _TOOLS_.
  size_t PosToolsClang = Guard.rfind("tools/clang/");
  if (PosToolsClang != StringRef::npos)
    Guard = Guard.substr(PosToolsClang + std::strlen("tools/"));

  // Unlike LLVM svn, LLVM git monorepo is named llvm-project, so we replace
  // "/llvm-project/" with the cannonical "/llvm/".
  const static StringRef LLVMProject = "/llvm-project/";
  size_t PosLLVMProject = Guard.rfind(LLVMProject);
  if (PosLLVMProject != StringRef::npos)
    Guard = Guard.replace(PosLLVMProject, LLVMProject.size(), "/llvm/");

  // The remainder is LLVM_FULL_PATH_TO_HEADER_H
  size_t PosLLVM = Guard.rfind("llvm/");
  if (PosLLVM != StringRef::npos)
    Guard = Guard.substr(PosLLVM);

  std::replace(Guard.begin(), Guard.end(), '/', '_');
  std::replace(Guard.begin(), Guard.end(), '.', '_');
  std::replace(Guard.begin(), Guard.end(), '-', '_');

  // The prevalent style in clang is LLVM_CLANG_FOO_BAR_H
  if (StringRef(Guard).startswith("clang"))
    Guard = "LLVM_" + Guard;

  return StringRef(Guard).upper();

} // namespace llvm_check
} // namespace tidy
} // namespace clang